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No: the wild bliss of Nature needs alloy,
And care and sorrow fan the fire of joy!
And say, without our hopes, without our fears,
Without the home that plighted love endears,
Without the smiles from partial beauty won,
O! what were man?-a world without a sun!

Till Hymen brought his love-delighted hour,
There dwelt no joy in Eden's rosy bower!
In vain the viewless seraph lingering there,
At starry midnight charm'd the silent air;
In vain the wild-bird caroll'd on the steep,
To hail the sun, slow-wheeling from the deep;
In vain, to soothe the solitary shade,
Aerial notes in mingling measure play'd;
The summer wind that shook the spangled tree,
The whispering wave, the murmur of the bee;—
Still slowly pass'd the melancholy day,
And still the stranger wist not where to stray,-
The world was sad!--the garden was a wild !
And Man, the hermit, sigh'd-till Woman smiled!

True, the sad power to generous hearts may bring Delirious anguish on his fiery wing! Barr'd from delight by Fate's untimely hand, By wealthless lot, or pitiless command ! Or doom'd to gaze on beauties that adorn The smile of triumph, or the frown of scorn; While Memory watches o'er the sad review Of joys that faded like the morning dew!

Peace may depart and life and nature seem
A barren path-a wildness, and a dream!

But, can the noble mind for ever brood, The willing victim of a weary mood, On heartless cares that squander life away, And cloud young Genius brightening into day? Shame to the coward thought that e'er betray'd The noon of manhood to a myrtle shade! (a) If Hope's creative spirit cannot raise One trophy sacred to thy future days, Scorn the dull crowd that haunt the gloomy shrine Of hopeless love to murmur and repine! But, should a sigh of milder mood express Thy heart-warm wishes, true to happiness, Should Heaven's fair harbinger delight to pour Her blissful visions on thy pensive hour, No tear to blot thy memory's pictured page, No fears but such as fancy can assuage; Though thy wild heart some hapless hour may miss, The peaceful tenour of unvaried bliss, (For love pursues an ever-devious race, True to the winding lineaments of grace;) Yet still may Hope her talisman employ To snatch from Heaven anticipated joy, And all her kindred energies impart That burn the brightest in the purest heart!

When first the Rhodian's mimic art array'd The queen of Beauty in her Cyprian shade,

The happy master mingled on his piece
Each look that charm'd him in the fair of Greece!
To faultless Nature true, he stole a grace
From every finer form and sweeter face!
And, as he sojourn'd on the Ægean isles,
Woo'd all their love, and treasured all their smiles!
Then glow'd the tints, pure, precious, and refined,
And mortal charms seem'd heavenly when combined.
Love on the picture smiled! Expression pour'd
Her mingling spirit there-and Greece adored !

So thy fair hand, enamour'd Fancy! gleans
The treasured pictures of a thousand scenes;
Thy pencil traces on the Lover's thought
Some cottage-home, from towns and toil remote,
Where Love and Lore may claim alternate hours,
With Peace embosom'd in Idalian bowers;
Remote from busy Life's bewilder'd way,
O'er all his heart shall Taste and Beauty sway;
Free on the sunny slope, or winding shore,
With hermit steps to wander and adore;
There shall he love, when genial morn appears,
Like pensive Beauty smiling in her tears,
To watch the bright'ning roses of the sky,
And muse on Nature with a poet's eye!
And when the sun's last splendour lights the deep,
The woods, and waves, and murmuring winds asleep;
When fairy harps th' Hesperian planets hail,
And the lone cuckoo sighs along the vale,


His path shall be where streamy mountains swell
Their shadowy grandeur o'er the narrow dell,
Where mouldering piles and forests intervene,
Mingling with darker tints the living green!
No circling hills his ravish'd eye to bound,
Heaven, earth, and ocean, blazing all around!

The moon is up-the watch-tower dimly burns-
And down the vale his sober step returns;
But pauses oft as winding rocks convey
The still sweet fall of Music far away!
And oft he lingers from his home awhile
To watch the dying notes!-and start, and smile!

Let Winter come! let polar spirits sweep
The darkening world, and tempest-troubled deep!
Though boundless snows the wither'd heath deform,
And the dim sun scarce wanders through the storm!
Yet shall the smile of social love repay,
With mental light, the melancholy day!
And, when its short and sullen noon is o'er,
The ice-chain'd waters slumbering on the shore,
How bright the fagots in his little hall
Blaze on the hearth, and warm the pictured wall!

How blest he names, in Love's familiar tone,
The kind fair friend, by nature mark'd his own!
And, in the waveless mirror of his mind,
Views the fleet years of pleasure left behind,

Since Anna's empire o'er his heart began!
Since first he call'd her his before the holy man!

Trim the gay taper in his rustic dome, And light the wint'ry paradise of home! And let the half-uncurtain'd window hail Some way-worn man benighted in the vale! Now, while the moaning night-wind rages high, As sweep the shot-stars down the troubled sky, While fiery hosts in Heaven's wide circle play, And bathe in livid light the milky-way, Safe from the storm, the meteor, and the shower, Some pleasing page shall charm the solemn hourWith pathos shall command, with wit beguile, A generous tear of anguish, or a smileThy woes, Arion! and thy simple tale, (b) O'er all the heart shall triumph and prevail ! Charm'd as they read the verse too sadly true, How gallant Albert, and his weary crew, Heaved all their guns, their foundering bark to save, And toil'd-and shriek'd and perish'd on the wave !

Yes, at the dead of night, by Lonna's steep, The seamen's cry was heard along the deep; There on his funeral waters, dark and wild, The dying father blest his darling child! Oh! Mercy, shield her innocence, he cried, Spent on the prayer his bursting heart, and died!

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