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laid the whole 250 acres out in consideration of the badness of the Land, and y' pet further saith, That the said Humphrey Atherton, Adm' as aforesd, Hath neglected to Inventory Five Acres, three Quarters, and 17 Rod of Meadow Land in Dorchester, whereof the said Major Atherton dyed seized; and he, the said Humphrey Atherton, y Adm' claims and holds the said Lands not Inventoryed, under pretence that your Hon hath settled the same upon him. And further, your Petit saith, That the sa Adm1 received Twenty Two shillings of Samuel Wales, which he received for lands sold, left of the six Divisions of Dorchester, belonging to the said Major Atherton, And yet hath Given his Estate no Credit in his Accompt of his Administration for the said Twenty two shillings, To the Damage of your Pet and other of the Grand Children of the sa Major Atherton.

Your Petitioner, therefore, for himself, and also on their behalf, humbly Prays your Honour, That the said Humphrey Atherton, as Adm' aforesa, may be forthwith Cited to Appear before your Honour to Answer to the Premisses, and that such Order may be taken therein for the Relief of your Petit and others Concerned, as to your Honour in your great Wisdom and Justice shall seem Right and Equitable. BENJA BIRD.

And your Pet' shall Pray &c.

[Citation was issued for sa Administrator to appear before the Honble Samuel Sewall Esq. Judge of the Probate of Wills &c. at his Dwelling House in Boston, on Monday, June 9th, at 10 o'Clock in the forenoon, to answer to above Petition. Dated Boston, May 17, 1718. John Boydell Reg.]


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a cording to the with in sitaon I haue sited humfri Arinton to apeare at the plase with in this sitaon. Jerijah Wales."

In y additional Lots to the 25 Division In Dorchester New Grant, so Called, No. 62. Majt Atherton 301A. 2q. 10r. part in yo 26th Range & part in ye 27th, next to Wrentham, by great Meadow. A true Copy from the Protrs Book in Dorcht". Attest SAM PAUL Protre Clerk.

the Return made to the Record, Jan 11th 1720-1.

Suffolk Ss. To Humphrey Atherton, of Dorchester, in the County aforesaid, Husbandman, Adm of the remainder of Estate of Major Atherton Deceased.

Whereas you have hitherto Neglected to Exhibit a true & perfect Inventory of the said Deceaseds Estate contrary to Law,

These are therefore to Cite you to Appear before the Honble Samuel Sewall Esq. Judge of Probate &c. at his dwelling House in Boston, on this. day fortnight, at 10 oClock in the morning, in order to bring in the Deceaseds Estate not already settled, & to prevent your Administration bond being put in Suit.

Hereof you are not to fail,

Dated in Boston the 30th day of November, 1724.

1724, Decemb 14th Continued to

3 a Clock p.m. on Thursday next.
Names on the back--Maj Tho Tileston,

James Blake Jun', Robert Spur Jun.


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Dorchester, Dec. 7th 1724. By Virtue of the within Citation, I have summoned the within named Atherton to meet at time and place as within Directed, by EBENEZER WILLIAMS.

We, the subscribers, Being appointed and sworn by the Judge of Probate for the County of Suffolk, to prize the Remaining Estate of Major Atherton, of Dorchester, Decesd, have accordingly on the day of ye date hereof, prized it as followeth (viz)

Laid out to Maj Atherton, in the 25 Division, in Dorchester, one Lott No 62: 301acr 2qr 10rd-225 15

Dorchester Feb 1st 1724-5.


Humphry Atherton, Administrator, made Oath that this is a true and perfect additional Inventory of the estate of Major Humphry Atherton, of Dorchester, deceased, so far as is come to his knowledge, and that if more hereafter appear he will Cause it to be added.

Feb. 11th 1724-5. SAMUEL SEWALL J. probt.


[Benjamin Bird, Yeoman, Obadiah Swift, Blacksmith, & Richard Withington, Yeoman, all of Dorchester in the County of Suffolk, gave bonds unto the Honble Josiah Willard Esq. Judge of the Probate of wills, in the sum of Five hundred pounds Currant money in New England. Oct. 26, 1730.]

