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Book Notices-

Boston Directory, 1878, by Sampson, Dav
enport & Co., 441

Boston Record Commission, Report for
1878, 110

Boston South Congregational Church Ju-
bilee, 365

Bouldin's Reminiscences of Randolph, 361
Centenary Addresses, July 4, 1876-

Bradford, Mass., by Chadwick, 118

Haverhill, Mass., by Crowell, 118

Raleigh, N. C., by Battle, 118

Scituate, R. I., by Beaman, 118
Waltham, Mass., by Rutter, 118
Coburn's Battle of Bennington, 120

Coffin's History of Boscawen, N. H., 437
Dauphin County Historical Society's Pub-
lications, 440

Deane's Burgoyne and the Saratoga Con.
vention, 364

Deane's Seen in an Old Mirror, 257

Deane's Tutor Flint's Journey to Ports-
mouth, N. H., 364

Diman's Capture of Gen. Prescott, 362
Eaton's Annals of Warren, Me., 111
Education, Report of the U. S. Commis.
sioner, 1878, 440

Essex Institute Bulletin, 253

Essex Institute Historical Collections,
116, 253

Farnum's Visits of the Northmen to Rhode
Island, 362

Foot's Address at Watertown, Ct., 254

Genealogical Works-

Ammidown by Ammidown, 366

Arms by Arms, 255

Bartow by Bartow, 113, 366

Bate and Kirkland by Rylands, 366

Bradlee by Doggett, 442

Briggs by Briggs, 255

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New England Historic, Genealogical Socie-
ty, Memoirs of Deceased Members, 364
New York Genealogical and Biographical
Record, 116, 254

Onderdonk's Annals of Hempstead, L. I.,

Peirce's Indian History and Genealogy, 439
Pennsylvania Magazine of History, edited
by Stone, 116, 256

Perry's Credibility of History, 442

Perry's Missions in the American Church,


Pierce's Memoir of Charles Sumner, 109
Porter's Memoir of Jonathan Eddy, 119
Potter's American Monthly, edited by Ste-
vens, 115, 256

Ridlon's Early Settlers of Harrison, Me.,


Sawtelle's History of Townsend, Mass., 359
Schenectady, N. Y., Manual of First Re-
formed Church, 441

Shillaber Family Gathering, 255

Southern Historical Papers, edited by
Jones, 436

Starbuck's History of the Whale Fishery,

Starr's Historical Sketch of New London,
Ct., 254

Stevens's Address on Burgoyne's Cam-
paign, 114

Stone's Campaign of Gen. Burgoyne, 114
Thomas's History of Shefford, Canada, 119
Ulpius, Globe of, and Verrazano, 441

Virginia Grand Lodge, its History and
Proceedings, 437

Ward's Life of Gov. Samuel Ward, 112

Wednesday Evening Club, Centennial Cele-
bration, 360

Westcott's Historic Mansions of Philadel-
phia, 252

Tuck by Dow, 113

Wanton by Bartlett, 442

Wentworth by Wentworth, 434

Genealogist, edited by Marshall, 119

Wheeler's History of Brunswick, Me., 252
Wyoming Massacre, Centennial Celebra-
tion, 438

Year Book of Education, 1878, 439

Boston, Committee of Correspondence, Inspec- | Genealogies in preparation-

tion and Safety, 44; early deeds on record in,


[blocks in formation]

Anthony, xxxi. 221; Avery, cover, July,
1870; Axtell, 242

Bagg, xxvi. 83; Baker, 427; Barlow, cov.
July, 1870; Barrett, cov. July, 1870; Ben-
son, cov. July, 1870; Bingham, 242; Blake,
242; Boardman, cov. July, 1870; Brecken-
ridge, 427; Bruce, 427; Bulkeley, xxvii.
190; xxix. 321; Burleigh or Burley, 427;
Bushnell, xxvii. 190.

Cabell, 427; Calef, xxvi. 438; Campbell, 242;
xxxi 220; Carrington, 427; Caudman, 97;
Chandler, cov. July, 1870; Chester, xxxi.
429; Chidsey, 97; Christian, 427; Church-
man, 97; Clarke, cov. 1869; Cleaveland,
xxxi. 220; Conant, 97; Corliss, cov. April,
1874; xxx. 469; xxxi. 334; Cragie, 97;
Crane, xxviii. 470; Crittenden, 427; Cur-
tis, cov. Oct. 1869; Cutter, cov. July, 1870.
Danforth, 445; Davenport, xxxi. 223; Den-
nison, cov. July, 1870; Dodge, 242, 343;
Douglas, 242; xxx. 464; xxxi. 220.
Edes, xxiv. 426.

