OF THE LIFE AND WRITINGS OF THE REV. WILLIAM RICHARDS, LL. D. WHO Died at Lynn, September 13, 1819, IN THE SIXTY-NINTH YEAR OF HIS AGE. WITH SOME ACCOUNT OF THE REV. ROGER WILLIAMS, Founder of the State of Rhode Island, as well as First Assertor of complete Religious Liberty in the United States of America. BY JOHN EVANS, A. Μ. Cui Pudor et Justitiæ soror HOR. INTO THE JOY OF THY LORD! WELL DONE-GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT, ENTER THOU JESUS CHRIST. CHISWICK: Printed by Charles Whittingham, COLLEGE HOUSE, SOLD BY SHERWOOD, NEELY, AND JONES, PATERNOSTER ROW; T. WICHE, BEECH-STREET, BARBICAN; 1819. TO THE MOST NOBLE THE MARQUIS OF LANSDOWNE, EARL OF WYCOMBE, SHELBURNE, &c. F. R. S. MY LORD, ACCEPT my best thanks for the permission of inscribing to you the Memoir of AN HONEST WELSHMAN, the intrepid advocate of civil and religious liberty. You, MY LORD, are one of that august band of BRITISH SENATORS, who exult in the enlargement of the boundaries of Christian freedom. An odious statute, enacting the infliction of pains and penalties upon individuals maintaining their own conscientious views of revealed religion, hath, through the enlightened zeal of a patriotic |