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" Butcher, and others, were Mr. of their Arts or professions, or no, I know not; but this I am sure of: I had excellent fat Beefe, strong Beere, good wheaten Bread, good Iseland Ling, Butter and Cheese of the best, admirable Sacke and Aqua... "
The New England Historical and Genealogical Register - Page 388
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A Chronological History of Voyages Into the Arctic Regions: Undertaken ...

Sir John Barrow - 1818 - 454 pages
..." compleatly for eighteen moneths ; but whether the baker, brewer, butcher, aaM others were masters of their arts or professions or no, I know not ; but...butter and cheese of the best, admirable sacke and aqua-vita?, pease, oatmeale, wheat-meale, oyle, spice, suger, fruit, and rice; with chyrurgeiie, as...
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A Chronological History of Voyages Into the Arctic Regions: Undertaken ...

John Barrow - 1818 - 460 pages
...compleatly for eighteen moneths ; but whether the baker, brewer, butcher, • and others were masters of their arts or professions or no, I know not ; but...butter and cheese of the best, admirable sacke and aqua-vitae, pease, oatmeale, wheat-meale, oyle, spice, suger, fruit, and rice; with chyrurgerie, as...
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The Nautical Magazine: A Journal of Papers on Subjects Connected ..., Volume 14

1845 - 774 pages
...himself and his ship's company, as we have copied them. I was Victualed compleatly for 18 Moneths, but whether the Baker, Brewer, Butcher, and other,...this I am sure of, I had excellent fat Beefe, strong Btere, good wheaten Bread, good Iseland Ling, Butter and Cheese of ike best, admirable Sache and Aqua...
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The Nautical Magazine: A Technical and Critical Journal for the ..., Volume 14

1845 - 832 pages
...himself and his ship's company, as we have copied them. I was Victualed compleatly for 18 Moneths, but whether the Baker, Brewer, Butcher, and other,...Butter and Cheese of the best, admirable. Sacke and Agua vita, Pease, Oat-meale, WTieatmeale, Oyle, Spice, Sugar, Fruit mid Rice; with Chyrurgerie, as...
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The Observations of Sir Richard Hawkins, Kst in His Voyage Into TheSouth Sea ...

Sir Richard Hawkins - 1847 - 284 pages
...months; but whether the baker, brewer, butcher, and other, were master of their arts, or professors or no, I know not; but this I am sure of, I had excellent...fat beefe, strong beere, good wheaten bread, good Iceland ling, butter and cheese of the best, admirable sacke and aqua-vita?, pease, oatmeale, wheat-meale,...
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Narratives of Voyages Towards the North-west, in Search of a Passage to ...

Thomas Rundall - 1849 - 336 pages
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A narrative of Arctic discovery

John Joseph Shillinglaw - 1850 - 380 pages
...months, but whether the baker, brewer, butcher, an'd other, were master of their arts, or professors or no, I know not, but this I am sure of, I had excellent...fat beefe, strong beere, good wheaten bread, good Iceland ling, butter and cheese of the best, admirable sacke and aquavitae, pease, oatmeale, wheat-meale,...
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A Narrative of Arctic Discovery: From the Earliest Period to the Present ...

John Joseph Shillinglaw - 1851 - 402 pages
...months, but whether the baker, brewer, butcher, and other, were master of their arts, or professors or no, I know not, but this I am sure of, I had excellent...fat beefe, strong beere, good wheaten bread, good Iceland ling, butter and cheese of the best, admirable sacke and aquavitae, pease, oatmeale, wheat-meale,...
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Supplementary Papers, Volume 2

Royal Geographical Society (Great Britain) - 1889 - 690 pages
...victualled compleatly for eighteen months ; but whether the baker, brewer, butcher, and others were masters of their arts or professions or no, I know not ; but...fat beefe, strong beere, good wheaten bread, good Iceland ling, butter and cheese of the best, admirable sack and aqua-vitse, pease, oatmoale, wheatmeale,...
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Tripoli and the Cyrenaica

Sir Robert Lambert Playfair - 1889 - 118 pages
...victualled compleatly for eighteen months ; but whether the baker, brewer, butcher, and others were masters of their arts or professions or no, I know not ; but...fat beefe, strong beere, good wheaten bread, good Iceland ling, butter and cheese of the best, admirable sack and aqua-vitae, pease, oatmcale, wheatmeale,...
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