THE CHRISTIAN REMEMBRANCER. JULY, 1842. 1. The Educational Magazine. Edited by the Rev. F. D. MAURICE. Vols. I. and II. New Series. London: Darton and Clark. 1840. 2. Model Lessons for Infant School Teachers and Nursery Gocernesses. Part II. By the Author of "Lessons on Objects," &c. London Seeley and Burnside. 1842. Pp. 227. We now resume our notices of recent English works on practical education, and more especially of those which relate to the education of the industrial classes. We brought our article on this subject, in our number for March, to a conclusion, by submitting to the consideration of our readers one or two passages from Mr. Menzies' Report on certain schools in Scotland. We must dwell a little longer upon this able and instructive pamphlet. Mr. Menzies has briefly and clearly described the peculiar constitution of parochial schools in Scotland. "The system of parochial instruction in Scotland," says Mr. Menzies, "has always commanded the admiration not only of those who have been educated under it, or are otherwise more immediately conversant with its principles and details, but of others also, who, viewing it from a distance, have caught only its general outline and objects. Nor does this admiration appear to be misplaced, when, on the one hand, we consider the wisdom and sagacity which devised a scheme for the moral and intellectual culture of the young, whatever their situation and circumstances, and, by connecting that scheme with the national Church Establishment, wedded education to religion; and thus, not only enabled, but necessitated them to uphold and cherish each other: and when, on the other hand, we remember how that plan has recommended itself to the affections and support of the people, and the unceasing influence for good, which, through a succession of many generations, it has, by universal acknowledgment, exercised upon their character. "The peculiar circumstances and arrangements which have bestowed upon our parochial schools their character of permanence and utility are well known and sufficiently obvious. |