requires time and thought; but time and thought are just what Reviewers never give to anything. So we are told to skip the preface, which would demand time and reflection to understand.' We have not taken this advice, but have wasted some time, and have tried to employ some reflection upon Mr. C. Jones, but with no results; and no wonder, for to reflect implies a subject, and Mr. Jones is not substantial. He tells us that he has found what the whole world has never found out; that he has cleared up all the difficulties that beset religion; and that he has demonstrated that revelation and science can be reconciled. But he is in a perfect fury and rage that the world has not accepted or listened to his revelations. To be sure, he does not tell us how he has proved all these things, nor does he favour us with the name and title of one of his publications, and we are inclined to suspect that the books he has written he has only written in imagination. At any rate, we never heard of Mr. C. Jones, nor can we find his name in any extant list of authors. The present work is a suggestion or surmise that the stones of the Temple were not laid in courses, but joined, or externally joggled together by dovetailing. This suggestion, which may be, for aught we know, true, he offers merely as a suggestion of his great and hidden power of interpreting all the mysteries of the Bible, and of eliciting from it a complete manual and revelation of material and social science, which is at present, and ever has been, hidden under a symbolism of which C. Jones has got the key. This tremendous secret, however,-which is to prove that all our external Christianity is merely a false conception of the true sense of the Bible, and a 'coarse jumble of Judaism, ancient Paganism, and what very ignorant non'Christians in early times imagined was the Bible meaning,'—is too terrible a one to reveal. Like a madman described in a recent novel, C. Jones has got hold of a truth which will only, if revealed, destroy the whole constitution and being of every political, religious, and social community on earth. So, very wisely, Jones is afraid of his own secret and strength, and he keeps it to himself. Only somewhat inconsistently he scolds—we may even say he blackguards-everybody because they will not believe what he will not reveal. Meanwhile he publishes this specimen of what he might, only he does not, tell us, and charges us 7s. 6d. for the first part of what he vows shall never come to a second part, seeing that the world is not worthy to be enlightened. C. Jones has not only got a candle, but the mid-day sun, in his keeping; but he means to keep it under his bushel, lest we should all be blinded with excess of light. The Bishop of Salisbury's 'Charge' (Rivingtons) has attracted a good deal of attention. An ill-mannered, uncivil, and contumacious affront offered to the Bishop by one of his Clergy, and the existence of something too like a conspiracy, not, we fear, entered into without clerical connivance or clerical suggestion, elicited even from the Times a tardy, that is, a second thought's, admission that the Charge was fair, candid, and entirely within the limits of theological teaching which the Church of England had always allowed and encouraged. We can say much more, and we must express our thanks to the Bishop of Salisbury for one of the most complete and thoughtful vindications of our doctrine which has appeared from any English Bishop of modern times. To say that it reflects Dr. Hamilton's amiable temper and gentleness of speech would be superfluous and, in some sense, impertinent. L The Order for Morning and Evening Prayer simply explained' (Masters), is what it asserts itself to be, useful for the young and uninstructed. It is written with care and in a proper spirit, and will be found useful for Sunday-school teachers. The writer has not caught the sense of the word 'health' in the General Confession. There is no health in us' does not mean, as Alexander Knox pointed out, that we Christians are one mass of spiritual disease, but that the source and giver of strength is God, not we. The emphatic word is us, not health: or, in other phrase, 'health' means the fountain of healing and grace. 'Somerford Priory' (Masters), by Miss-or Mrs.-McGregor, is a pretty specimen of the tale which inculcates Church principles. In their generation these books did good: the fault was in their profusion and sameness. 'The Christian Year-Book for 1866' (Jackson and Walford) is an attempt to get a conspectus of the year's work of Christianity all over the world, minus-for the publication is a Dissenter's-the trifling labours of all the Churches of the East and of the Roman obedience. In what most nearly concerns us the information is probably correct, made up as it is from Societies' Reports and Evangelical Journals generally; and we have not observed any indications of conscious unfairness. We regret to say, and this book suggests the comparison of figures, that while the S.P.G. has spent 85,000/., and the Church Missionary Society as much as 142,000, the Wesleyan Methodists have expended 143,000/., and the London Missionary Society 106,000l. in the same cause. 