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" IN joyous youth, what soul hath never known Thought, feeling, taste, harmonious to its own ? Who hath not paused while Beauty's pensive eye Ask'd from his heart the homage of a sigh ? Who hath not own'd, with rapture-smitten frame, The power of grace,... "
The Book of Pleasures - Page 41
1841 - 187 pages
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The Pleasures of Hope: With Other Poems

Thomas Campbell - 1800 - 168 pages
...Beauty's penfive eye Aflc'd from his heart the homage of a figh ? Who hath not 6wn'd, with rapture-fmitten frame, The power of grace, the magic of a name ? There...Cold as the rocks on Torneo's hoary brow ; There be, whofe lovelefs wifdom never fail'd, In felf-adoring pride fecurely mail'd ; — IO But, triumph not,...
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The Pleasures of Hope: With Other Poems

Thomas Campbell - 1801 - 170 pages
...penfive eye Afk'd from his heart the homage of a figh ? "\Yho hath not own'd, with rapture-fmitten frame, The power of grace, the magic of a name ? There be, perhaps, who barren hearts, Cold as the rocks on Torneo'» hoary brow ; pij There fhall he love, when genial morn appears,...
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The Pleasures of Hope: With Other Poems

Thomas Campbell - 1804 - 144 pages
...youth, what soul hath never known Thought, feeling, taste, harmonious to its own ? Who hath not paus'd, while Beauty's pensive eye Ask'd from his heart the...hearts avow> Cold as the rocks on Torneo's hoary brow ; • 49 PLEASURES OF HOPE. There be, whose loveless wisdom never fail'd, In self-adoring pride securely...
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The London review, conducted by R. Cumberland, Volume 1

Richard Cumberland - 1809 - 504 pages
...what soul hath never known " Thought, feeling, taste, harmonious to its own ? " Who hath not paus'd while Beauty's pensive eye " Ask'd from his heart the homage of a sigh ? " Who hath not owu'd, with rapture-smitten frame, " The power of grace, the magic of a name ? " There be, perhaps,...
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The Pleasures of Hope: With Other Poems

Thomas Campbell - 1813 - 164 pages
...youth, what soul hath never known Thought, feeling, taste, harmonious to its own ? Who hath not paus'd while Beauty's pensive eye Ask'd from his heart the homage of a sigh ? i Who hath not own'd, with rapture-smitten frame, The power of grace, the magic of a name ? There...
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Monte Video: Or, The Officer's Wife and Her Sister, Volume 2

Elizabeth Thomas - 1816 - 312 pages
...way, and the aggressor must answer for consequences." CHAP. IX. There be, perhaps, who barren heart! avow, Cold as the rocks on Torneo's hoary brow ; There be, whose loveless wisdom never tlal'd. lu sclf-adorsng pride securely maiPd j But triumph not, ye peace-enaraour'd few; fire, nature,...
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St. Clyde: A Novel

St. Clyde ( - 1816 - 286 pages
...those who seek most for results from such causes, too frequently resemble the dog and his shadow. " There be perhaps who barren hearts avow, Cold as the rocks on Tornea's hoary brow ; There be, whose loveless wisdom never failed, In self-adoring pride securely...
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The Visitor, or, Literary miscellany

1818 - 354 pages
...not paused while Beauty's pensive eye Asked from his heart the homage of a sigh 1 Who hath not owned with rapture-smitten frame, The power of grace, the magic of a name ? CAMfBItL. That moralist must have been blind indeed, nay willingly so, who, in his observations on...
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Briefe an eine deutsche Edelfrau über die neuesten englischen Dichter

Friedrich Johann Jacobsen - 1820 - 796 pages
...eye jixk'd from his heart the homage of a m'gh ? Who hath not own'd , witli rapture-nmitlen fvame, The power of grace , the magic of a name? There be , perhaps , who harren hearts Cold as ths rocks on Torneo's hoary brow ; There be , whoue loveless wisdom never fail'd,...
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The New Monthly Magazine and Literary Journal, Volume 40

1840 - 604 pages
...irresistibly attractive in the loveliest of her sex. Such a creature is undoubtedly formed to be admired : " Who hath not paused while beauty's pensive eye Ask'd...rapture-smitten frame, The power of grace, the magic of a name ?"* Her mother's heart exults in contemplating the attentions and adoration which are lavished upon...
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