The Condition of this Present Obligation is such, that Whereas the Remaining Real Estate of Humphry Atherton, late of Dorchester, in the County of Suffolk, Gent. deceased, Intestate, not admiting of a Division among all his Heirs, & the said Estate having been Apprized at the sum of Two hundred Twenty five Pounds & fifteen shillings is assigned unto the within bounden Benjamin Bird [one of the sons of Thankfull Bird, one of the daughters of the said Humphrey Atherton deceased] he paying thereout to the Heirs & Representatives of the said Deceased their Reatable Parts and shares of the Apprized value thereof to Compleat their Respective Shares of and in the said Remaining Estate (after the aforesaid sum of Thirteen Pounds & fifteen shillings is Subducted & allowed thereout) which sums are to be paid within one year with Interest for the same all paid, at the rate of six p Cent p2 annum. Now if therefore the said Benjamin Bird fulfill the Decree of the sd Judge of Probate by paying the aforesaid sum of Money with Interest, then this Obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force.

Signed sealed & Delivered

In presence of us
Geo: Thornton

John Boydell Reg.



The Accompt of Humphrey Atherton, Adminis de bonis non, &c. on the Estate of Grand Father Humphrey Atherton, late of Dorchester, Gent.


The said Accomptant Chargeth himself with all & singular the Rights of the said Deceased specifyed in an Inventory by him Exhibited on the 1" of Feb. 1724, Amounting to £225.15. And the sd Accomptant prays allowance [for sundries mentioned, Amt. £13.15]. Humphrey Atherton, Admin' presented the foregoing & made Oath that it contains a just & true Accompt of his Administration on the Remaining Estate of his Grand Father, Humphrey Atherton, deceased, so far as he hath proceeded there

in; which I Do Accordingly allow & Approve of, Benj Bird, one of the Heirs of the Deceased, being present & was Consenting thereto.

Boston Octob' 1730.


[File, 275. Probate Records, new arrangement, xviii. 512; xix. 343; xx. 6, 22, 63, 295; xxiii. 530; xxviii. 203, 204.]

See REGISTER, vol. x. p. 361, for administration on estate of Major General Humphrey Atherton, in 1661, as also for a copy of a letter from the Rev. Richard Mather, written at Dorchester, Sept. 27th of the same year, directed to John Endicott, Esq., and Richard Bellingham, Esq., Governor and Deputy Governor of the Massachusetts, relative to the settlement of the estate of the said deceased.

It would seem as if the maiden name of the wife of Humphrey Atherton was Mary Wales, as Nathaniel Wales, Sen', in his will, dated June 20, 1661, says, "my Brother in Law, Humphrey Atherton." Atherton, who was appointed overseer to the will, and was the only witness, died about four and a half months previous to the death of the testator, Nathaniel Wales, Sen. The day before the death of Wales, which occurred Dec. 4, 1661, his written will was read to him, "who desired it might be soe." This was witnessed by William Snelling and John Wiswall.

In this connection it may be well to mention that Mr. Savage says that Nathaniel Wales, Sen "had wife Isabel, who outlived him but two weeks," whereas Isabel was the wife of Nathaniel Wales, Jun'. Her death is recorded in Boston-where the father, son, and son's wife died, thus: "Isabel, wife "-not widow-" of Nathaniel Wales, died Dec. 18, 1661. "Nathaniel Wales "—that is the junior-" died May 20, 1662." The widow of Nathaniel Wales, Sen., was Susan, or Susannah, whose maiden name was Grenaway, daughter of John and Mary Grenaway of Dorchester. [See this volume of the REGISTER, page 56.]


By Prof. HENRY Lawrence EUSTIS, A.M. Harv.

1. WILLIAM' EUSTIS. No record has been found earlier than the date of birth of his child in 1659. His name appears in the tax-lists of Rumney Marsh (now Chelsea) in 1674. He died Nov. 27, 1694. He m. Sarah- who died June 12, 1713, æt. about 74. Her gravestone is in Charlestown.

William' Eustis's estate was administered by Sarah and son John, 1694. Inventory Personal, £154; Real, £110. The estate owed John for building a house, £49 1 3. His children were:

2. i. JOHN, b. Dec. 8, 1659.

