to declaim against the wickedness of the wicked in a manner as if we expected grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles; but, while we prove ourselves the decided friends of God, to bear good-will to men. It becomes those who may be the most firmly established in the truth as it is in Jesus, to consider that a portion of the errors of the age, in all probability, attaches to them; and though it were otherwise, yet they are directed to carry it benevolently towards others who may err: " In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God, peradventure, will give them repentance, to the acknowledging of the truth*." 7. > Finally: There is an important difference between rasing the foundation, and building upon that foundation a portion of wood, and hay, and stubble. It becomes us not to make light of either: but the latter may be an object of forbearance, whereas the former is not. With the enemies of Christ, we ought, in religious matters, to make no terms; but towards his friends, though in some respects erroneous, it behooves us to come as near as it is possible to do, without a derelection of principle. A truly Christian spirit will feel the force of such language as the following, and will act upon it: "All that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours, grace be unto them, and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ-Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerityP * 2 Tim. ii. 25. FINIS. CONTENTS. MISCELLANEOUS PIECES. The Nature of Regeneration considered, 46 49 54 62 2 On the Ministry, PAGE 100 Thoughts on the manner in which Divine Truth is communi cated in the Holy Scriptures, 102 Connexions in which the doctrine of Election is introduced in the Holy Scriptures, 109 On Evil Things which pass under Specious Names, 114 121 The Sonship of Christ, 127 Obedience and Death of Christ, 134 Necessity of seeking those things first, which are of the first 191 cular Redemption, Convers. I. Imputation, II. Substitution, III. Particular Redemption, Answer to Three Queries, A Meditation on the Nature and Progressiveness of the Hea venly Glory, ESSAY on TRUTH; containing an Inquiry into its Nature and Importance, Sec. 229 |