But Hope can here her moonlight vigils keep, And sing to charm the spirit of the deep. Swift as yon streamer lights the starry pole, Her visions warm the watchman's pensive soul: His native hills that rise in happier climes, The grot that heard his song of other times, His cottage-home, his bark of slender sail, His glassy lake, and broomwood-blossom'd vale, Rush on his thought; he sweeps before the wind, Treads the loved shore he sigh'd to leave behind; Meets at each step a friend's familiar face, And flies at last to Helen's long embrace; Wipes from her cheek the rapture-speaking tear, And clasps, with many a sigh, his children dear! While, long neglected, but at length caress'd, His faithful dog salutes the smiling guest, Points to his master's eyes (where'er they roam) His wistful face, and whines a welcome home. Friend of the brave! in peril's darkest hour, Intrepid Virtue looks to thee for power; To thee the heart its trembling homage yields, On stormy floods, and carnage-cover'd fields, When front to front the banner'd hosts combine, Halt ere they close, and form the dreadful line; When all is still on Death's devoted soil, The march-worn soldier mingles for the toil; As rings his glittering tube, he lifts on high The dauntless brow, and spirit-speaking eye, Hails in his heart the triumph yet to come, And such thy strength-inspiring aid that bore The hardy Byron to his native shore.-(a) In horrid climes, where Chiloe's tempests sweep Tumultuous murmurs o'er the troubled deep, 'T was his to mourn misfortune's rudest shock, Scourged by the wind, and cradled on the rock, To wake each joyless morn, and search again The famish'd haunts of solitary men, Whose race, unyielding as their native storm, Knows not a trace of Nature but the form; Yet, at thy call, the hardy tar pursued, Pale but intrepid, sad but unsubdued, Pierced the deep woods, and, hailing from afar The moon's pale planet and the northern star; Paused at each dreary cry, unheard before, Hyenas in the wild, and mermaids on the shore; Till, led by thee o'er many a cliff sublime, He found a warmer world, a milder clime, A home to rest, a shelter to defend, Peace and repose, a Briton and a friend! (6) Congenial Hope! thy passion-kindling power, How bright, how strong, in youth's untroubled hour On yon proud height, with Genius hand in hand, I see thee light, and wave thy golden wand. "Go, Child of heaven, (thy winged words proclaim) 'T is thine to search the boundless fields of fame! Lo! Newton, priest of Nature, shines afar, Scans the wide world, and numbers every star! Wilt thou, with him, mysterious rites apply, And watch the shrine with wonder-beaming eye? Yes, thou shalt mark, with magic art profound, The speed of light, the circling march of sound ; With Franklin, grasp the lightning's fiery wing, Or yield the lyre of Heaven another string. (c) "The Swedish sage admires, in yonder bowers, (d) His winged insects, and his rosy flowers; Calls from their woodland haunts the savage train With sounding horn, and counts them on the plainSo once, at Heaven's command, the wanderers came To Eden's shade, and heard their various name. "Far from the world, in yon sequester'd clime, "Turn, Child of Heaven, thy rapture-lighten'd eye To Wisdom's walk, -the sacred Nine are nigh: Hark! from bright spires that gild the Delphian height, From streams that wander in eternal light, "Beloved of Heaven! the smiling Muse shall shed Her moonlight halo on thy beauteous head; "When Venus, throned in clouds of rosy hue, "Or wilt thou Orphean hymns more sacred deem And steep thy song in Mercy's mellow stream. "Yes; to thy tongue shall seraph words be given, And power on earth to plead the cause of heaven: The proud, the cold untroubled heart of stone, That never mused on sorrow but its own, Unlocks a generous store at thy command, Like Horeb's rocks beneath the prophet's hand. (f) The living lumber of his kindred earth, Charm'd into soul, receives a second birth; Feels thy dread power another heart afford, Whose passion-touch'd harmonious strings accord True as the circling spheres to Nature's plan; And man, the brother, lives the friend of man! "Bright as the pillar rose at Heaven's command, When Israel march'd along the desert lana, Blazed through the night on lonely wilds afar, And told the path-a never-setting star: So, heavenly Genius, in thy course divine, Hope is thy star, her light is ever thine." Propitious Power! when rankling cares annoy The sacred home of Hymenean joy; |