full enjoyment of God in heaven, 1. Cor. xiii. 9, 20. We know in part; but when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. Philip. iii. 12. Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: But I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended. Psalm xvi. 1. In thy presence there is fulness of joy. Q. 2. What rule hath God given to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy him? A. The word of God which is contained in the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, is the only rule to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy him. Q. 1. Why is the word contained in the Old and New Testaments called the word of the Lord. A. Because it was not from the invention of the men which wrote the scriptures, but from the immediate inspiration of the Spirit of God, who indicted them, 2 Tim. iii. 16. All scripture is given by inspi ration of God. 2 Pet. i. 21. Prophecy of scripturė came not by the will of men: But holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. Q. 2. How do you prove the word in the scriptures to be the word of God? কর A. 1. Because of the majesty of the scriptures. 1. God is frequently brought in, speaking in and by the prophets, and his Majesty set forth in such high expressions, as are not to be found in human writings, Isaiah Ivii. 15. Thus saith the high and holy one who inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place. 1 Tim. vi. 15, 16. Who is the blessed and only potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords: who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto. 2. The stile and way of the scripture is with such majesty as is not in other writings; duties are therein prescribed, which none but God can require; sing are therein condemned, which none but God can prohibit: threatenings of punishments are therein denounced, which none but God can inflict: promises - of such rewards are therein made, which none but God can bestow, and all in such a majestic way, as doth evidence God to be the author of this book of the scriptures. 2. Because of the holiness and purity of the scriptures, Rom. i. 2. Which God hath promised before by his prophets in the holy scriptures. - Psalm xii. 6. The words of the Lord are pure words; as silver tried in a furnace of earth, and purified seven times. The scriptures are holy from the beginning of them unto the end; they do not savour at all of any thing that is earthly or impure; especially the laws of the word are holy, commanding every thing that is holy, and forbidding every thing that is impure and unholy: Whence it is evident, that the scriptures are the word of the holy God, and that the holy men which wrote them were acted herein by the holy Ghost. 3. Because of the consent and harmony of the scriptures: In the scripture there is a consent between the Old Testament and the New; a consent between the types and figures under the law, and the things typified and prefigured under the gospel: between the prophecies. There is in the scriptures a harmony or agreement in precepts, and a harmony or agreement in histories, and a harmony and agreement of design. Wherefore since the scriptures are written by so many several men, in so many several ages and different places, and yet agreeing so well in their writings, that no irreconcilable difference is to be found in them; 'tis evident that they are all acted by the same spirit of God; and therefore that the scriptures are the word of God. 4. Because of the high mysteries which are revealed in the scriptures: We read in the scriptures, of the trinity of persons in the God-head, the incarnation of the Son of God, the mystical union of Christ and his members, these and such like mysteries, were beyond the reach of the most wise and learned men to invent, much more beyond the reach of unlearned fishermen by whom they were revealed. Whence it is evident, that they spake not their own words, but that they were taught by the immediate inspiration of the Spirit.. 5. Because of the antiquity of the scriptures, they were written in part before any other writings of men; and they contain a history of the most ancient things, namely, the creation of the old world. the flood, and the like. Such ancient things are there revealed which none but God knew, and therefore God must needs be the author of them. 16. Because of the power and efficacy of the scriptures. 1. The seriptures are powerful to convince, and awaken and wound the conscience, Heb. iv. 12. The word of God is quick and powerful, sharper than a two-edged sword. 2. The scriptures are powerful. to convert and change the heart, Psalm xix. 7. The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul. 3. They are powerful to quicken men out of spiritual death and deadness, Isa. lv. 8. Hear and your soul shall live. Psalm cxix. 50. Thy word hath quickened me. 4. They are powerful to rejoice, and comfort under the deepest distresses, Psalm xix. 8. The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart. The scriptures opened and applied are made effectual to produce such powerful effects, as do exceed the power of nature, and can be effected only by the author of the scriptures, which he would not so far own and honour if they were not his own. 7. Because of the design and contrivement of the scripture. 1. The design of the scriptures is to give all the glory to God: the design is not to exalt any, but to debase and empty all men, and exalt God's name and grace in the world. The marvellous contrivement of wisdom, in finding out a way for man's recovery and salvation by Jesus Christ, when fallen by sin into a state of misery, which no mortal brain could have invented: this doth show not only that this contrivance was from the infinitely wise God: but also, that the scriptures which have revealed this, are his book. } 8. Because the scriptures are confirmed by mira cles: we read of many miracles in the scriptures, especially those who were wrought by Jesus Christ, and his disciples, to confirm their doctrine that was from God; such as, curing some that were born blind, raising the dead, calming the sea with a word, and many more. Now these and the like miracles were. from the immediate hand of God, and the relation we have faithfully handed down unto us, as appeareth by the writings still among us, of holy men upon them, and concerning them: As also by the several copies of them (which could not be forged and not be found out) agreeing in the same relation. And as surely as God did effect those miracles, so surely is God the author of the scriptures, which is confirmed by them. Because the scriptures was confirmed by the blood of martyrs. There were many thousand Christians in the primitive times, who sealed and gave testimony to the truth of the scriptures, who might easily have found out the deceit, had there been any deceit imposed upon men in them: and the great patience and constancy which they shewed in these suf ferings, as an evidence of their faith: is a weighty argument in a conjunction with others, to prove the divine authority of the scriptures. 10. Because of the testimony of the Spirit of God, in, and with, and by the scriptures, upon the hearts of believers, 1 John ii. 20. Ye have an unction from the holy One, and ye know all things because ver. 27. The samer anointing teacheth you all things and is truth and is no lie. Without this testimony and teaching of the spirit, all other arguments will be ineffectual to persuade unto a saving faith. Q. 3. Why was the word of God put into scriptures or writings? A.1. That the history and doctrine of the word might be the better conveyed down to posterity. For if the word revealed to holy men, so many ages since, had been entrusted only unto memories of men, by tradition to hand it down from one generation to another, (supposing the persons to whom the word was entrusted, were faithful) yet the memories of men being weak and unfaithful, many truths in all likelihood would have been lost by this time: therefore there was not a more sure way to make known the grace of God unto future ages, than by committing the word of God unto writing, 2 Pet. iii. 1. This second epistle I write unto you by way of remembrance. 2. That the gospel made known in the word might the better be propagated in several nations. Reports of others would not so easily have been believed, as the writings of the prophets and apostles themselves unto whom the church was revealed. That there might be in the church a standing rule for faith and life according to which all doctrines might be examined, and all actions might be ordered; and by consequence, that corrupt principles, and corrupt practices might be prevented, which the minds and hearts of men are very prone unto, and would have the more seeming pretence for, were there not express scriptures against both, Isa. viii. 20. To the law and to the testimony: If they speak not according to this word it is because there is no light in them. Q. 4. Which are the scriptures of the old testament and which are the scriptures of the new? A. The scriptures of the old testament are the scriptures in the former part of the bible, beginning at Genesis, and ending with Malachi. The scriptures of the new testament, are the scriptures in the latter part of the bible, beginning at Matthew, and ending with the Revelation. Q. 5. Why are the scriptures in the former part of the bible called the scriptures of the old testament ?. A. Because the testament or covenant of grace which God made with man, is therein revealed in the old dispensation of it; in which Christ the testator of the testament, and mediator of the covenant, is set forth by types and figures: and many burdensome services, and carnal ordinances of the ceremo nial law were required. Q. 6. Why are the scriptures in the latter part of the bible called the scriptures of the new testament? : |