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A. These and the like bodily parts, are not in God properly, as they be in men, but figuratively, and after the manner of men; he is pleased to condescend (in expressing himself hereby) to our weak capacities, that we might the more easily conceive of him by such resemblances.

Q. 4. How doth God differ from angels, and the souls of men, who also are spiritual and immaterial substances?

A. 1. Angels, and the souls of men, are created spirits, and depend in their being upon God; but God is an uncreated Spirit; and dependeth in his being upon none. 2. Angels, and the souls of men are finite spirits, but God is an infinite Spirit. Q. 5. What is it to be infinite?

A. To be infinite is to be without measure, bounds or limits.

Q. 6. In what regard is God infinite?

A. 1. God is infinite, or without bounds in regard of his being and perfection; and therefore is incomprehensible, Job xi. 7. Canst thou by searching find out God? Canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection? 2. God is infinite, and without measure and bounds, in regard of place; and therefore he is every were present, Jer. xxiii. 21. Can a man hide himself in secret places, and I shall not see him saith the Lord? Do not I fill both heaven and earth. And yet neither the earth nor the heaven, nor the heaven of heavens is able to contain him, 1 Kings viii. 27. 3. God is infinite, or without measure and bounds, in regard of time; and therefore he is eternal, 1 Tim. i. 17. Now unto the king eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honor and glory, for ever and ever. 4. God is infinite, or without measure, and bounds, in regard of all his incommunicable attributes.

Q. 7. What is it to be eternal?

A. To be eternal, is to have neither beginning nor ending.

Q. 8. How doth it appear that God is eternal?

A. 1. From scripture, Psalm xc. 2. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever the earth, or


the world was formed, even from everlasting to everlasting thou art God. 2. From reason. 1. God gave a being to the world, and all things therein at the beginning of time. Therefore he must needs be before the world, and before time, and therefore from everlasting. 2. God is an absolutely necessary being, because the first being, because altogether independent, and beyond the reach of any power to put an end to him; and therefore he is unchangeable therefore to everlasting he is God.

Q. 9. How doth God differ from his creatures, in regard of his eternity ?

A. 1. Some creatures have their beginning with time, and their ending with time, as the heavens and the foundations of the earth. 2. Some creatures have their beginning in time and their ending also in time, as those creatures upon the earth which are generated and corrupted, which are born and live for a while, and then die. 3. Some creatures have their beginning in time, yet do not end with, or in time, but endure for ever, as angels, and the souls of men. 4. But God differeth from all, in that he was from everlasting, before time, and will remain unto everlasting, when time shall be no more.

Q. 10. What is it to be unchangeable?

A. To be unchangeable, is to be always the same without any alteration.

Q. 11. In what regard is God unchangeable?

A. 1. God is unchangeable, in regard to his nature and essence, Psalm cii. 25, 26, 27. Of old thou hast laid the foundations of the earth: and the heavens are the work of thy hands. They shall perish, but thou shalt endure. They shall be changed, but thou art the same. 2. God is unchangeable, in regard of his counsel and purpose. Isa. xlvi. 10. My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure, Heb. vi. 17. Wherein God is willing to shew the immutability of his counsel. 3. God is unchangeable, in regard of his love and special favours, Rom. xi. 29. The gifts and callings of God, are without repentance. James i. 17. Every good and perfect gift cometh down from

the Father of lights with whom there is no variabies ness neither shadow of turning.

Q. 12. How is God said to be infinite, eternal, unchangeable in his being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness and truth?

A. 1. In that being, wisdom, power, holiness, jus tice, goodness and truth, which are communicablé unto, and may be in some degree and measure found in the creatures, they are in God infinitely, eternally, unchangeably, and so altogether in an incommunicable manner. 1. Creatures have a being, but it is a finite being, a being in time, a changeable being. God's being is infinite, eternal, and unchangeable. 2. Crea tures may have wisdom, but it is finite and imperfect wisdom; God's wisdom is infinite and absolutely per fect. 2. Creatures may have some power, but it is finite and limited power, such as inay be taken away: they may have power to do something depending upon God; but God is infinite in power, he is omnipotent, and can do all things independently without the help of any. 4. Creatures may have some holiness, and justiee, and goodness, and truth; but all these are qualities in them: they are finite, and an inferior degree, and they are subject to change: but these things are essence in God, they are infinite and perfect in him: his holiness is infinite, his justice is infinite, his goodness is infinite, his truth is infinite: and all these are eternally in him, without any variableness, or possibility of change.

