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Gai. If there be infinite loveliness in the moral character of God, then it is right and equitable that we should love him with all our hearts, which, with a subordinate love to our neighbour as ourselves, is the sum of what the divine law requires. And in proportion to the loveliness of the divine character must be the hatefulness of aversion to him, and rebellion against him; hence follows the exceeding sinfulness of sin. And if sin be odious in its nature, it must be dangerous in its consequences, exposing us to the curse of the divine law, the just and everlasting displeasure of a holy God. Finally, if as rebels against the moral government of God, we be all in a ruined and perishing condition, we need a Deliverer, who shall be able to save to the utmost, whose name shall be called the Mighty God; and a salvation without money and without price, that shall be suited to our indigent condition.

Crisp. Is not the moral excellence of the divine character admitted by great numbers who reject these principles, which you say arise from it?

Gai. I suppose no person who admits the being of a God, would expressly deny the excellence of his moral character; but it is easy to observe that those who deny the foregoing principles, either discover no manner of delight in it, but are taken up, like your philosophical lecturer, in admiring the productions of God's natural perfections; or else are employed in modelling his character according to their own depraved ideas of excellence. Being under the influence of self-love, they see no loveliness but in proportion as he may subserve their happiness; hence the justice of God in the punishment of sin is kept out of view, and what are called his goodness and mercy, (but which in fact are no other than connivance at

sin, and indifference to the glory of his government,) are exalted in its place. A Being thus qualified may be easily adored; it is not God, however, that is worshipped, but an imaginary being created after the image of depraved men.

Crisp. To know the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent; in other words, to know the true glory of the Lawgiver and the Saviour, seems to be of the highest imporance.

Gai. True, the former is absolutely necessary to the latter, and both to grace and peace being multiplied here, and our enjoyment of eternal life hereafter.




On the Free-agency of Man.

/RISPUS. Our last conversation, on the moral character of God, has led me, my dear Gaius, to desire your thoughts on the nature of man, as a subject of moral government.

Gaius. This is, no doubt, a very interesting subject: As we all feel ourselves accountable beings, and must all give account of ourselves another day, it becomes us to know ourselves, and the nature of those powers with which the great Creator hath invested


Crisp. Do you_consider man as a free agent? Gai. Certainly: to deny this, would be to deny that we are accountable to the God that made us. Necessarians and anti-necessarians, have disputed wherein free-agency consists; but the thing itself is allowed on both sides.

Crisp. Suppose, then, I were to change the question; and ask, wherein does free-agency consist?

Gai. I should answer, In the power of following one's inclination.

Crisp. And is it in our power in all cases to follow our inclinations?

Gai. No: There is such a thing as involuntary motion. By the exercise of an absolute force upon our bodies we may be compelled to move against our inclination, and to forbear to move according to our desire; but in these cases we are not accountable beings.

Crisp. Some have thought man to be a free agent in natural things, but not as to things moral and spiritual.

Gai. This is the same as supposing him accountable only for those things in which there is neither good nor evil; and this, if true, would prove that we are not subjects of moral government, and shall never be called to give account of either good or evil. Besides, it is a fact that we as freely pursue our inclinations in spiritual as in natural things; we as freely yield ourselves to be the servants of sin, or of God, as ever we chose to eat, drink, or walk.

Crisp. Then you think we are free-agents in all those matters which are inseparably connected with eternal salvation?

Gai. Certainly: If otherwise, we should be equally incapable of rejecting, as of accepting, the gospel way of salvation.

Crisp. And do you suppose we are free-agents, with respect to keeping or breaking the divine law? Gai. I do. We are only required to love God with all our strength; or to consecrate all our powers to his service, be they great or small.

Crisp. Why then do we not keep the law perfectly? Gai. Because of the depravity of our hearts: If our hearts or inclination were wholly on the side of God, we should feel no difficulty in keeping it; on the contrary, it would be our meat and drink.

Crisp. But if our hearts be depraved, and we are enslaved to sin, how can we be said to be free?

Gai. We cannot be morally free; but moral slavery, any more than moral liberty, has nothing to do with free-agency: The reason is, in this case there is no force opposed to the agent's own will.

Crisp. I have often heard it asserted, that it does not signify whether the incapacity lies in the will, or in something distinct from the will; if we cannot do good, say they, we cannot, and in that case we are not free-agents.

Gai. Those who speak thus of free-agency, must mean to include in it a freedom from the influence of motives; a power of acting with or contrary to the prevailing inclination; or, at least, a power to change the inclination.

Crisp. Yes; I have heard it observed, that it amounts to nothing to say we have the power of following the prevailing inclination, unless we have also the power of counteracting or changing it.

Gai. If, by amounting to nothing, they mean that we are not hereby any more qualified to be our own deliverers from the thraldom of sin, than if we had no free-agency, but must be indebted wholly to sovereign and efficacious grace for it, I admit the consequence. Little, however, as they make of this idea of freeagency, I might reply, it is all that they themselves can conceive of, and all that can be ascribed to any being in heaven, earth, or hell.

Crisp. How does this appear?

Gai. No one can conceive of a power of voluntarily acting against the prevailing inclination; for the thing itself is a contradiction: And a power of changing it, is no less absurd. If a person go about to change his prevailing inclination, he must be either involuntary, or voluntary, in so doing: If the former, this can be no exercise of free-agency; if the latter, he must have two opposite prevailing inclinations at the same time; which is a contradiction. And, if it were not a contradiction, he still does no more than follow his inclination, namely, his virtuous inclination, which he is supposed to possess, to have his vicious inclination changed. If freedom from the influence of motives, or power to change ones inclination, be essential to freeagency, the divine Being himself is not free. God, as all must allow, possesses an immutable determination to do what is right, and cannot, in the least degree, or for a single moment, incline to the contrary. His conduct is necessarily and invariably expressive of the infinite rectitude of his will. The same, in a degree, might be said of holy Angels, and the spirits of just men made perfect. So far from being free from the influence of motives, or having a power to change the prevailing inclination of their hearts, those motives, which, by reason of the depravity of our natures, have but little effect upon us, have full influence upon them, and constantly determine them to the most ardent pursuit of righteousness.

Crisp. And yet you say they are free-agents?

Gai. If God, angels, and saints in heaven, be not free-agents, who are ?

Crisp. But this is moral liberty.

Gai. True; but the same reasoning will apply to moral slavery: If an unalterable bias of mind to good does not destroy free-agency; neither does an unal

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