The Tudor Translations, Volume 20AMS Press, 1967 |
À l'intérieur du livre
Résultats 1-3 sur 27
Page 35
... expedicion , for as often as he came to her house , she was eyther sicke or troubled wyth other busynes that she coulde not kepe hym She discon- companie , not lettynge somtime to shoott her gates against tinueth her hym . All whiche ...
... expedicion , for as often as he came to her house , she was eyther sicke or troubled wyth other busynes that she coulde not kepe hym She discon- companie , not lettynge somtime to shoott her gates against tinueth her hym . All whiche ...
Page 39
6 VII the charge . Wherin , addinge an expedicion to her devise , DISCOURSE one night beinge in bedd together , after she had embrased and feasted him frankly wyth the filthie follies in love , wherein she had more then sufficient ...
6 VII the charge . Wherin , addinge an expedicion to her devise , DISCOURSE one night beinge in bedd together , after she had embrased and feasted him frankly wyth the filthie follies in love , wherein she had more then sufficient ...
Page 84
... expedicion of the cause as suer con- veyghe of the mysterye : soo thys vallet of chamber , resolved absolutely in the pursuete of hys queste , imparteth the dis- course of hys love passed , hys synyster successe in the same , hys ...
... expedicion of the cause as suer con- veyghe of the mysterye : soo thys vallet of chamber , resolved absolutely in the pursuete of hys queste , imparteth the dis- course of hys love passed , hys synyster successe in the same , hys ...
Table des matières
Section 1 | 1 |
Section 2 | 2 |
Section 3 | 56 |
Droits d'auteur | |
13 autres sections non affichées
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Expressions et termes fréquents
accompte accordyng affore afore agaynst albeit alredie alwayes amongest anye assurance auncient authoritie awaye bedd behalfe beinge betwene bewtie beynge bodye cause certeine chastetie chaunge cion contentement continuall contynuance crueltie curtesie daunger daye death delite desyer detestable Diego DISCOURSE dispaire disposicion dollor doth doughter earste effect eftesones excede expedicion eyes falte fayth follie force fortune frende frutes fynde Genivera hable hadd harte hath honest honor hower hym selfe indevor intralles judgement kepe ladye lesse libertie litle lyfe lyke lyve malice mariage maye mistres morder mynde myne neyther nomber offer passion pennance Perillo perswade pleasure praye present promisse quiett remembrance Roderico saith seamed secrett seinge semblable semed seynge shee sholde sondrie sonne sorowe sorte tearmes theim theym theyr thou tormente tygresse tyme unto uppon vertue Virley waye wher Wherein whereof Wherewith Wherin whome whyche witnes wolde wyfe wyll wyth wythout yelde yeres ymparted