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interfecti sunt. Episcopi et Sociorum corpora, triduo in publicum exposita, a christianis acquisita, reverenter ac devote sepulta sunt.Tertius heros, cuius nomen in titulo Causae honoratur, exstitit Paulus Chau, e parentibus christianis, natus in loco Go-Thi, Cocincinae Orientalis. Studiis in patria incoeptis et alibi absolutis, ab Episcopo Cuenot munera catechumenos instituendi et seminarii alumnos edocendi accepit. Ab eodem Episcopo ad sacerdotium promotus, Seminario vici LangSong regendo per quatuor circiter annos praepositus fuit. Comprehensus, in carcerem civitatis Binh-Dinh coniectus est, canga adstrictus. Quum in adoratione Ssmi Eucharistiae Sacramenti in eodem carcere asservati devotus oraret, mori pro Christo iam paratus, ex sententia Mandarini, praesertim quia sacerdos, capite plexus est; eiusque Socii, in eadem professione catholica fortes, pariter necati sunt. Pauli Chau et Sociorum corpora, a christianis prope ipsum caedis locum sepulta, postea semel iterumque translata, surente bello, misere fuerunt per incendium absumpta; exceptis exuviis ipsius Pauli Chau, uti asseritur ad Collegium in Insula Pinang perductis, ubi Servus Dei virtutis et sanctitatis fama pollebat. Itaque de fama martyrii praedictorum quadraginta novem Servorum Dei, qui in regionibus Coreana et Cocincinensi, in odium Fidei, uti fertur, interempti fuerunt, Inquisitiones Informativae a Vicariis Apostolicis utriusque regionis, auctoritate Ordinaria, adornatae sunt et Romam ad Sacrorum Rituum Congregationem transmissae. Quum vero, servato ordinis iure, omnia in promptu sint, nihilque obstet, quominus procedi possit ad ulteriora, instante Rmo P. Eugenio Garnier, Societatis Parisiensis Missionum ad Exteros postulatore generali, attentisque epistolis postulatoriis quorundam Emorum S. R. E. Cardinalium, plurium Archiepiscoporum, Episcoporum et Vicariorum Apostolicorum Missionum necnon Praepositorum Generalium Ordinum et Congregationum religiosarum aliorumque virorum ecclesiastica vel civili dignitate praestantium, Emus et Rmus Dñus Cardinalis Ianuarius Granito Pignatelli di Belmonte, Episcopus Albanensis et huius Causae Ponens seu Relator, in Ordinariis sacrorum Rituum Congregationis Comitiis subsignata die ad Vaticanas aedes coadunatis, sequens dubium discutiendum proposuit: An signanda sit Commissio Introductionis Causae in casu et ad effectum de quo agitur? Et Emi ac Rmi Patres sacris tuendis ritibus praepositi, post relationem ipsius Emi Ponentis, audito voce et scripto R. P. D. Angelo Mariani, Fidei promotore generali, omnibus maturo examine discussis ac perpensis, rescribendum censuerunt: Signandam esse, si Sanctissimo placuerit, Commissionem de sex et quadraginta Servis Dei, quorum viginti sex in Corea, annis 1866 et 1867, capite plexi; nempe: Simeon Berneux, Episcopus Capsensis, et Antonius Daveluy, Episcopus Aconensis, ambo Vicarii Apostolici Coreae; Iustus Ranfer de Bretenières, e dioecesi Divionensi, sacerdos et missionarius apostolicus Coreae; Ludovicus Beaulieu, e dioecesi Burdigalensi, sacerdos et missionarius apostolicus Coreae; P. Henricus Dorie, e dioecesi Lucionensi, sacerdos et missionarius apostolicus Coreae; Carolus Pourthié, e dioecesi Albiensi, sacerdos et missionarius apostolicus Coreae; Michaël Petitnicolas, e dioecesi Sancti VOL. XIII-80