3. ii.

WILLIAM,2 b. Feb. 25, 1660-1.

4. iii. JOSEPH,2 b. Nov. 20, 1662.

iv. JOSHUA,2 b. July 11, 1664. No farther record of him is found.



BENJAMIN, b. May 17, 1666; d. Jan. 4, 1690, g. s. Malden. 5. vi. DAVID,2 b. May 31, 1670.

6. vii. JONATHAN,2 b. 1675.

viii. ELIZABETH,2 b. July 14, 1678; m. Oct. 25, 1709, Pelatiah Whittemore.

IX. MARY, b. May 4, 1682; m. Nov. 30, 1708, Abraham Townsend; d.

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2. JOHN EUSTIS (William1) was born Dec. 8, 1659. He m. first, Elizabeth Morse, who died about Nov. 20, 1714; m. second, April 4, 1715, Mercy Tay, who d. April 3, 1718; m. third, July 7, 1719, Mary Moulds. He d. April 5, 1722, æt. 63; buried King's Chapel.

John's will mentions wife Mary, only son John, and three grandchildren, who were children of his daughter Abigail Butler. Will signed March 26, 1722. Inventory shows two houses in Back Street, valued at £900; Personal, £149 3 6. He was a member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery, 1711. Children:

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ii. SARAH, b. April 6, 1688; d. June 3, 1688; buried Copp's Hill.
iii. HANNAH, b. Oct. 9, 1689.

iv. ABIGAIL, b. Feb. 21, 1690; m. April 6, 1710, James Butler; d. Dec.
15, 1713. [For descendants, see REGISTER, Vol. i. 167.]

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JOHN, b. Dec. 20, 1691; d. July 11, 1697.

vi. MARY,3 b. May 11, 1694; d. July 7, 1694.

vii. ELIZA,3 b. April 6, 1699.

7. viii. JOHN,3 b. Nov. 16, 1700.

3. WILLIAM EUSTIS (William') was b. Feb. 25, 1660-1; m. Oct. 29, 1688, Sarah, daughter of Thomas Cutler. William' d. Feb. 10, 1736–7, æt. 77y. 11m. 20d; g. s. N. Chelsea. Sarah d. June 28, 1748; g. s. N.

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8. i. BENJAMIN, b. Feb. 20, 1690.

9. ii. WILLIAM,3 b. April 11, 1692.

iii. SARAH, b. May 7, 1694; m. Jan. 10, 1716, Joseph Baldwin; d. 1773,

æ. 79.

iv. MARY,3 b. Aug. 11, 1696; m. July 24, 1723, John Willard.


RUTH,3 b. Feb. 2, 1698; m. April 30, 1724, Joseph Whittemore.

vi. HANNAH,3 b. May 23, 1699; d. Aug. 1, 1705.

10. vii. JOSEPH,3 h. Jan. 12, 1700.

11. viii. THOMAS,3 b. Nov. 16, 1703.

ix. SAMUEL,3 b. Jan. 2, 1707; d. July 16, 1726.
NATHANIEL,3 b. Dec. 16, 1708.

12. x.

4. JOSEPH EUSTIS (William') was b. Nov. 20, 1662. He m. Abigail and d. Jan. 29, 1690.

Power to administer the estate of Joseph Eustace, of Winnisimmit, was granted Feb. 27, 1690-1, to Samuel Townsend, of Rumney Marsh. Feb. 27, 1690, Samuel Townsend handed in an inventory of the estate of Joseph and Abigail Eustace. No real estate. Children:

i. ABIGAIL,3 b. April 1, 1689; m. March 21, 1716-17, Robert Grater. ii. JOSEPH,3 b. Jan. 29, 1690; d. Jan. 29, 1690.

5. DAVID EUSTIS (William) was b. May 31, 1670. He m. Rachel Children:

i. RACHEL, b. Feb. 16, 1693; m. March 15, 1719-20, Thomas Lark. 13. ii. DAVID, b. May 5, 1696.

iii. ELIZA, Aug. 6, 1698.

iv. MARY,3 b. Aug. 21, 1700; m. Dec. 21, 1721, Josiah Bacon.

