The Tudor Translations, Volume 39AMS Press, 1967 |
À l'intérieur du livre
Résultats 1-3 sur 24
Page 41
... shal dispute . So that if now this part of an armie , can live in such exercise , as wel when it is peace , it groweth of the corrupt order . Concern- ing the provisions , which are reserved to me , and to other capitaines , I saie unto ...
... shal dispute . So that if now this part of an armie , can live in such exercise , as wel when it is peace , it groweth of the corrupt order . Concern- ing the provisions , which are reserved to me , and to other capitaines , I saie unto ...
Page 54
... shal bee convenient to give theim at least , ten thousaunde crounes the moneth : first , this nomber of men are not able to make an armie , this paie is intollerable to a state , and of the other side , it is not sufficiente to kepe men ...
... shal bee convenient to give theim at least , ten thousaunde crounes the moneth : first , this nomber of men are not able to make an armie , this paie is intollerable to a state , and of the other side , it is not sufficiente to kepe men ...
Page 193
... shal geve thee commoditie , to be able easely to satisfie thy desire . When thou shouldest How to perceive , that there were in thine armie some , that used to tourne to com- advertise thy enemie of thy devises , thou canst not doe ...
... shal geve thee commoditie , to be able easely to satisfie thy desire . When thou shouldest How to perceive , that there were in thine armie some , that used to tourne to com- advertise thy enemie of thy devises , thou canst not doe ...
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Expressions et termes fréquents
accordyng afore afraied alwayes Aniball Ansigne antiquitie appoincted armes armie armours artillerie assaulted auncient bee able beleve besieged betwene beyng bicause BOOKE Cæsar Campe Capitaine cause Centurion CHAP Citezeins commaunde common weale concernyng COSIMO countrie daie defende devided diche doen doeth dooe DUCTION enemie exercise FABRITIO facion faight faightyng feare flancke folowed footemen fortune fower FOWERTH Hastati hath havyng hedde horse horsemen hurte incampe insample INTRO Italy kepe King knowen Legions lodge lodgynges Machiavelli maie bee maine battaile maketh maner marchyng menne middest mindyng moche necessitie never Niccolò Machiavelli nomber occasion ordained orderyng ordinaunce overcome Pikes Pope Prince rankes reasonyng Romaines Romania Rome saie Sarisse seyng shal shewed side Silla soche sorte soldiers souldiours space stande Suizzers Targaettes thee theim thenemie thereof therfore thesame thing thou thynges toune tourne Triarii twoo tyme unto Veliti vertue waie warre wayes weapons whereby whome wise yardes