Truth shall arrest the murderous arm profane, Where barb'rous hordes on Scythian mountains roam, Truth, Mercy, Freedom, yet shall find a home; Oh! sacred Truth! thy triumph ceased awhile, Warsaw's last champion from her height survey'd, Wide o'er the fields, a waste of ruin laid,Oh! Heaven! he cried, my bleeding country save; Is there no hand on high to shield the brave? Yet, though destruction sweep these lovely plains, Rise, fellow-men! our country yet remains! By that dread name, we wave the sword on high, He said, and on the rampart-heights array'd In vain, alas! in vain, ye gallant few! From rank to rank your volley'd thunder flew : Oh! bloodiest picture in the book of Time, Sarmatia fell, unwept, without a crime; Found not a generous friend, a pitying foe, Strength in her arms, nor mercy in her woe! Dropt from her nerveless grasp the shatter'd spear, Closed her bright eye, and curb'd her high career! Hope, for a season, bade the world farewell, And Freedom shriek'd-as Kosciusko fell. The sun went down, nor ceased the carnage there, Tumultuous murder shook the midnight airOn Prague's proud arch the fires of ruin glow, His blood-dyed waters murmuring far below; The storm prevails, the ramparts yield a way, Bursts the wild cry of horror and dismay; Hark! as the smouldering piles with thunder fall, Oh! Righteous Heaven! ere Freedom found a grave, Why slept thy sword, omnipotent to save? rod, That smote the foes of Zion and of God, Departed spirits of the mighty dead! Ye that at Marathon and Leuctra bled! Friends of the world! restore your swords to man, Fight in his sacred cause, and lead the van Yet for Sarmatia's tears of blood atone, And make her arm puissant as your own! Oh! once again to Freedom's cause return The patriot TELL the BRUCE of Bannockburn! Yes! thy proud lords, unpitying band! shall see That man hath yet a soul and dare be free; A little while, along thy saddening plains, Ye that the rising moon invidious mark, And hate the light-because your deeds are dark; Ye that expanding truth invidious view, And think, or wish the song of Hope untrue! Perhaps your little hands presume to span The march of Genius, and the powers of Man; Perhaps ye watch, at Pride's unhallow'd shrine, Her victims, newly slain, and thus divine :"Here shall thy triumph, Genius, cease; and here, Truth, Science, Virtue, close your short career." Tyrants! in vain ye trace the wizard ring; In vain ye limit Mind's unwearied spring: What! can ye lull the winged winds asleep, Arrest the rolling world, or chain the deep? No:-the wild wave contemns your sceptred hand;It roll'd not back when Canute gave command ! Man! can thy doom no brighter soul allow ? Still must thou live a blot on Nature's brow? Shall War's polluted banner ne'er be furl'd ? Shall crimes and tyrants cease but with the world? What! are thy triumphs, sacred Truth, belied? Ye fond adorers of departed fame, Yes! in that generous cause for ever strong, The patriot's virtue, and the poet's song, Still, as the tide of ages rolls away, Shall charm the world, unconscious of decay! Yes! there are hearts, prophetic Hope may trust, That slumber yet in uncreated dust, |