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act, under the controul of the Prefident United States.

lots made

with the re pay

thofe loans.

Those lots

2. And be it further enacted, That all except those now appropriated to pub- Certain in the faid city, vested in the Commif- chargeable aforesaid, or in trustees, in any manr the use of the United States, now ment of and remaining unfold, shall be, and are declared and made chargeable with the ment of all and every fum and fums of , and interest thereupon, which shall be ved in pursuance of this act: And, to d, that the fame may be fully and punc- to be fold repaid, the faid lots, or fomany of them and the Il be necessary, shall be fold and con- plied monies ap. at fuch times, and in fuch manner, and discharge ch terms, as the President of the United the loans, , for the time being, shall direct: And onies arifing from the faid fales, shall be d and appropriated, under his direction, discharge of the faid loans, after first g the original proprietors, any balances o them, respectively, according to their al conveyances to the faid Commiffioners astees. And if the product of the fales of e faid lots shall prove inadequate to the nent of the principal and interest of the borrowed under this act, then the defiOL. III.



rom in


of lets to every purchaser or purchafers, his or their De exempt heirs or affigns, from the faid Commiffioners umbrance. or trustees, under the direction of the faid President, of any of the lots herein before mentioned, after paying the price, and fulfilling the terms ftipulated and agreed to be paid and fulfilled, shall have, hold and enjoy the faid lot or lots so bought, free, clear and exonerated from the charge and incumbrance hereby laid upon the fame.



Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That ender an the Commissioners aforesaid, shall, femi-annuAccount of ally, render to the Secretary of the Treaind expen. fury, a particular account of the recepts and litures,&c. expenditures of all monies intrusted to them, ally to the and alfo, the progress and state of the bufiSecretary nefs, and of the funds under their admini


of the


who shall ay it before Con


stration; and that the faid Secretary lay the fame before Congrefs, at every feffion after the receipt thereof.

the House of Representatives.

JOHN ADAMS, Vice-President of the United
States, and President of the Senate.

APPROVED, May the fixth, 1796:


President of the United States.



penfation now established, to the maf- of the reve. ich revenue-cutter, fifty dollars per

to each first-mate, thirty-five dolmonth; to each fecond-mate, thirty per month; to each third-mate, five dollars per month; and to each , not exceeding twenty dollars per to be paid by the collectors of the , who shall be defignated for that

nue cutters.

2. And be it further enacted, That all Forfeitures es, fines and forfeitures which may be under the d under the impoft-laws of the United impoft and recovered in consequence of in- covered on given by any officer of a revenue

laws, re

in confequence of

tion, given


pofed of.

shall, after deducting all proper costs informaarges, be difpofed of, as follows: by oficers urth part shall be for the use of the of the reStates, and be paid into the treasury ters, how E; one-fourth part, for the officers of to be diftoms, to be distributed in the manner rovided, relative to that part of forfeithey are now entitled to: and the reer thereof, to the officers of fuch cutbe divided among them, in proportheir pay.

3. And be it further enacted, That the ent of the United States be, and he

Thofe which are unfit for fervice to be fold.

of the fir st

ihips or veilels.

Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the Prefident of the United States be, and he is hereby authorized, to cause fuch revenue-cutters as shall, from time to time, become unfit for fervice, to be fold at public auction, and the proceeds of fuch fales to be paid into the treafury of the United States.

Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That fo Limitation much of this act as fixes the compenfation of fection. the officers and men on board the faid cutters, shall be, and remain in force, for the term of one year, and from thence to the end of the next feffion of Congress thereafter, and no longer.

the House of Representatives.

JOHN ADAMS, Vice-President of the United
States, and President of the Senate.

APPROVED, May fixth, 1796:


Prefident of the United States.

•B Consent of

E it enacted by the Senate and

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one cent

ing into

States of America, in Congress affembled, granted to
The consent of Congress be, and is here- the act of
nted and declared, to the operation of for collect
of the General Affembly of Maryland, ing a duty
the twenty-eighth of December, one per ton on
and feven hundred and ninety-three, in- vessels com-
"An act to appoint a health-officer, Baltimore
Le port of Baltimore, in Baltimore coun-
To far as to enable the state aforesaid to reign
It a duty of one cent per ton, on all vef- voyage.
oming into the district of Baltimore, from
ign voyage, for the purposes in the faid


from a fo

C. 2. And be it further enacted, That Limitation Et shall be in force for one year, and from of the act. ce to the end of the next feffion of Con

thereafter, and no longer.

JONATHAN DAYTON, Speaker of the House of Representatives. IN ADAMS, Vice-President of the United States, and Prefident of the Senate. ROVED, May the fixth, 1796:


Prefident of the United States.


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