'Life at Ease Incumbents' (Masters), by Mark Parsons, we should have thought was a lady's composition, judging by the plentiful sprinkling or peppering of italics which season its pages. It is a satire on the high and dry clergy, and contains some sufficient hits, which would be none the weaker were there fewer of them. A little of this sort of thing tells most when condensed. The Monthly Packet' (Mozley) pursues, and we trust will long pursue, its useful work. The best of the domestic serials, as the earliest. Mr. Stubbs' 'Inaugural Lecture' as Oxford Professor of Modern History (Parker), gives the promise of an able and active incumbency. Plenty of talent there was in the late Professor, and learning too: but in his successor Earl Derby has certainly selected one more congenial to the studies of the place, and one whose antecedents afford the most solid guarantee of his success. We are very glad to welcome Dr. Daubeny's sensible protest against Mr. Lecky's 'History of Rationalism.' Mr. Lecky has been made the most of, and Dr. Daubeny, a veteran in physical science, is precisely the person to meet him, which he has done, and ably, in a telling pamphlet Christianity and Rationalism in their Relations to Physical Science' (Parker). Mr. Medd's Sermon on The Christian Priesthood,' which was preached before the University (Parker), and the important but, alas! fragmentary work on the Church in the Apostolic Age' by the late Professor Shirley (Parker), show us that after all Oxford has among its residents, and those not of the generation passing away, able defenders of the truth. We suspect that Oxford is not so rationalistic and liberal as it is the fashion to say. Mr. Bright has edited Dr. Shirley's Essay. THE CHRISTIAN REMEMBRANCER. OCTOBER, 1867. 6 ART. I.-1. Lord Seaton's Regiment at Waterloo. By the Rev. WILLIAM LEEKE. Hatchards. 1867. 2. Historical Record of the 52d Regiment. Edited by W. S. MOORSOM, late Captain 52d Light Infantry. Bartley. 1860. 3. Memoir of Lord Seaton's Services. By WILLIAM CRAWLEY YONGE, Esq., late of the 52d Regiment. Privately printed. 1853. 4. Trifles from my Portfolio. By a Staff-Surgeon. Quebec : 1839. THE spirit of the corps,' to use an old Sergeant's translation of esprit de corps, is a mysterious essence, yet one whose existence cannot but be recognised. The corporate character is a real thing, though vague, and when once infused is hardly eradicated by new influences. Each member partakes in his own measure of the general flavour, and each infuses his own porportion in it, and yet carries away his own individuality. National character is the same thing on a large scale, which we see again in towns and even villages, in colleges, public schools, and regiments. Sometimes the character is the result of many contributions, sometimes it is traceable to the impress of one forcible nature; but in either case it is impervious to any single effort at alteration, and where a change ensues, it is only through a long course of disintegration, and of the loss of the faculty of expelling that which it does not assimilate. While still vigorous, the spirit almost becomes an inspiration, and seems either to bear up or bear down individuals by its force, so that they become alien to their original selves while acting in their collective capacity, and yet still retain their individual personality in private life. The modifying influence of a strong nature, cast in a mould sympathetic with the general character, is full of interest when it becomes possible to trace it; and no less remark able is the lasting influence exercised in after-life by the impressions received when forming part of a body. These reflections have been suggested to us by the perusal both of the Military Record, officially put forth by the 52d Regiment, comprising a full century of service, from 1755 to 1858; and likewise of the recollections of the Rev. William Leeke, for a few years an officer in that corps, and who, after a far longer period of clerical life, has revived the recollections of his youth, and has given us a most naïve portrait of himself, while endeavouring to show us the most distinguished officer of the Regiment, John Colborne, Lord Seaton. It may not be uninstructive to trace the outline of the history of this highly distinguished body of men, inseparable as it is from the biography of him who commanded them. The 52d Regiment Infantry was raised in the year 1755, on the outbreak of the Seven Years' War. Its first services were in the American War of Separation, when they were engaged in the skirmish of Lexington, memorable as the 'beginning of strife,' and afterwards did their part in the battle of Bunker's Hill, and the defence of Boston. An amusing anecdote is told of an incident