Fitch, xxvi. 434; Fletcher, xxviii. 470;
Flourney, 427; Floyd, 427; Foster, 97;
Fuller, cov. Oct. 1869.

Garland, 427; Gilmer, 427; Griswold, xxvii.

Hack, 243; Hale, xxix. 109; Harned, 97;
Hart, 427; xxviii. 470; Henry, 97, 427;
Hepburn, 97; Herrick, xxvii. 421; Hill,
Xxx. 110; Hoes, 243; Hoyt, cov. July,
1870; Hubbell, 427; Hull, cov. Oct. 1869;
Humphreys, cov. July, 1870; Huntington,
xxvii. 193; Hunton or Huntoon, cov. Oct.

Johnston, 427
Knowlton, 346

Lathrop, xxvii. 317; Leffingwell, xxvii. 316;

Lewis, 427; Lillibridge, xxxi. 220; Lord,
97; Lothrop, xxvii. 317; Lucas, cov. July,

McCullagh, 97; McDowell, 427; Mahon, 97;
Mann, 427; Marcy, cov. July and Oct.
1869; Martin, xxvii. 422; xxviii. 91; Mayo,
427; Montgomery, 97

Neill, xxv. 296; Noble, xxx. 238
Odell, xxix. 203

Page, cov. July, 1870; Paine, 243; Parham,
346; Pearce, 97; Peirce, 97; cov. Jan. 1869;
April, 1870; Penn, xxxi. 430; Perham,
346; Peirce, 97; Platt, 427; Porter, 464;
Preble, cov. April, 1869; Prentice or
Prentiss, xxviii. 207; Preston, 427
Rawson, cov. Jan. 1873; Reed, 427; Riddell,
or Riddle, xxxi. 223; Ridley, xxxi. 223;
Ridlon, xxxi. 223; Rives, 427; Robinson,
cov. Jan. 1869; Rodenbough, 97; Root,
cov. July and Oct. 1869

Sanford, cov. July, 1870; Seddon, 427; Sel-
den, 98; Shewell, 97; Spaulding, cov. Jan.
1869; Spooner, cov. July, 1870; xxx. 107;
Squire, 427; Stevens, cov. July and Oct.
1869; Stevenson, xxviii. 329; Stickney,
cov. Jan. 1869; Stiff, xxx. 467; Stimson,
xxviii. 329

Talcott, xxx. 104; Thurston, 98; July and
Oct. 1869: Tucker, 243
Venable, 427

Waddington, 427; Wakefield, cov. July,
1870; Walkley, 98; Waller, xxx. 107;
Watkins, 427; Watts, 427; Wellman, cov.
July, 1870; Wentworth, cov. Jan. 1869;
Whitney, cov. July, 1870; xxviii. 470;
Wilder, 346; cov. Oct. 1876; Winslow
427; Withington, xxx. 235

Gilman Bible, record, 424

Gloria Dei Church, Philadelphia, 96
Gosnold and Pring (1602-3), paper on, 76
Grafton, query, 238

Greene, Nathaniel, memoir, 373

Grenaway, John, deeds of, 55
Grindall, note, 96

Griswold, Mrs. Matthew, note, 87

Haines, note, 341

Hancock, note, 90

Haynes, pedigree, 310

Harvard College, note, 309; Graduates of (1642-
1759), 85, 230

Hathaway, note, 92, 236

Henshaw, Joshua, letters of, 268
Hill, note, 341

Hilton, Nowell, will of, 50

Historical Societies, proceedings of-

Delaware, 100, 245, 429; Maine, 348; New
England Historic, Genealogical, 98, 243, 346,
428; New Jersey, 244; New London County,
244; Newport, 100; Old Colony, 349, 428;
Rhode Island, 100, 243, 348, 429; Virginia,
245, 429

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Necrologies of the New England Historic,
Genealogical Society-

