८८ you up, " take no thought before. Mount of hand what ye shall speak, neither do Olives, ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: * For I will give you a mouth 15. Luk. xxi, and wisdom, which all your adver faries shall not be able to gainsay, nor refift, * for it is not ye that speak, 11. Mar. xiii, but the holy Ghost. *" And there shall many be offend- 10. Mat. xxiv. ed, and shall betray one another, Luk. xxi. " and shall hate one another. * Now 12. Mar xiii. 16, 17. "the brother shall betray the brother ८८ ८८ ८८ to death, and the father the son: and children shall rise up against their put to death. And ye shall be hated 13. " of all men for my name fake. 66 * But 18. Luk. xxi. there shall not an hair of your head • Luk. xxi. " perish, ** But he that shall endure 13. Mar. xiii. 19. 66 to the end, the same shall be faved. "* And many false prophets shall rise, 11. Mat. xxiy. "and shall deceive many. And because " iniquity shall abound, the love of ८८ many shall wax cold. But he that 13. " shall endure to the end, the same shall " kingdom shall be preached in all the ८८ world, for a witness unto all nations, Mar. xiii. " and then shall the end come. P When 15. 14. ye therefore shall fee the abomination " of defolation, spoken of by Daniel ८८ the prophet, stand in the holy place, " * And when ye shall see Jerufalem 20. Luk. xxi. "compassed with armies, then know R 4 "that Mount of ८८ Mar. xiii. 14. cc 15. ८८ ८८ * 21. "that the desolation thereof is nigh, Anno Luk. xxi. 21. 6“ Mat. xxiv. 18. " Luk, xxi. 22, 23. ८८ ८८ But wo unto them that are with Mat. xxiv. "child, and to them that give fuck 19. Mar. xxiv. 20. " in those days. * But pray ye that Mar. xiii. ८८ Mat. xiii. 19. “ ८८ ८८ 17. your flight be not in the winter, nei- Mar. xiii. Luk. xxi. 24." this time, neither shall be. they shall fall by the edge of the "sword, and shall be led away captive " into all nations: and Jerufalem shall "be trodden down of the Gentiles, un" til the times of the Gentiles be ful ८८ Luk.xxi.23. filled. And except that the Lord "Mat, xxiv, had shortned those days, no flesh 22, 23. "should be faved: but for the elects "fake whom he hath chosen, he hath ar. "shortned the days. And then, if any "shall say to you, Lo, here is Chrift, or lo, he is there; believe him not. ८८ Max. xiv. 24. " ** For there shall arise false Chrifts, " Mar. xiii, " and false Prophets, and shall shew 22 "great Anno great figns and wonders, infomuch Mount of " that (if it were possible) they shall Olives, Ætat. 33. Minift. 4. " deceive the very elect. * Mat.xxiv. 25. • Mat. xxiv. 29. ** But take 23. Mar. xiii. ye heed: behold I have foretold you "all things. Wherefore if they shall 26. Mat. xxiv, " say unto you, Behold, he is in the 66 66 66 66 carcase is, there will the eagles be ga thered together. "** But in those days, after that 24. Mar. xiii, tribulation, the fun shall be darkned, and the moon shall not give her light: "And the stars of heaven shall fall, 25. " and the powers that are in heaven "shall be shaken. * And there shall be 25. Luk. xxv. "signs in the fun, and in the moon, and " in the stars; and upon the earth di ८८ stress of nations, with perplexity, 66 hearts failing them for fear, and for coming on the earth: for the powers " of heaven shall be shaken. * And 30. Mat.xxiv. "then shall appear the fign of the fon " of man in heaven: and then shall all ▸ Mar. xiii. " the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall fee the fon of man coming Luk.xxi.27." in the clouds of heaven, with pow• Mat. xxiv. "er and great glory. * And then 27. Mar. xiii. ३० 26. ८८ "shall he fend his angels, and shall ga- Mount of Olives. Luk. xxi. 29. ८८ ८८ winds, from the uttermost part of Anno the earth to the uttermoft part of Etat. 33. " heaven. * And when these things be Minift. 4. gin to come to pass, then look up, " and lift up your heads; for your re29." demption draweth nigh. And he Mat. xxiv. 32. " spake to them a parable, ** Nowa Mar. xiii. Luk. xxi. 29. " learn a parable of the 30." 31. ८८ ८८ all the trees; When they now shoot Luk.xxi.29. forth, ye see and know of your own selves, that summer is nigh at hand. Mar. xiii. "So likewise ye when ye see these 28, 29. things come to pass, know ye that Mat. xxiv. 34. " * Verily I say unto you, This gene- Mar. xiif "ration shall not pass, till all these 30, 31. 35." things be fulfilled. Heaven and Luk. xxi. " earth shall pass away, but my words 32, 33. Mar. xiii. 32. "shall not pass away. * But of that d Mat.xxiv, " day and that hour knoweth no man, 36. ८८ no not the angels which are in hea Mat. xxiv. 36. " ven, neither the fon, * but the father "* And take heed to your selves, ness, and cares of this life, and fo things that shall come to pass, and to "stand before the fon of man. ** Watch Mar. xiij. "therefore, for ye know not what hour the 33. " Lord Anno "Lord doth come. But as the days of Mount of Ætar. 33. " 37. Mac. xxiv. For as in the 38. days that were before the flood, they ८८ one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding 41. " cometh. * For the fon of man is as 34. Mar. xiii. a man taking a far journey, who left " his house, and gave authority to his "* Who then is a faithful and wife 45. Mat. xxiv, "fervant, whom his Lord hath made ruler over his houshold, to give them "servant, whom his Lord when he ८८ cometh, shall find so doing. Verily, 47- "and if that evil servant shall say in his |