during this time. It appears that the besieged enlivened their durance with theatricals. A farce was acted, written by General Burgoyne, and called 'The Siege of Boston;' but in the midst of the performance the enemy made an attack, and an orderly sergeant, who had been stationed outside the play-house door, hearing the firing, ran upon the stage, crying, Turn out, turn out! they're hard at it, hammer and tongs!' All this was taken as part of the play, and so loudly applauded that it was long before the sergeant could make his summons understood. Till the year 1778 the 52d were frequently engaged, and when they were at length ordered home, the number had been so much reduced by losses, sickness, and volunteering into other regiments remaining in America, as only to amount to 97 effective men on their arrival in England. After several years of recruiting and garrison duty, they were embarked for India in 1783, and were on active service throughout the war with Tippoo Sahib, obtaining high encomiums on their valour and discipline, in General Orders from Lord Cornwallis. The following account is given of their exploits at the siege of Seringapatam, in the Journal of Sir Martin Hunter, then a Brigade-Major in the Regiment: In the night attack of Tippoo's entrenched camp, before Seringapatam, on the 6th of February, 1792, the 52d were in the centre division, under the immediate command of Lord Cornwallis, and, having crossed the Cauvery, took post in the Daulet Baugh, which is close to the foot of the glacis. The night was so dark I did not know that I was within range of the guns of Seringapatam. Tippoo soon found us out, and brought every gun he could to bear upon us, which determined me to re-cross the Cauvery, and try to join Lord Cornwallis, who I knew had halted somewhere near the Sultan's redoubt, with a part of the 71st Regiment and a battalion of Sepoys. Lord Cornwallis did not know that the 52d was within less than a quarter of a mile of him till within half an hour of the attack on Tippoo, who had re-crossed the Cauvery with his whole force. The night was so dark, the first intimation we had of their approach was from the "tom-toms," followed by cheering and a volley. They were within two hundred yards of us when the regiment was ordered to fire a volley and to charge. In this charge I was dangerously wounded, and carried into the Sultan's redoubt; the regiment thought I was killed. Lord Cornwallis had fallen back with his small body-guard, and sent orders to the 52d to retreat, which orders were delivered to Captain (the late General) Conran, next in command of the regiment. At this time the men were under a galling fire from the enemy, and, getting impatient, they called out, in the hearing of Captain Conran, "Had Captain Hunter been alive, he would have ordered another charge at those black rascals!" Couran said, "Well, my lads, though I have received orders to retreat, you shall have another dash at them." This charge, in my opinion, was the saving of Lord Cornwallis and the few troops he had with him, the 52d covering his retreat till he got beyond the Baugh hedge, when Tippoo gave up the pursuit, and bent his whole force against Sybald's redoubt. Had not the 52d re-crossed the Cauvery, and by the greatest good luck fallen in with Lord Cornwallis, he must inevitably have been taken by Tippoo.'-Historical Record, p. 49. What would a corps think in these days of remaining fifteen years in India? Yet it was not till 1798 that the 52d was embarked for England, when the rank and file were only 166 in number. After this they took their share in those lesser expeditions by which England, if she did nothing more, entered her protest against French usurpation; but it was not till the year 1803 that the Regiment came under that influence which stamped its peculiar character, and singularly enough, at the same time formed the views and brought into notice the officer, who, though at the time unconnected with the 52d, was destined to become its most distinguished and influential commander. It was on the 8th of May, 1801, that the colonelcy of the Regiment was conferred upon Major-General Sir John Moore, a man whose talents for organisation and command were of the highest order, and though his early death, at the close of an unfortunate retreat, cut short his career, so as to leave one name alone pre-eminent in the annals of the Peninsular war; yet there can be no doubt that Wellington reaped the fruits of Moore's preparations, and that in great measure his successes were obtained through the training set on foot by him, who had been so unjustly censured by a public to whom success was everything, that the vindication of his memory was the inspiring motive of the first (and best) volume of Napier's 'Peninsular War.' Two years after Moore's appointment the 52d were made Light Infantry, and, being marched to Shorncliffe, were trained with four other regiments, under his own eye, in the peculiar move |