[blocks in formation]

JOSHUA, b. Feb. 11, 1702.

vi. SAMUEL,3 b. April 23, 1705; d. Aug. 9, 1706.

vii. SUSANNAH, b. Feb. 1, 1706; m. Oct. 2, 1731, Joshua Pice [or Pico].

6. JONATHAN EUSTIS (William') was b. 1675. Hem. Nov. 16, 1699, Sarah Scollay, by Rev. Cotton Mather. He d. Sept. 3, 1738, æt. 63; g. s. N. Chelsea. She d. Jan. 6, 1759, æt. 81.

It seems probable that his estate was settled after the death of the widow, for in 1760, Joshua Eustis, husbandman, of Chelsea, administered on the estate of Jonathan his father, intestate. Jonathan Eustis, laborer of Chelsea, and Abigail Barrett of Malden, widow, became bound with him. Children:

JONATHAN, b. Dec. 25, 1700; died prob. May 3, 1762, unm.
ii. SARAH, b. March 18, 1702; m. Nov. 28, 1726, Benjamin Floyd.
April 19, 1733, Thomas Wheeler.
Did she m. July 28, 1756, John Reed, of

iii. MARY, b. Feb. 1, 1704; m.

iv. HANNAH, b. Dec. 24, 1706.


15. v.

JAMES, b. Nov. 24, 1708. vi. ABIGAIL, b. Jan. 24, 1710; m. Jan. 12, 1737, James Barrett, of Hingham.

vii. JOHN, b. Feb. 2, 1712. No farther record of him is found.

16. viii. JOSHUA, b. April 7, 1718.

ix. ELIZABETH, b. Aug. 29, 1719; m. Dec. 29, 1743, Josiah Webber, of Medford.


Јасов,3 b. Sept. 23, 1721; d. Jan. 1789, at Petersburg, Va., unm.

7. JOHN EUSTIS (John, William1) was b. Nov. 16, 1700. He m. first, Jan. 1, 1723, Hannah, dau. of Richard Flood; m. probably second, Nov. 23, 1732, Rebecca Dodge. He d. before Feb. 24, 1746. June 26, 1733, a letter of guardianship was granted to John Eustis, brazier, for his son John, a minor about nine, to look after his interest in the estate of his grandfather, Richard Flood, of Boston, currier, deceased.

Feb. 24, 1746. Letter to Rebecca, to administer the estate of her husband John, who died intestate.

March 5, 1746. Inventory of estate of John Eustis, brazier, handed in by the widow, shows house and land in Back Street, £600; Personal, £50. Account handed in Aug. 16, 1748, shows the house had been sold by decree of Court for £612.

The children of John and Hannah (Flood) were :


JOHN, bapt. Feb. 28, 1724; m. prob. Dec. 29, 1748, Abigail Leadbetter. No further trace of him is found.

ii. JAMES, bapt. Oct. 30, 1726. No further record of him is found.

The children of John and Rebecca (Dodge) were:

iii. ELIZABETH, bapt. Oct. 21, 1733; d. prob. Aug. 1803, 8. 70.
iv. ABIGAIL, bapt. March 16, 1734; m. prob. April 27, 1758, Thomas



JOSIAH, bapt. April 30, 1738. No further record of him is found.

vi. SARAH, bapt. June 20, 1742.

8. BENJAMIN EUSTIS (William, William') was b. Feb, 20, 1690. He m. March 4, 1713-14, Katharine, dau. of George Ingersoll, and died about


Jan. 9, 1761. Benjamin's will leaves property to sons George and Benjamin, who administer the estate of their father. Children:

i. BENJAMIN, b. Dec. 19, 1714; d. June 6, 1719.

17. ii. GEORGE, b. April 24, 1718.

18. iii. BENJAMIN, b. April 16, 1720.

9. WILLIAM EUSTIS (William, William1) was b. April 11, 1692. He m. Feb. 3, 1714, Elizabeth Gardner, who d. Oct. 2, 1719, æt. 24. He m.

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