Hauty a un pomon. ne District of North Carolina: John 2. And be it further enacted, That the as allowed by this act, shall be estimated, tions hove ner following; that is to fay: A full to be efti■ to a commissioned officer shall be con, the one-half of his monthly pay, as by tablished: And the proportions less full pension shall be the like proporof half-pay: And a full penfion to a mmiffioned officer or private foldier, e five dollars per month; and the pro1s less than a full pension, shall be the oportions of five dollars per month: ed, That every commissioned officer, all, by virtue of this act, be placed on fion-list, as entitled to a sum less than commuta. pension, shall receive fuch penfion, on- tion. n compliance with the fame rule refga return of the commutation, which y have received, as is provided for, in le of captain David Cook, by an act of These pen mated. Return of States, in fuch cafes provided. JONATHAN DAYTON, Speaker the House of Representatives. JOHN ADAMS, Vice-President of the Unite States, and Prefident of the Senate. APPROVED, April the twentieth, 1796: GEORGE WASHINGTON, President of the United States. CHAPTER XVI. An Act in Addition to an Act, intitled, "A Act making further Provision for the Suppor of public Credit, and for the Redemption the public Debt." Sec. 1. BE it enacted by the Senate and Hous of Representatives of the Unite States of America, in Congress assembled, Tha it shall be lawful for the commiffioners of the finking fund, and they are hereby required to cause the funded stock of the United States n the last day of December for the year, and from the year one thousand undred and ninety-feven, to the year ufand eight hundred and feventeen inat the rate of three and one half per upon the original capital; and by a d to be made on the last day of De, in the year one thousand eight hund eighteen, of such a fum, as will be dequate, according to the contract, final redemption of the faid stock. ed debt, deferred, 2. And be it further enacted, That it e lawful for the faid commiffioners of king fund, and they are hereby re, to cause the funded debt of the Uni. The fundates, upon which an interest of fix per the interest per annum will commence on the of which is Ly of January, in the year one thou- alfo by di ght hundred and one, to be reimbursed videndes id, in manner following, to wit: First, vidends to be made on the last days of ■, June, and September, from the year oufand eight hundred and one, to the ne thousand eight hundred and twentyinclusively, at the rate of one and one per centum upon the original capital : dly, by dividends to be made on the y of December, from the year one thou 1 And cer tain fums debt or the credit states, in like man ner. be lawful, for the faid Commissioners of of balances sinking fund, and they are hereby required of funded cause to be reimbursed and paid in manner stock, fore prescribed, fuch fum and fums, as, acco standing to ing to the right for that purpose referved, m of certain rightfully be paid for and towards the rei bursement or redemption of all fuch balance the funded debt or stock of the United Stat bearing a present interest of fix per centum p annum, or which will bear a like interest, fro and after the first day of January, in the ye one thoufand eight hundred and one, as star to the credit of certain states, in confequen of an act paffed on the thirty-first day of Ma in the year one thousand seven hundred an ninety-four; and with the confent of the fa states, fuch additional fums, as will render t reimbursement of the faid balances equal that made upon the refidue of the faid stock, the commencement of the present year. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That, addition to the fums already appropriated to th finking fund, by the act, intitled, "An Ad making further provision for the support ofput lic credit, and for the redemption of the publi debt," there shall be, and is hereby, in lik manner, appropriated to the faid fund, fuch fum of the duties on goods, wares and mer tain ftates, in the manner herein becribed and directed. miffioners cretary. . And be it further enacted, That it lawful for the commissioners of the The comFund, to appoint a secretary, whose may aphall be, to record and preserve their point a feings and documents, and to certify hereof, when thereunto duly required; faid fecretary shall be allowed a com- His comn not exceeding two hundred and fifty penfation. annually, for his fervices. ONATHAN DAYTON, Speaker of the House of Representatives. ADAMS, Vice-President of the United President of the United States. |