Q. 13. What is the wisdom of God?

A. The wisdom of God, is his essential property, whereby one simple eternal act, he knoweth both himself and all possible things perfectly, and according to which he maketh, directeth and ordereth all future things for his own glory.

Q. 14. Wherein doth the wisdom of God appear? A. 1. God's wisdom doth appear, in his perfect knowledge of all possible things, past things, all present things and future things in all their natures, causes, virtues and operations, and that not by relation, observation, or induction of reason, as men know some things, but by one simple and eternal act of his understanding, Psalm cxvii. 5. His understanding is infinite, Psalm cxxxix. 1, 6. O Lord, thou hast searched me and known me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it. Heb. iv. 12. Neither is there any creature which is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked, and open unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.

2. God's wisdom doth appear, in the beautiful variety of creatures which he hath made above and below, Psalm civ. 24. Lord, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all.

3. God's wisdom doth appear, in his admirable contrivance of our redemption through his Son, whereby his justice is fully satisfied, and his people are graciously saved, 1 Cor. ii. 6, 7. Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect; the wisdom of God in a mystery, &c. This is that wisdom which was made known by the church unto the angels, Eph. iii. 10. To the intent that unto the principalities might be known by the church, the manifold wisdom of God.

4. God's wisdom doth appear, in his excellent government of all his creatures. 1. In his government of unreasonable creatures, directing them unto their ends, though they have no reason to guide them. 2. In his government of reasonable creatures that are wicked, over-ruling all their actions for his own glory, though they may be intended by them for his dishonour, Psalm Ixxvi. 10. Surely the very wrath of men shall praise thee. s. In his government of his church and people; the disposal of his special favours to the most unworthy, that he might reap all the glory; his qualifying and making use of instruments in great works beyond their own thoughts and designs; his seasonable provisions for his people: his strange preservation of them from the malice of subtile and powerful enemies: his promoting his own interest in the world, by the means which men use to subvert it, and the like do evidently declare the infinite wisdom of God.

Q. 15. What is the power of God?

A: The power of God, is his essential property, whereby he can do all things, Gen, xvii. 1. I am the Almighty God.

Q. 16. Wherein doth the power of God shew itself! A. 1. The power of God doth shew itself, in what he hath done, he hath created all things, Rom. i. 20. The invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, by the things which he hath made, even his eternal power and God-head. He hath effected many miracles which we read of, both in the -old and new testament, which exceeded the power of natural causes: he hath raised up to himself, and preserved his church in all ages; notwithstanding the rage and malice of all the powers of earth and hell, who have endeavoured to extirpate it, Mat. xvi. 18. Upon this rock will I build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

2. The power of God doth shew itself, in what he doth: he upholdeth all his creatures in their beings Land operations, Heb. i. 3. Upholding all things by the word of his power. He plucks his chosen poople out of the snare of the devis, and powerfully draws them. and joins them by faith unto Jesus Christ, Eph. i. 19. And what is the exceeding greatness of his power towards them that believe! He works grace in his people, and maintaineth his works, and enables them to persevere, 2. Pet. i. 5. Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation. He restraineth the wicked, and bringeth Satan under the power of his people, he worketh continually, easily, irresitably, and indefatigably: all which sheweth his power.

S. The power of God doth shew itself, in what he will do? he will make the kingdoms of the earth to stoop to his Son, and that both Jew and Gentile. He will ruin antichrist, though never so potent at the present. He will raise up the dead out of their graves, and destroy the visible world at the last day, and he will shew the power of his anger in the everlasting punishment of the wicked in hell.

4. The power of God doth shew itself, in what he can do: he can do whatsoever he pleaseth. He can do whatever is possible to infinite power, whatever doth not imply a contradiction, or argue imperfection.

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