| Thomas Brett - 1715 - 454 pages
...with a loud Voice, faying, How long, 0 LORD, Holy and True, doft Thou not judge and avenge our Blood on them that dwell on the Earth ? And white Robes were given unto every one of them ; and it was faid to them, that they fhould reft yet for a little Season, until their Fellow-Servants alfo, and... | |
| 1726 - 370 pages
...faying, how long, О Lord, holy and true, doft rhou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell'bn the earth ? And white robes •were given unto every one of them, and it was faid unto them, that they ihould reft yet for a little feaion, until their fellow fervants alfo, and... | |
| John Flavel - 1770 - 512 pages
...a loud voice, faying, How long, O ' Lord, holy and true, doft thou not judge and avenge our < blood on them that dwell on the earth ? And white « robes were given unto every one of them, and it was faid < unto them, that they fhould reft yet for a little feafon, ' until their fellow-feroants alfo,... | |
| Edward William Whitaker - 1795 - 318 pages
...a loud voice, faying, Hew long O """CbYd, Holy and True, doft thou not "judge and avenge our blood on them "that dwell on the earth ? and white "'robes were given unto every one of " ,them : i and it was fajd unto them, that "'tbey. Ihnuld reft yet for a Jiwle feaforl, "^tihtil their fetfow... | |
| John Flavel - 1799 - 626 pages
...-with a loud voice, faying, Hnv hng, 0 Lord, holy and truf, itoft thott nit judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth ? And white robes were given unto every one cf them, and it -was faid unto them, that theyjhou[d reft yet for a little Jeafon, until their fellowfervant.t... | |
| 1803 - 490 pages
...I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the wdrd of God, and for the testimony which they held. And they cried with a loud voice,...they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow servants also, and their brethren should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled." I shall... | |
| 1802 - 374 pages
...Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth ? 1 1 And white robes were given unto every one of them...their fellow-servants also, and their brethren, that shoulc be killed, as they ivcre, should be fulfilled. 1 2 And I beheld, when he had opened the sixth... | |
| George Horne (bp. of Norwich.) - 1802 - 568 pages
...a loud voice, faying, How long, O Lord, " holy and true, doft thou not judge and avenge " our blood on them that dwell on the earth ? And " white robes were given unto every one of them, " and it was laid unto them, that they mould reft " yet for a little feafon, until their fellow-fervants alfo, "... | |
| bp. George Heorne - 1802 - 562 pages
..." loud voice, laying, How long, O Lord, holy and " true, dofl thou not judge and avenge our blood " on them that dwell on the earth ? And white " robes were given unto every one of them, and it " was faid unto them, that they fhould reft yet for a " little feafon, until their fellow fervants alfo,... | |
| William Smith - 1803 - 514 pages
...I saw under the Altar the Souls of them that were slain for the Word of God, and for the Testimony which they held; and they cried with a loud voice,...they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow- servants also, and their Brethren that should be killed, as they were, should be fulfiilled.... | |
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