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ation to


the treaty

Appropri. America, in Congress affembled, That towar defraying the expenfes which may arife in ca frayding the rying into effect, the Treaty of Amity, Cor expenfes of merce and Navigation, made between t carrying United States and the king of Great Britain of amity, there be appropriated a fum not exceedin eighty thousand eight hundred and eight do tween the lars, to be paid out of the duties on impo United and tonnage, to the end of the present yea Great-Bri- not already appropriated : Provided, that th


&c. be

States and

tain, into effcA.

compenfations to be allowed to any of th Commiffioners appointed, or to be appointed in pursuance of any article of the said Treaty shall not exceed, to those who shall ferve in Great-Britain, the rate of fix thousand fix hun Limitation dred and fixty-seven dollars, and fifty cents of the com- per annum; and to those who shall serve in compenfa- the United States, the rate of four thousand four hundred and forty-five dollars, per



the House of Representatives.

JOHN ADAMS, Vice-President of the Unitea
States, and President of the Senate.

APPROVED, May the fixth, 1796:


Prefident of the United States.


effect the

tween the

fat for the purpose of the expening the expenses which may arife in car- fes of carinto effect, the treaty made between the rying into d States and the king of Spain, a fum treaty ceeding eighteen thousand fix hundred made beghty-three dollars, be, and the fame United y is appropriated, to be fatisfied from the States, and the king of of impoft and tonnage, to the end of Spain. esent year, not heretofore appropriated : ded, That the compenfation to be al- to any of the Commissioners, to be ap- Limitation ed in pursuance of any article of the miflioners' Creaty, shall not exceed the rate of three compenfaand five hundred dollars, per annum.

the House of Representatives.

IN ADAMS, Vice-President of the United
States, and President of the Senate.

PPROVED, May the fixth, 1796:


President of the United States.




uity to

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in Congress affembled, That for the purpole of defraying the expenses of carrying into effect,

ars per the treaty made between the United States, um ap and the Dey and Regency of Algiers, the he pay- monies arifing under the revenue laws of the t of the United States, which have been heretofore Dey passed, not already appropriated to any other Regen purpose, or fo much thereof as may be neceffary, to the amount of twenty-four thousand dollars per annum, be, and the fame are hereby pledged and appropriated for the payment of the annuity stipulated in the faid treaty, to be paid to the faid Dey and Regency of Algiers; and to continue so pledged and appropriated, so long as the faid treaty shall be in force.


the House of Representatives.

JOHN ADAMS, Vice-President of the United
States, and Prefident of the Senate.

APPROVED, May the fixth, 1796:


President of the United States.

the expen.


erica, in Congress affembled, That for the Appropri fe of defraying the expenfes which may ation for in carrying into effect, the treaty made defraying een the United States, and the tribes of fes of caras, called the Wyandots, Delawares, rying into anoes, Ottawas, Chippewas, Putawa- treaty Miamis, Eel-river, Weeá, Kickapoo, made beCafhaw, and Kafkaskias, at Greeneville, United e third day of August, one thousand States and hundred and ninety-five, the monies ari- dian tribes, ander the revenue laws of the United north-west

tween the

of the ri

5, which have been heretofore paffed, ver Ohio. ready appropriated to any other purpose, much thereof as may be neceffary, be, re hereby pledged and appropriated for ayment of the annuity stipulated in the treaty, to be paid to the faid Indian ; that is to say: to the Wyandots, one and dollars; to the Delawares, one thoudollars; to the Shawanoes, one thousand s; to the Ottawas, one thousand dolto the Chippewas, one thousand dolto the Putawatimes, one thousand dolto the Miamis, one thousand dollars; Eel-river, Weeá, Kickapoo, Piankashaw Kaskaskias tribes, each five hundred dolAnd to continue so pledged and approed, fo long as the faid treaty shall be in

the House of Representatives.

JOHN ADAMS, Vice-President of the United
States, and President of the Senate.

APPROVED, May the fixth, 1796:

President of the United States.


An Act authorizing a Loan for the Use of the City of Washington, in the District of Columbia, and for other Purposes therein mentioned.

Sec. 1.


E it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress afssembled, That fioners of the Commiffioners, 'under the act, intitled, the city of "An Act for establishing the temporary and permanent feat of the Government of the under the United States," be, and they are hereby authoof the fre. rized, under the direction of the President of fident, bor- the United States, to borrow, from time to fums. time, fuch fum or fums of money, as the faid President shall direct, not exceeding three


Washington may,


row certain

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