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Fines to be

6 O'Clock Met at the Council Chamber according to Adjourn


Voted, that Mr Constable Thomas be impowered [page 34] to demanded demand of Samuel Harris, Moses Pitcher, Shippy Townsend,

of &c.


Joseph How Jun'., Isaac Mansfield, Henry King, their respective
Fines, for not appearing at the Common on the late Muster of the
Training band and Alarm List by Order of Court for the purpose
of draughting Men for the Northern or Canada Department.

Upon a Motion made Mr. Gray is appointed to draught an apLeaught plication to each gentleman on this Committee, requesting to Know

a Letter for &c.


of them, whether they intend giving their attendance at the stated and other Meetings of this Committee.

Adjourned to tomorrow Evening 6 O'Clock Council Chamber. At a Meeting of the Committee of Correspondence, Inspection & Safety Aug. 7.

Philip Richardson, returned as an Absentee on the late Muster M. Richard-Day attended, and assures the Committee that he was present on that Day in the Common in Ward No 11. and answered to his Name when called over by Mr. Heath.


Mr Curtis's


Cap Burneau applys.

M. Smith's excuse.

Mr P.


William Curtis appeared, and says his being imployed in the Colony Service at the Laboratory prevented his attendance in the Common on the late Muster Day.

Capt. John Burneau from Martineco last from Falmouth, where he sold part of his Cargo, applies to this Committee for information as to the Articles he may be permitted to carry off from hence to Martineco.

[Page 35.] John Smith returned as an Absentee on the late Muster attended, and informs the Committee that he attended his duty on that Day, and answered to his name when called over by Mr. Foster.

Peter Smith returned as another Absentee made it appear that he was at Connecticut on the late Muster day.

John Spear an Absentee, attended, and says that he was so bad Spear's with the Small Pox on the late Muster day, that he could not go abroad on any account whatever.

Complaint made y

The Committee having received information that Ambross VinCourt of cent & Isaac Greenwood had behaved unfriendly to their Country Enquiry. -it was Voted, that a complaint be entered with the Court of Enquiry and that Deacon Boynton & Joshua Pico be mentioned as Witness against them.


Capi Robin's excuse.

Adjourned to to Morrow Morning 11 O'Clock Council Chamber. August, 11 O'Clock met according to Adjournment. Cap'. Robins, another of the Absentees on the late Muster day attended, and acquaints the Committee that he was obliged to go out of Town at that time in order to purchase a quantity of Wines. Adjourned to 6 O'Clock in the Evening Council Chamber. At a Meeting of the Committee of Correspondence Inspection & Safety Aug. 8, 6 O'Clock Council Chamber.

The Sub Committee Reported the following

[Page 36.] Draught of a Letter, to each Member of this Committee respecting their attendance which was accepted, and ordered to be sent to them accordingly-Viz'.

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Letter to yo absent Members of this


Boston, August 8. 1776.

The attending Members of the Committee of Correspondence &c. by continual exertions for the public Service, feel very sensibly the want of your presence to lighten their labours and Committee. assist their Judgment, they therefore earnestly request a line from you by Tuesday next, signifying your intention to discharge the duties of this Department, or your desire to be excused from it. The Committee are anxious to know what their number really is, that the office may be less burthensome, to the few Numbers who generally attend-We are with great respect




Your most humble Ser

P' Order.

Cap' John Burneau of the French Snow from Martinique, having

permitted applied for liberty to take on board Provisions for the Vessels

to carry Prov. for

Company-Voted, that Colonel Barber who acts as Naval Officer, Ship Stores for this Port, be permitted to let said Vessel leave the Harbour, carrying out 30 Bbls: of Salt Provisions and 20, hund of Bread as Ships Stores.



Adjourned to 11 O'Clock to Morrow Morning, Council Chamber. 11 O'Clock met according to Adjournment.

The Committee attended, to receive the excuses of Delinquents on the late Muster Day.

Adjourned to 6 O'Clock in the Evening.

[Page 37.] 6 O'Clock Afternoon, met at the Council Chamber according to Adjournment.

Committee attended to receive the excuses of those who were returned as Delinquents on the late Muster Day.

Adjourned to tomorrow 10 O'clock, Council Chamber.

At a Meeting of the Committee of Correspondence Inspection & Safety, at the Council Chamber, Aug' 10, 1776-10 O'clock, A: M:

Delinquents Voted, that Mr Thomas, who attends this Committee be appointed called upon and desired to wait upon those Persons who are considered as

for their Fines.

to call on

Delinquents, for their not appearing on the late Day of Muster, for draughting Men for the Cannada or Northern Department, and to acquaint them, that this Committee will sit at the Council Chamber, next Monday Evening 6 O'clock to receive and give discharges for their respective Fines.

Pursuant to the foregoing Vote, the following Order was given to Mr. Constable Thomas-the Committees attendent-Viz'

Mr. George Thomas

Boston August 10. 1776. Mr. Thomas You are appointed and desired to wait on the following Delinquents Persons, Viz'-Mess Samuel Harris, Shippy Townsend, Moses &inform, Pitcher, Joseph How, Jun', Isaac Mansfield, Henry King, Francis Furbo, Daniel Gooding, Isaac Harper, Samuel Harris, James Doitread, Josiah Bouch, Henry Warren Allen, Nathaniel Glover, Thom' Kirby, John Gould, John Lane, Edward McGoggen, John Lovering, Robert Robins, Foster Cruft, Elisha Davis, Stephen Fullerton, Ezra Metcalf, and George Poorcock, and to acquaint them, respectively, that they have incurred the penalty of £10. by the breach of a late law of this Colony for a (page 38] non-ap

notifyed to pay yo


pearance in the Common the 22d. Day of July last after due warning: being the Day appointed for the Muster of the Training Delinquents Band and Alarm Lists of the Town aforesaid, for the purpose of raising their proportion of Men for the Cannada or Northern Department and that the Committee of Correspondence &c. will sit at the Council Chamber on Monday the 12th Instant 6 O'Clock Afternoon, in order to receive said Fines, and give discharge for the same, that if the said £10 is not paid, within twenty four hours, after this requirement a further penalty of three pounds will be incurred by and demanded of each and every Delinquent agreeable to said Act.


