The Book of PleasuresJohn B. Perry, 1841 - 187 pages |
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Page 18
... sire , the son shall be In form and soul ; but , ah ! more blest than he ! Thy fame , thy worth , thy filial love , at last , Shall soothe this aching heart for all the past- With many a smile my solitude repay , And chase the world's ...
... sire , the son shall be In form and soul ; but , ah ! more blest than he ! Thy fame , thy worth , thy filial love , at last , Shall soothe this aching heart for all the past- With many a smile my solitude repay , And chase the world's ...
Page 49
... sire , and fill'd his heart with joy ! My Absalom ! ( the voice of nature cried ! ) Oh ! that for thee thy father could have died ! For bloody was the deed and rashly done , That slew my Absalom ! -my son ! -my son ! ! Unfading Hope ...
... sire , and fill'd his heart with joy ! My Absalom ! ( the voice of nature cried ! ) Oh ! that for thee thy father could have died ! For bloody was the deed and rashly done , That slew my Absalom ! -my son ! -my son ! ! Unfading Hope ...
Page 52
... sire , Whose mortal life , and momentary fire , Lights to the grave his chance - created form As ocean - wrecks illuminate the storm ; And when the gun's tremendous flash is o'er , To Night and Silence sink for ever more ! Are these the ...
... sire , Whose mortal life , and momentary fire , Lights to the grave his chance - created form As ocean - wrecks illuminate the storm ; And when the gun's tremendous flash is o'er , To Night and Silence sink for ever more ! Are these the ...
Page 55
... , yon widow'd sire appears A lonely hermit in the vale of years ; Say , can the world one joyous thought bestow To Friendship , weeping at the couch of Woe ? No ! but a brighter soothes the last adieu , PLEASURES OF HOPE . 55.
... , yon widow'd sire appears A lonely hermit in the vale of years ; Say , can the world one joyous thought bestow To Friendship , weeping at the couch of Woe ? No ! but a brighter soothes the last adieu , PLEASURES OF HOPE . 55.
Page 75
... sire to son with pious zeal bequeathed . When o'er the blasted heath the day declined , And on the scathed oak warr'd the winter - wind ; When not a distant taper's twinkling ray Gleam'd o'er the furze to light him on his way ; When not ...
... sire to son with pious zeal bequeathed . When o'er the blasted heath the day declined , And on the scathed oak warr'd the winter - wind ; When not a distant taper's twinkling ray Gleam'd o'er the furze to light him on his way ; When not ...
Autres éditions - Tout afficher
The Book of Pleasures: Containing The Pleasures of Hope Thomas Campbell Affichage du livre entier - 1851 |
The Book of Pleasures: Containing The Pleasures of Hope Thomas Campbell Affichage du livre entier - 1851 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
adamantine amid awful beauty behold bends blest blooming bosom breast breath breeze bright bright eye brow charm Child of Heaven clime clouds crystal water deep delight dews divine dread dwell earth enchantment eternal fair Fancy Fancy's fate final cause fire fond frame gaze Genesa Genius gloom glows hail hand Hark harmonious hath heart Heaven honours hour hues immortal light living Loxian lyre mind mingling mortal murmuring Muse Nature Nature's night o'er passion pensive Plato PLEASURES OF HOPE PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION pomp radiant rapture rill rocks round sacred scene seraph shade shore sigh sire smile smiling band song soothe sorrow soul spectre spirit spring stamp'd storm stream sublime sweet tears thee thou thought thunder toil trembling triumph Truth vale VESPASIAN VIRGIL's tomb Virtue wakes wave weep whence wild winds wing Wisdom woes wonder wretch youth
Fréquemment cités
Page 11 - Why to yon mountain turns the musing eye, "Whose sunbright summit mingles with the sky ? Why do those cliffs of shadowy tint appear More sweet than all the landscape smiling near ?— 'Tis distance lends enchantment to the view, And robes the mountain in its azure hue.
Page 176 - His tuneful breast enjoys. For him, the spring Distils her dews, and from the silken gem Its lucid leaves unfolds : for him, the hand Of Autumn tinges every fertile branch With blooming gold, and blushes like the morn.
Page 106 - Omnipotent might send him forth In sight of mortal and immortal powers, As on a boundless theatre, to run The great career of justice ; to exalt His generous aim to all diviner deeds ; To chase each partial purpose from his breast) And through the mists of passion and of sense, And through the tossing tide of chance and pain, To hold his course unfaltering, while the voice Of truth and virtue, up the steep ascent Of nature, calls him to his high reward, Th...
Page 12 - Tis Nature pictured too severely true. With thee, sweet HOPE ! resides the heavenly light, That pours remotest rapture on the sight : Thine is the charm of life's bewilder'd way, That calls each slumbering passion into play. Waked by thy touch, I see the sister band, On tiptoe watching, start at thy command, And fly where'er thy mandate bids them steer, To Pleasure's path, or Glory's bright career.
Page 42 - The world was sad ! — the garden was a wild ! And man, the hermit, sigh'd — till woman smiled...
Page 41 - IN joyous youth, what soul hath never known Thought, feeling, taste, harmonious to its own ? Who hath not paused while Beauty's pensive eye Ask'd from his heart the homage of a sigh ? Who hath not own'd, with rapture-smitten frame, The power of grace, the magic of a name...
Page 23 - Oh ! bloodiest picture in the book of time, Sarmatia fell — unwept— without a crime ! Found not a generous friend — a pitying foe — Strength in her arms, nor mercy in her woe...
Page 23 - KOSCIUSKO fell! The sun went down, nor ceased the carnage there. Tumultuous Murder shook the midnight air — On Prague's proud arch the fires of ruin glow, His blood-dyed waters murmuring far below; The storm prevails, the rampart yields a way, Bursts the wild cry of horror and dismay!
Page 74 - Tho' all, that knew him, know his face no more, His faithful dog shall tell his joy to each, With that mute eloquence which passes speech.— And see, the master but returns to die! Yet who shall bid the watchful servant fly ? The blasts of heaven, the drenching dews of earth, The wanton insults of unfeeling mirth, These, when to guard Misfortune's sacred grave, Will firm Fidelity exult to brave. Led by what chart, transports the timid dove The wreaths of conquest, or the vows of love ? Say, thro'...
Page 15 - Know not a trace of Nature but the form; Yet, at thy call, the hardy tar pursued, Pale, but intrepid, sad, but unsubdued...