The New Monthly Magazine and Literary Journal, Volume 40

Henry Colburn and Company, 1840

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Page 114 - IN joyous youth, what soul hath never known Thought, feeling, taste, harmonious to its own ? Who hath not paused while Beauty's pensive eye Ask'd from his heart the homage of a sigh ? Who hath not own'd, with rapture-smitten frame, The power of grace, the magic of a name...
Page 364 - Thus every good his native wilds impart, Imprints the patriot passion on his heart; And e'en those ills, that round his mansion rise. Enhance the bliss his scanty fund supplies. Dear is that shed to which his soul conforms, And dear that hill which lifts him to the storms; And as a child, when scaring sounds molest, . . Clings close and closer to the mother's breast, So the loud torrent, and the whirlwind's roar, But bind him to his native mountains more.
Page 567 - Territory," performed by order of the domestic committee of the Board of Missions of the Protestant Episcopal church, in the spring of l844, by their secretary and general agent.
Page 251 - Yet at this very time, the horrid practice of poisoning was so common, that, during part of a season, a Praetor punished capitally for this crime above three thousand persons in a part of ITALY; and found informations of this nature still multiplying upon him. There is a similar, or rather a worse instance, in the more early times of the commonwealth. So depraved in private life were that people, whom in their histories we so much admire.
Page 245 - Mislike me not for my complexion, The shadowed livery of the burnished sun, To whom I am a neighbour and near bred. Bring me the fairest creature northward born, Where Phoebus...
Page 203 - A good Dinner is one of the greatest enjoyments of human life; — and as the practice of Cookery is attended with so many discouraging difficulties,* so many disgusting and disagreeable circumstances, and even dangers, we ought to have some regard for those who encounter them, to procure us pleasure, and to reward their attention by rendering their situation every way...
Page 118 - Arnaldo, Gaddo, and other unacknowledged poems by Lord Byron and some of his contemporaries, collected by Odoardo Volpi [pseud.].
Page 416 - I am now passing into another world, and I must leave you to your fortunes, and the queen's grace and goodness; but beware of the gipsy, (meaning Leicester,) for he will be too hard for you all, you know not the beast so well as I do.
Page 430 - Chaldsean saith : A time was when the universe was darkness and water, wherein certain animals of frightful and compound forms were generated. There were serpents and other creatures with the mixed shapes of one another, of which pictures are kept in the temple of Belus at Babylon.
Page 117 - Give me sacke, old sacke, boys, To make the muses merry. The life of mirth, and the joy of the earth, Is a cup of good old sherry.

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