M' Robins attends.

M Kirk

By direction & in behalf of the Committee of Correspondence, Inspection & Safety for the Town of Boston


Adjourned to Monday next, 6 O'Clock, Afternoon Council Chamber.

At a Meeting of the Committee of Correspondence Inspection & Safety at the Council Chamber, August 12, 1776, 6 O'Clock,

Cap' Robins one of the Delinquents called upon by Mr Thomas, attended and acquaints the Committee, that he shall think very hard of it if he should be prosecuted for his Fine, when Mr. Ruggles who went out of Town the same time he did, has not been called upon; and that he was ready to pay as much as his Neighbours towards hiring the Men wanted.

Mr. Kirk another of the Delinquents called upon by Mr Thomas, attends & and made it appear to the satisfaction [page 39] of the Committee, is excused. that by reason of sickness, he could not possibly attend the late

Muster of the Militia.

Frost y. 1st Voted, that Mr. James Frost, the first who turned out on the Volunteer late Muster of the Militia & a Volunteer in the Service of his

to receive


of J. Russel Country have an order given him on Mr Joseph Russell for £13. which Sum is to be received in lieu of an Inlisted Man for Mr. Russels Ward No.

Mr Harper attends.


Mr. Harper who was called upon by Mr. Thomas as a Delinquent on the late Muster day, attended & produced a Certificate from Dr Rand, of his having been imployed in carrying Necessaries for the Hospital at Sewall's Point, & he informs the Committee that he had been in that service for five Weeks past.

Cap Holmes Cap'. Holmes appeared, and prays that he may have an order to receive his Sails of Mr. King agreable to a former Vote of this Committee, also that he may take on board his schooner as stores, 2 Blls. of Beef & four hundred of Bread, whereupon

Voted, that Capt. Holmes request be granted and that Cap'. Barber permit his sailing with said Provisions.

Mr. Cruft who was called upon by Mr. Thomas attended and made it appear that he was in the Common upon the Muster day 'till past 11 O'clock, whereupon he was excused from paying a fine. M'S. Town- Mr. Shippy Townsend and four others, who were called upon others by Mr. Thomas as Delinquents on the late Muster day, Petition, Petition. that prosecution for their respective Fines may be suspended till they can make application to the General Court, they being unable to pay the same.

M Cruft excused.

send & 4

August 13.



Adjourned to 11 o'clock to Morrow Morning Council Chamber. [Page 40.] At a Meeting of the Committee of Correspondence Inspection & Safety at the Council Chamber August 13-11 O'Clock A: M:

Information being given this Committee that one Isaac Harper informed had behaved in a very unfriendly manner to his Country-several against. Persons were sent for to be inquired of.

M' Moor's

Mr. Thomas Moor attends, and informs the Committee that he informa'n. heard said Harper Damn the Country.

Mr Daws's informa'n.

Mr. William Daws attends, and says that he had been often at Harper's House and discoursed him, and that he had heard him say we were more arbitrary than the Regulars-that he had rather be with them than us he also informs that he keeps a disorderly house, & has endeavoured to disaffect the Colony Soldiers, also that his certificate from Dr. Rand was taken on the late Muster day & that he had not been imploy'd by said Doctor as an Attendant upon the Hospital, as he pretended.

MWendall Mr. Wendall desired to purchase a good gun for Thomas Reed, to buy a gun an Inlisted, for this Town.

for Reed.

Information being given that Mr Otis Jun. who now keeps the Jayl in this Town, is remiss in his care of the Prisoners and has employed as a Turnkey, one Jennison lately of the 4th Regiment -he was sent for and forbid to employ a Soldier for that purpose, and also required to act with due caution with respect to the Prisoners, placed under his care.

Mr Harper's Voted, that complaint be entered with the Court of Enquiry, aven in to against Isaac Harper of this Town as a Person inimical to the American States and that Mess. W. Daws, T. Moor, George Enquiry. Cade, David Bruce, Isaac McDaniel [page 41] and James Wood

Court of

row, be returned as Witnesses, to the said Court.

Adjourned to 6 O'Clock this Evening at the Council Chamber.

DEATHS IN STRATHAM, N. H., COMMENCING 1741. Transcribed from a Record kept by Dea. Samuel Lane, and communicated by CHARLES C. HARDY, Esq., of Dover, N. Η.

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[blocks in formation]

Dec. 31. 1744.

Jan. 18.

Mar. 5.

Mar. 21.

Apr. 6.

Apr. 20.

June 30.

Joseph Jewets child died.

mr Solomon Cottons wife died.
Samuel Veazeys wife died.
Josiah Leavit Died.

Ephraim Leavits young child died.
a child Died that lived at Joseph Hoits.
Daniel Masons wife died.

Capt. Fyfields Son Benj" child Died at his house.
Iccabod Clarks child died.

July 20.

Aug. 16.

Aug. 17.

Josiah Smiths child died.

Aug. 18.

Jona" Chase Jun' Died.

Aug. 21.

mr. Joseph Merrils Jun' wife Died.

Aug. 21.

Josiah Smiths child died.

Aug. 22.

Iccabod Clarks child died.

Aug. 28.

Thomas Calleys child died.

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