Deodati, sacerdos et missionarius apostolicus Coreae; Petrus Aumaitre, e dioecesi Engolismensi, sacerdos et missionarius apostolicus Coreae; Martinus Huin, e dioecesi Lingonensi, sacerdos et missionarius apostolicus Coreae (isti omnes sunt membra Societatis Missionum ad Exteros);Petrus Ryou Tjy eng-Ryoul, Ioannes Baptista Nam (Tjyong-Sam), Petrus Tchoi Tchi-Tchyang, Ioannes Baptista Tjyen Seung-yen, Marcus Tyeng, catechista, Alexius Ou Syei-hpil, Lucas Hoang Tjai-ken, Ioseph Tjyang Nak-syo, catechista, Thomas Son Tja-Syen, Petrus Tjyo Hoa-sye, Petrus Ni Myeng-sie, Bartholomaeus Tjyeng Moun-ho, Petrus Son Syen tji, catechista, Iosephus Han, Petrus Tjyeng Ouen-tji, Iosephus Tjyo et Ioannes Ni (hi omnes ex Corea); viginti alii e Cocincina Orientali, qui annis 1860, 1861, et 1862 in ipsa Cocincina Orientali morte cruenta mulctati sunt, nempe: Paulus Chau, sacerdos, Iosephus Stephanus Chung, sacerdos, Dominicus Canh, sacerdos, Ioseph Thu, sacerdos, Iacobus Tuyen et Petrus Quon, clerici ordines minores adepti, Ioseph Trinh, catechista, Ioachim Bao, Ioseph Huu, Hua, Nam, Tan, Siao, Ioachim Qua, Ioseph Nghiem, Thaddaeus Qui, Petrus Me, Agnes Soan, monialis, Anna Tri, monialis, et Magdalena Luu.--Quoad reliquos tres Famulos Dei e Coreana regione, nempe: Petrum Ni Syeng Tchyen, Philippum Ni Syeng Ouk et Augustinum Song Syeng-po dilata et coadiuventur probationes. Die 12 novembris 1918.

Facta postmodum de his Sanctissimo Domino nostro Benedicto Papae XV per infrascriptum Sacrae Rituum Congregationi Praefectum relatione, Sanctitas Sua rescriptum eiusdem Sacrae Congregationis ratum habens, propria manu signare dignata est Commissionem introductionis Causae quadraginta sex praefatorum Servorum Dei, die 13, eisdem mense et anno.

A CARD. VICO, Ep. Portuen. et S. Rufinae,
S. R. C. Praefectus.



(February 26, 1919)



Ex Constitutione Apostolica Incruentum Altaris Sacrificium Ssmi Dñi nostri Benedicti Papae XV diei 10 augusti 1915 permittitur Expositio Ssmi Sacramenti pro Oratione XL Horarum etiam die Commemorationis omnium fidelium defunctorum. Atamen Missae de Requie cum vestibus sacerdotalibus coloris violacei non sunt celebrandae ad Altare Expositionis.

Per eandem Constitutionem et subsequentem S. R. C. declarationem seu Decretum Urbis et Orbis, diei 28 februarii 1917, Commemoratio omnium fidelium defunctorum Festis solemnioribus primariis ritus duplicis primae classis aequiparatur.

Hisce praemissis, quaeritur: Licebitne adhuc celebrare unicam Missam solemnem de Ssmo Sacramento, vel de Pace, de qua sermo est in Instructione Clementina et in Decreto generali S. R. C., n. 3864, diei 9 iulii 1895, ad 4, pro Oratione XL Horarum, quando dies expositionis vel repositionis, aut medius incidit in diem Commemorationis omnium fidelium defunctorum?

Sacra Rituum Congregatio, audito specialis Commissionis suffragio praepositae quaestioni, omnibus sedulo perpensis, respondendum censuit : Negative, et ad mentem.

Mens autem est: 'In Ecclesiis ubi die Commemorationis omnium fidelium defunctorum fiat Oratio XL Horarum cum Ssmo Sacramento solemniter exposito, huiusmodi expositio sequatur, repositio vero cum processione praecedat Missam cantatam de die Commemorationis omnium fidelium defunctorum.' Et Sacra eadem Congregatio, approbante Ssmo Domino nostro Benedicto Papa XV, ita rescripsit, declaravit et servari mandavit. Die 26 februarii 1919.

A. CARD. VICO, Ep. Portuen. et S. Rufinae,
S. R. C. Prai fectus.
ALEXANDER VERDE, Secretí rius.



COMMENTARIUM TEXTUS CODICIS JURIS CANONICI. Liber II, De Personis. Accedit Appendix De Relativis Poenis ex Libro V. Auctore Fr. Alberto Blat, O.P., Lect. S. Theol. ac Juris Can. Doct. et Codicis Professore in Pontificio Collegio Internationali 'Angelico.' Romae : Libreria Del Collegio 'Angelico,' et Libreria Editrice Religiosa, F. Ferrari.


