JohnKregel Academic, 5 juil. 2006 - 502 pages Devotional, practical, and Christ-centered, the Ironside Expository Commentary series offers concise outlines of the biblical text along with insightful and practical comments that bring out the essential truths of God's Word. All volumes present the unabridged text in a newly typeset edition. A perfect resource for preaching and teaching from the English text of the Bible, these commentaries also provide the general reader with an excellent resource for personal study and spiritual growth. |
Table des matières
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Address 19 | 69 |
Address 8 | 207 |
All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced | 354 |
279 | 384 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
believeth Bible blessed Lord blood born bread Capernaum chapter Christian cometh coming cross dead death disciples earth eternal everlasting faith Father feast feast of tabernacles flesh Galilee give glorified glory God's gospel gospel of John grace hand hath hear heard heart heaven Holy Spirit Israel Jesus answered Jesus Christ Jesus saith unto Jesus says Jews John Judas Judea judgment knew Lamb of God Lazarus light living looked Lord Jesus Lord Jesus Christ Luke manifest Matt Messiah miracles Moses never Old Testament Passover peace Peter Pharisees Pilate pray prophet receive resurrection sabbath salvation Samaria saved Savior say unto Scripture sent sheep shepherd Simon Peter sinners sins Son of God soul spake speak spoken tell testimony things thou hast told trust truth Verily verse voice walk wash whosoever witness woman wonderful words ye believe