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infinite and eternal being, who is omnipotent, and hath given a being to all creatures.

Q. 9. What is the second argument to prove that there is a God?

A. The second argument to prove that there is a God may be drawn from the government of all things. 1. The beautiful order, and constant motion of the heavenly bodies shedding down light and heat, and sweet influence upon the earth, without which, all living creatures below would quickly languish and die, 8. The bottling up of waters in the clouds, and sprinkling of rain from thence upon the dry and parched ground, without which, it would yield no fruit. 3. The cleansing of the air, and fanning of the earth with the wings of the wind, without which, in some hotter climates the inhabitants could not live. 4. The subjection of many strong and fierce creatures unto weak and. timorous men. 5. The subserviency of irrational and inanimate creatures one to another, and the guiding them without their own designment unto their end. 6. Notwithstanding the various, innumerable and seeming contrary particular ends, which the many creatures in the world have, the directing them without confusion into one common end, in which they do all agree, This doth undeniably prove, that there is an infinitely powerful and wise God, who is the supreme Lord and governor of the world.

Q. 10. What is the third argument to prove that there is a God?

A. The third argument to prove that there is a God, may be drawn from the impression of a deity upon the consciences of all men, in all ages and nations, which would not be so deep and universal were it a fancy only, and groundless conceit. 1. The hellish gripes and lashes, the horrible d. eads and trembling of guilty consciences upon the commission of some more notorious crimes, which they do not fear punishment for from men, is a witness of a deity to them, whose future vengeance they are afraid of. 2. The worship which heathens generally give unto false gods, is an evidence that there is a true God, though they be ignorant of him.

Q. 11. What is the fourth argument to prove that there is a God?

A. The fourth argument to prove that there is a God, may be drawn from the revelation of the scriptures. The majesty, high mysteries, efficacy. and like arguments, which proves that the scriptures could nave no other author but God alone, do more abundantly prove that there is a God, who hath more clearly revealed himself, and his will in that book, than in * the books of the creatures.

Q. 12. What is the fifth argument to prove that there is a God?

A. The fifth argument to prove that there is a God, may be drawn from the image of God on his people, the stamp of holiness upon God's people, which maketh them to differ from all others, and from what themselves were before conversion, doth shew (as a picture the men) that there is a God, whose image they bear, and who by the almighty power of the Spirit, hath thus formed them after his own likeness.

Q. 13. If it be so certain that there is a God, whence it is that there be so many atheists who believe there is no God?

A. 1. There are many that live as if there were no God, and wish there were no God, who yet secretly believe that there is a God, and carry a dread of him in their consciences. 2. I hardly think that any who have most of all blotted out the impressions of God, and do endeavour to persuade themselves and others, that there is no God, are constantly of that mind, but sometimes in great dangers, they are under convic. tions of a deity. 2. There are none that have wrought up themselves to any measure of persuasion that there is no God, but such whose interest doth sway them, and blind them therein: because they being so vicious, they know if there be a God he will surely take vengeance upon them. 4. The thing is certain, that there is a God, whether soine believe it or no, as the sun doth shine, though some be blind, and do not discern its light.

6. Q. How many persons are there in the

* Godhead.

A. There are three persons in the Godhead, the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost; and these three are one God, the same in substance, equal in power and glory.

Q. 1. What is meant by the Godhead?

A. By the Godhead is meant, the divine nature or


Q. 2. Are there three divine natures and essences; or, are there three Gods ?

A. No: for though the three persons be God, the Father God, the Son God, the holy Ghost God, yet they are not three Gods but one God; the essence of God is the same in all three persons, 1 John v. 7. • There are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, (that is the Son) and the Holy Ghost: and these three persons are one.

Q. 3. What is meant by three persons in the Godhead?

A. By the three persons in the Godhead, we are to understand the same nature of God, with three ways of subsisting, each person having its distinct personal properties.

Q. 4. What is the personal property of the Father? A. The personal property of the Father is to beget the the Son, and that from all eternity, Heb. i. 5, 8. Unto which of the angels said he at any time thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee? unto the Son he saith, thy throne, O God, is forever.

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Q. 5. What is the personal property of the Son? A. The personal property of the Son, is to be begotten of the Father, er, John i. 14. 'We beheld his glory, the glory of the only begotten of the Father.

Q. 6. What is the personal property of the holy Ghost? A. The personal property of the holy Ghost, is to proceed from the Father, and the Son, John xv. 26. And when the Comforter is come, whom I shall send from the Father, even the spirit of truth which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me.


Q. 7. How doth it appear that the Father is Dod? A. Because the Father is the original of the other persons, and of every thing else? and because divinė attributes and worship are ascribed unto him.

Q. 8. How doth it appear that the Son is God?

A. 1. Because he is called God in the scriptures, John i. 1. And the word was God, Rom. ix. 6. Of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed forever. 2. Because the attri butes of God are ascribed unto him: eternity, John viii. 58. Before Abraham was, I am. Omniscience, John xxi. 17. Lord thou knowest all things, thou knowest that I love thee. Omnipresence, Mat. xviii. 20. Where two or three are gathered together'in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Divine power, Heb. i. 3. He upholdeth all things by the word of his power. 3. Because the honour and worship which is due only to God, doth belong to him. In him we must believe, John xiv. 1. Believe in me. In his name we must be baptized, Mat. xxviii. 19. Baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Upon his name we must call, 1 Cor. i. 2. With all that call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. 4. Because if the Son were not God, he could not have been a fit mediator,

Q. 9. How doth it appear that the holy Ghost is God? A. 1. Because the Holy Ghost is called God, Acts v. 3, 4. Why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost; thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God. 2. Because the attributes of God are ascribed unto him; Omnipresence, Psalm exxxix. 7. Whither shall I go from thy spirit; especially, he is present in the heart of all believers, John xiv. 17. He dwelleth in you, and shall be in you. Omnipresence, 1 Cor. ii. 10. The spirit searcheth all things. 3. Because of the powerful works of the spirit, which none but God can effect, such as regeneration. John iii. 5. Except a man be born of the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God, guiding believers unto all truth, John xvi. 13. Howbeit, when the spirit of truth is come, he shall guide you into all truth. Sanc

tification, Rom. xi. 16. That the offering up of the Gentiles may be acceptable, being sanctified by the holy Ghost. Comfort, called therefore the Comforter, John xv. 26. But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me. Communion, 2 Cor. xiii. 14. The communion of the Holy Ghost be with you all. 4. Because the honour and worship due only to God, doth belong unto the spirit. We must believe in him. This is one article in the Creed, (commonly called the Apostles Creed) I believe in the Holy Ghost. We must be baptized in his name, Mat. xxviii. 10, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

Q. 10. How doth it appear that the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost, being one God, are three distinct persons?

A. 1. The Father begetting, is called a person in the scripture, Heb. i. 3. Christ is said to be the express image of his person; and by the same reason, the Son begotten of the Father, is a person, and the Holy Ghost proceeding from the Father and the Son, is a person. 2. That the Father and the Son are distinct persons, is evident from John viii. 16, 17, 18. I am not alone, but I and the Father that sent me. It is written in your law, the testimony of two men is true. I am one that bear witness of myself, and the Father that sent me, beareth witness of me. 3. That the Holy Ghost is a distinct person from the Father and the Son, appeareth from John xiv. 16, 17. I will pray the Father and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever, even the spirit of truth, &c. 4. That the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, are three distinct persons in one essence, may be gathered from 1 John v. 7. There are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the holy Ghost, and these three are one. These three are either three substances, or three manifestations, or three persons, or something else besides persons. But, d. They are not three substances, because in

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