As one might naturally expect, Canon Law has received a great fillip from the publication of the new Code. There are evidences of this in many departments. Clerical magazines are inundated with articles on this subject; in clerical conferences it is now the all-important topic; even clerical social life has not altogether escaped its influence. But, perhaps, nothing marks the change in this respect between the present and the pre-Code era so much as the number of books on Canon Law that have been published since the Code first made its appearance. During the preceding decade publication in this department had almost come to a standstill: the consciousness that the whole discipline of the Church was soon to be changed was quite sufficient to damp the ardour of even the most enthusiastic. With the completion of the work of codification, however, the energy, which was so long pent up, at last burst its bonds, and is now almost daily manifesting itself in varied activities. We must confess, though, that, so far as we have seen it, most of the work yet achieved is of an ephemeral character. The desire to cater for the more pressing needs of the general body of the clergy and the anxiety to be early in the field are detrimental to the production of anything of lasting value.

The present volume is the most elaborate commentary which we have yet seen. Although it deals only with the second book of the Code, which comprises only about six hundred canons, it extends to more than seven hundred closely-written octavo pages. From our first casual glance at it, therefore, we were led to expect not merely a commentary of the text, but also a brief historical sketch of the origin and development of each institution, and a rather exhaustive comparison between the new and old discipline. In this, however, we were disappointed. It is true, indeed, that it contains some very useful references to recent decrees, which explain or prefigure many of the changes in the new legislation; but, in so far as it adds to the Code at all, it does so mainly by way of commentary or explanation of the text.

The book, judged as a mere commentary, will certainly be found very useful, not only by the tyro, for whom, the author states, that it is principally intended, but also by those who have already had a legal training. On most of the canons which present difficulties of interpretation the author gives his views; not, indeed, that in every case he solves all difficulties that arise-that would frequently be impossible -butusually he adds something to what is supplied us by the Code itself. When so much has been said, the functions of a reviewer of a volume of this kind would seem to have ceased. When a book consists merely of an explanation of six hundred canons it seems rather hopeless to attempt details. At the same time we cannot refrain from touching upon the treatment of a few canons upon which we ourselves were specially desirous of obtaining information; and, perhaps, thus a better idea will be obtained of the work than could be given by any general statement. When a Bishop ordains a subject for the service of another diocese, we have been very much puzzled how to reconcile Canon 111, § 2, with Canon 969, § 2. Commenting on Canon 111, § 2, our author, without making any mention of the difficulties arising from 969, § 2, states that the person thus ordained is incardinated in the diocese for the service of which he is intended. To determine how the residence necessary for the new kind of domicile and quasi-domicile is interrupted he has recourse to the analogy with the year's novitiate necessary for religious. Perhaps this may be as good a solution of this very difficult point as any other. Really, as far as we can see, there is nothing very definite to go upon. Certainty will scarcely be attained until a definite decision of the Holy See has been given. We were anxious for information on what is, for thiscountry, a rather speculative point-the powers of the Congregation for Oriental Rites to dispense from the impediments normally reserved to the Holy Office: this volume did not afford us any. We were more fortunate in regard to the interpretation of the term inhabilitatem in Canon 429; we considered that it embraced insanity, and our author confirms this conclusion.

We have now said enough to give a general idea of the contents and value of this work. We do not, indeed, regard it as an ideal work-the rapidity with which it has been produced precluded the possibility of its being such; at the same time its utility as a commentary on the text cannot be gainsaid. We sincerely congratulate the author on having achieved so much in such a short period, and wish his work the success which it deserves. J. KINANE.

PIUS X. By F. A. Forbes. London: Washbourne.

So much of war and worry has filled the past four years that the name of Pius X seems a distant memory. Yet the work that he did for the Church within the eleven years of his pontificate is a marvellous record. In the first five chapters of the book under review we have the story of the Pope's life and labours beautifully told, from the time he was a little boy stealing cherries till he ascended the papal throne in 1903. The author devotes the next five chapters to an explanation, and occasionally to a defence, of the late Pope's religious policy. In

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