Dalmanutha. "and adulterous generation seeketh Anno : Galilee. Mar. viii. 13. ८८ There shall no fign be given to this Minift. 3. "generation * but the fign of the pro- SECT. LXXIII. : Jesus bids his Disciples beware of the a A Mat.xvi.4. ND he left them, and entring in- Mat. xvi.4 to the ship again, departed to Mat. xvi. 5. the other fide. * And when his difci ples were come to the other fide, : they Mar. viii. Mar. viii. 14. had forgotten to take bread, * neither 14. had they in the ship with them more Mat. xvi. 6. than one loaf. * Then Jesus said un Mar.viii. 15. to them, Take heed and beware of the Mar. viii. leven of the Pharifees, and of the Saddu. 15. Mat. xvi. 7. cees, and of the leven of Herod. * And a Mar. viii. they reasoned among themselves, saying, 16, 17. 8. it is because we have no bread: which when Jesus perceived, he said unto them, Why reason ye among your felves, O ye of little faith, because ye have no bread? Mar. viii. 17. * perceive ye not yet, neither under-e Mat. xvi. Stand? have ye your hearts yet har- 9, 10. 18. dened? having eyes, fee ye not? having mong Anno 21. mong four thousand, how many baskets Galilee. Etat. 32. full of fragments took ye up? And they SECT. LXXIV. 21.Mar.viii. .Mat.xvi. Jefus cures a blind Man at Bethsaida. Bethsaida. A ND [Jefus] cometh to Bethfaida, 22. Mar. viii. and they bring a blind man unto him, and befought him to touch him. And he took the blind man by the hand, 23. and led him out of the Town; and when he had fpit on his eyes, and put his hands upon him, he asked him if he faw ought. And he looked up, and faid, 24. I see men as trees, walking. After that 25. he put his hands again upon his eyes, and made him look up: and he was re- Miracle. stored, and saw every man clearly. And he sent him away to his house, 26. faying, Neither go into the town, nor tell it to any in the town. Territory of Cæfarea Phiippi, Mar. viii. 27. SECT. LXXV. Jesus goes to the Territory of Cafarea 2 A ND Jesus went out, and his dif- Luk. ix. 18. Philippi: and by the way * it came to Mat. xvi. pass as he was alone praying, his disci- 13. them saying, Say, Anno • Mat. xvi. 13. Mat. xvi. that I, 13, 14. the son of man, am? and they faid, fome 14: Mar. viii. 27, 28, 29. Say that thou art Jobn the Baptift, Some Luk.ix.18, Luk. ix, 19. Elias, and others Jeremias, and others 19, 20. Say that one of the old prophets is risen Mat. xvi. 15. again. Hefaith unto them, But whom 16. Jay ye that I am? And Simon Peter anfwered and faid, Thou art the Chrift, 17. the fon of the living God. And Jesus answered and faid to him, Blessed art thou Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood bath not revealed it unto thee, but my 18. Father which is in heaven. And I fay also 19. it. And I will give unto thee the keys ven. Anno ven. Then charged he his disciples that Tertitory of Mar. viii. 30. 31. Cætarea Ph1 From that time forth, began Jesus 21. Luk. ix. 21. to shew unto his disciples, how that • Mar. viii. he must go unto Jerufalem, and suffer Luk. ix. 22. many things of the elders, and chief priests, and scribes, and be killed, and • Mat. xvi. be raised again the third day. * And 32. Mar. viii. 22. he spake that saying openly. And Pe- * faying, Be it far from thee, Lord, this 22. Mat. xvi. Mat. xvi. Shall not be done unto thee. ** But when 33. Mar. viii. 23, 24. *Luk.ix.23. he had turned about, and looked on his thee behind me, Satan, * thou art an of- 23. Mat xvi. be of men. * And when he had called the people 34. 1 unto him with his disciples also, he faid unto them, "whosoever will come af ८८ ter me, let him deny himself and take h Mat. xvi. up his cross daily and follow me. **For 23. Luk. ix. 25, 26. "whosoever will save his lite, shall lofe 35. Mar. viii. Luk. ix. 24, " it, but whosoever shall lose his life for 25. 66 my fake and the Gospels, the fame ६८ 66 world, and lose his own foul? or 37. "what shall a man give in exchange Luk.ix.26. " for his foul? Whosoever therefore 38. shall be ashamed of me, and of my words, in this adulterous and finful generation, of him also shall the fon of man be ashamed, when he cometh ७८ ८८ 66 : Territory of " in * his own glory [and] in the * glo- Anno Cæfarea Phi- " lippi. Luk. ix. 26. "* For the son of man shall come in Mar.viii.37.5 the glory of his Father, with his an Mat. xvi. 27. Mar. ix. ८८ I. ८८ Ætat. 32. 28. gels; and then he shall reward every & Mat. xvi. man according to his works. *k And he said unto them, verily I say unto Luk.ix. 27. you, that there be some of them that "stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have feen the king"dom of God come with power [or] Mat. xvi. 28. " * till they fee the fon of man come " in his kingdom. Luk. ix. Mat. xvii. Mar. ix. SECT. LXXVI. The Transfiguration of Christ, his Dif- 28. A I. ND it came to pass about eight * Mat. xvii. days after these sayings, taketh Peter, James, and John his bro Luk.ix.28. ther, and bringeth them up into an high Luk. ix. 28. mountain apart * to pray. And as he 29. prayed, the fashion of his countenance 2. was altered, and he was transfigured before them, * and his face did shine as Mat. xvii. 2. the fun, and his rayment was white as . Luk. ix. 3. light, * shining exceeding white as snow; 29. 30. fo as no fuller on earth can white them. Mar. ix. * And behold there appeared unto them, 4. Mofes and Elias. *d And they were talk- & Mat. xvii. Luk. ix. 31. ing with Jesus, * who appeared in glo- 3. ry, and spake of his decease, which he 32. should accomplish at Jerufalem. But Peter and they that were with him, Mat. xvii. 3. were |