Alvin Adams, 107

John G. Anthony, 104
Joseph Ballard, 247
Benjamin E. Bates, 251
John Bigelow, 248
Robert Bolton, 252
Thomas Bradlee, 355
Edward Brooks, 353
Gardner Chilson, 247
William Cushing, 352
Benjamin B. Davis, 104
George T. Davis, 103
Josiah Dunham, 102
George W. Gordon, 250
Henry B. Groves, 356
Edwin Hall, 351

David Hamblen, 431
George G. Hapgood, 354
Peter Harvey, 108
Jarvis M. Hatch, 103
Learned Hebard, 431
Benjamin P. Hunt, 430
Jared P. Kirtland, 350
Increase A. Lapham, 101
William M. Lathrop, 246
Silas N. Martin, 105
John McAllister, 247
Edward B. Moore, 354
Cheever Newhall, 430
Martyn Paine, 352
William S. Peabody, 249
David H. Pease, 249
Samuel H. Riddel, 433
Daniel A. Rogers, 246
Lorenzo Sabine, 432
Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, 350
Asa D. Smith, 432
Louis A. Thiers, 351
Supply C. Thwing, 108
Philo M. Trowbridge, 107
Samuel H. Walley, 434
Henry V. Ward, 355
William E. Warren, 106
Thomas E. Whitney, 356
John K. Wiggin, 247

Otis Wilbor, 104

Thomas Wright, 250

Neill's History of Minnesota, note, 421
Nevers, note, 342

Newbury, town rate of, 156

New England Historic, Genealogical Society,
President Wilder's annual address, 137; ne-
crologies of, 101, 246, 349, 430; proceedings of,
98, 243, 346, 428

New England marriages in Philadelphia, 419
Nine Partners, query, 340; note, 424

North America, discovery of, by John Cabot,

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[blocks in formation]

Quadrant, early, 422

Queries. (See Notes and Queries.)

Recent Publications, 120, 257, 369, 444
Records of the Boston Committee of Corres-
pondence, Inspection and Safety, 44
Records-Charlestown First Church, 61, 169,
287; Dartmouth, births, marriages and
deaths, 20; Durham (N. H.) Church, 133;
Essex Co., 73, 93; Longmeadow, families, 67,
175, 302, 400; Lyme (Conn.), 82; Stratham
(N. H.), 48; Suffolk Co. Probate, 55, 181, 197,


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Search for the North-West Passage, 411

Seldon, query, 88

Serials wanted, 342

Scotch Irish Immigration, 241, 425

Shakespeare in New England, 92

Shepard genealogy, 322

Sheppard, Joanua, note, 238

Ship Dolphin, note, 91

Solart, John, estate of, 73

Sprague, note, 237

Stamp Act riot, account of, 268

Stevens family, 33; query, 92
Stone, query, 340

Stow (Mass.) town rate, 81

Stratham (N. H.) deaths, 48
Sweetser, query, 235

Swets, note, 420

Suffolk Co. Probate Files, abstracts of, 55, 181,
197, 317

Taxes under Gov. Andros, 81, 156, 243, 312
Thurston, query,


Tompson, Benjamin, query, 238
Town Records. (See Records.)
Towne, William B., memoir of, 9
Transient residents of Boston, 241
Treadwell, note, 97

Ulster, history of plantation of, 89

Virginia colonial currency, note, 95
Voyage of the Jonathan to New England (1639),
Virginia history, 344


Waite Genealogy, 188

Washington genealogy, note, 238
Wathing, note, 341

Weld, note, 424

Wentworth Genealogy, note, 242
Whipple genealogy, 403

Whittemore and Whittmore family, 379
Wibird family, 35

Williams arms, motto of, 88

Wills and other probate record abstracts-
Humphrey Atherton, 197; Thomas Cam-
mock, 52; John Grenaway, 55; Nowell Hil-
ton, 40; Thomas McCarty, 308; William
Pierce, 319; Edward Shepard, 323; John So-
lart, 73; Martin Stebbins, 317; Nathaniel
Wales, 321

Wilson Henry, memoir of, 261
Winnepesaukee Journal, 297
Winslow, note, 94, 425

Witchcraft, query, 342

Woodbridge genealogy, 292; note, 342, 421
Wolcott family, 89

Worcester, note, 422

Wyat, note, 340

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