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" Though private prayer be a brave design, Yet public hath more promises, more love : And love's a weight to hearts, to eyes a sign. We all are but cold suitors ; let us move Where it is warmest. Leave thy six and seven ; Pray with the most : for where... "
The Sunday at Home - Page 87
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The poor man's help, and rich man's guide

William Burkitt - 1810 - 174 pages
...praying, that is much in squabbling and brawling, often contending with and clashing against one another. Though private prayer be a brave design, Yet public hath more promises, more love— Leave then thy six and seven To pray>with most, for where most pray is heaven. God allows you time...
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The Youth's magazine, or Evangelical miscellany

1845 - 624 pages
...; To counte this lyfe but vanitie — Bee points of Christianitie. TUSSER. GFJSTERAL SUPPLICATION. Though private prayer be a brave design, Yet public...and seven ; Pray with the most — for where most pray, is heaven. HERBERT. THE QUEEN OF SHEBA. GLITTERING with orient splendour — silver sheen, And...
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The Parish Church; Or, Religion in Britain

Thomas Wood - 1825 - 440 pages
...old Herbert on this subject, embodying much useful matter, are deserving of serious attention. « " Though private prayer be a brave design, Yet public...six and seven ; Pray with the most ; for where most pray, is heav'n. " When once thy foot enters the Church, be bare. God is more there than thou : for...
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What does the Church for the people? A sermon

Samuel James Allen - 1835 - 438 pages
...God then deals blessings ; if a king did so, Who would not haste, nay give, to see the show ? Tho' private prayer be a brave design, Yet public hath...six and seven ; Pray with the most ; for where most pray, is heaven. When once thy foot enters the church, be bare. God is more there than thou ; for thou...
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Sacred Classics, Or, Cabinet Library of Divinity: Sacred poetry

Richard Cattermole, Henry Stebbing - 1835 - 402 pages
...thee. Thwart not th' Almighty God ; O be not cross. Fast when thou wilt, but then 'tis gain, not loss. Though private prayer be a brave design, Yet public hath more promises, more love ; And love 'sa weight to hearts, to eyes a sign. We all are but cold suitors ; let us move Where it is warmest....
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The Works of George Herbert, Volume 2

George Herbert - 1838 - 406 pages
...thee. Thwart not the Almighty God : O be not cross. Fast when thou wilt ; but then 'tis gain, not loss. Though private prayer be a brave design, Yet public...Leave thy six and seven; Pray with the most: for where mostpray, is heaven. When once thy foot enters the church, be bare. God is more there, than thou :...
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Sacred Poetry of the Seventeenth Century: Including the Whole of ..., Volume 1

Giles Fletcher - 1836 - 400 pages
...thee. Thwart not th' Almighty God ; O be not cross. Fast when thou wilt, but then 'tis gain, not loss. Though private prayer be a brave design, Yet public hath more promises, more love ; And love 'sa weight to hearts, to eyes a sign. We all are but cold suitors ; let us move Where it is warmest....
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The Temple: Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations

George Herbert - 1838 - 402 pages
...thee. Thwart not the Almighty God : O be not cross. Fast when thou wilt ; but then 'tis gain, not loss. Though private prayer be a brave design, Yet public...move Where it is warmest. Leave thy six and seven; When once thy foot enters the church, be bare. God is more .there, than thou : for thou art there Only...
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A help to knowledge, chiefly religious, in extracts from the most approved ...

Help - 1839 - 120 pages supplicants enough to besiege God with our prayers; these forces are to him acceptable." HOOKER. Though private prayer be a brave design, Yet public...and seven — Pray with the most — for, where most pray is heaven. G. HERBERT. When we publicly make our prayers, it cannot be but that we do it with...
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The Church Magazine, Volumes 3 à 4

1841 - 880 pages
...join with his covet- approbation upon the servants of God 1 POETRY. BEHAVIOUR AT CHURCH. ! in" 'IK private prayer be a brave design. Yet public hath...suitors ; let us move Where it is warmest. Leave thy t>ix and seven , Pray with the most, for where most pray is heaven. When once thy foot enters the church,...
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