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" ... to enact, constitute, and frame such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions, and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the colony, unto which we promise all due submission and... "
Preacher and Homiletic Monthly - Page 396
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New-England's Memorial

Nathaniel Morton - 1669 - 562 pages
...of God and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politic, for our better ordering and preservation, and furtherance of the ends aforesaid ; and by virtue hereof, do enact, constitute, and frame such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions, and officers,...
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A Compendious History of New England: Designed for Schools and Private Families

Jedidiah Morse, Elijah Parish - 1804 - 398 pages
...God, and of one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body-politic, for our better ordering and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid ; and by virtue hereof to ena£l, constitute, and frame such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions, and offices,...
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The Works of the Honourable James Wilson, L. L. D.: Late One of ..., Volume 2

James Wilson - 1804 - 514 pages
...God and of one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politick, for our better ordering and preservation, and furtherance of the ends aforesaid ; and by virtue hereof, do enact, constitute, and frame such just and equal laws and ordinances, from time to time, as shall...
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A Compendious History of New England: Exhibiting an Interesting View of the ...

Jedidiah Morse, Elijah Parish - 1808 - 226 pages
...civil body-politic, for our better ordering and preservation and furtherance of the endsaforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, comtitutions, and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought mott meet and convenient for the...
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History of the Discovery of America, of the Landing of Our Forefathers at ...

Henry Trumbull - 1812 - 204 pages
...own convenience and the preservation and support of the ends aforesaid :— arid by virtue hereof, do enact, constitute and frame such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions and officers, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the...
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A Collection of American Epitaphs and Inscriptions, with ..., Volume 3

Timothy Alden - 1814 - 306 pages
...God and of one another, convenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politick, for our better ordering and preservation, and furtherance...from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and covenient for the general good of the colony. In witness whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names,...
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The Geographical and Historical Dictionary of America and the West Indies ...

Antonio de Alcedo - 1814 - 654 pages
...ourselves together into a civil body politic, for our better ordering and preservation, and furtherence of the ends aforesaid, and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute and frame such just and equal laws and ordinances, acts, constitutions and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and...
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A Compendious History of New-England: To which is Added, a Short Abstract of ...

Jedidiah Morse, Elijah Parish - 1820 - 332 pages
...God, and of one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politic, for our better ordering and preservation and furtherance of...virtue hereof to enact, constitute and frame such justl and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions, and offices, from time to time, as shall be...
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Antiquarian Researches: Comprising a History of the Indian Wars in the ...

Epaphras Hoyt - 1824 - 344 pages
...the ends aforesaid ; and by virtue hereof, to enact, constitute and frame such just laws, ordinances, constitutions and offices, from time to time, as shall...colony ; unto which we promise all due submission and obedience : In witness whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names, at Cape Cod, the llth of...
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Antiquarian Researches: Comprising a History of the Indian Wars in the ...

Epaphras Hoyt - 1824 - 344 pages
...of God, and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politic, for our better ordering and preservation, and furtherance...virtue hereof, to enact, constitute and frame such just lawsj ordinances, constitutions and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient...
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