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Livres Livres
" Know not a trace of Nature but the form; Yet, at thy call, the hardy tar pursued, Pale, but intrepid, sad, but unsubdued... "
The Book of Pleasures - Page 15
1841 - 187 pages
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The Monthly Epitome, Volume 4

1801 - 504 pages
...and fearch again The tamilh'd haunts of folitary men; \Vhofe race unyielding to their native florin, Knows not a trace of Nature but the form ; Yet, at thy call, the hardy tar purfued, Vale, but intrepid, fad but unfubdued, Picrc'd the lîecp wouds, and, hailing irom afar The...
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The Pleasures of Hope: With Other Poems

Thomas Campbell - 1803 - 162 pages
...murmurs o'er the troubled deep, 'Twas his to mourn misfortune's rudest shock, Scourg'd by the winds, and cradled on the rock, To wake each joyless morn,...Tar pursued, Pale, but intrepid, sad, but unsubdued, Pierc'd the deep woods, and, hailing from afar, The moon's pale planet and the northern star; Paus'd...
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The Pleasures of Hope: With Other Poems

Thomas Campbell - 1804 - 144 pages
...Tumultuous/murmurs o'er the troubled deep, Twas his to mourn misfortune's rudest shock, Scourg'd by the winds, and cradled on the rock, To wake each joyless morn,...thy call, the hardy tar pursued, Pale, but intrepid, ^ad, but unsubdued, B Pierc'd the deep woods, and, hailing from afar, The moon's pale planet, and the...
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The Pleasures of Hope: With Other Poems

Thomas Campbell - 1804 - 182 pages
...misfortune's rudest shock, Scourg'd by the winds, and cradled on the rock, To wake each joyless mom, and search again The famish'd haunts of solitary men,...tar pursued, Pale, but intrepid, sad, but unsubdued, Pierc'd the deep woods, and, hailing from afar, The moon's pale planet and the northern star ; Paus'd...
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The Pleasures of Hope: With Other Poems

Thomas Campbell - 1806 - 220 pages
...troubled deep, . •jmcil A 'Twas his to mourn Misfortune's rudest shock, ' . 105 Scourg*d by the winds, and cradled on the rock, To wake each joyless morn,...native storm, Knows not a trace of Nature but the form j ;OtlO Yet, at thy call, the hardy tar pursued, \ ' Pale, but intrepid, sad, but unsubdued, Pierc'd...
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The Pleasures of Hope: With Other Poems

Thomas Campbell - 1810 - 176 pages
...murmurs o'er the troubled deep, 'Twas his to mourn Misfortune's rudest shock, Scourg'd by the winds, and cradled on the rock, To wake each joyless morn,...Yet, at thy call, the hardy tar pursued, Pale, but intrepid,—sad, but unsubdued, Pierc'd the deep woods, and, hailing from afar, The moon's pale planet...
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The Pleasures of Hope, and Other Poems

Thomas Campbell - 1811 - 214 pages
...murmurs o'er the troubled deep, 'Twas his to mourn Misfortune's rudest shock, Scourg'd by the winds, and cradled on the rock, To wake each joyless morn,...the form ; Yet, at thy call, the hardy tar pursued, le^ but intrepid, — sad, but unsubdued, Pierc'd the deep woods, and, hailing from afar, The moon's...
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The pleasures of hope; with other poems. [Another]

Thomas Campbell - 1812 - 160 pages
...murmurs o'er the troubled deep, 'Twas his to mourn Misfortune's rudest shock, Scourg'd by the winds, and cradled on the rock, To wake each joyless morn,...pursued, Pale, but intrepid, — sad, but unsubdued, Pierc'd the deep woods, and, hailing from afar, The moon's pale planet and the northern star, Paus'd...
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The Pleasures of Hope: With Other Poems

Thomas Campbell - 1813 - 164 pages
...murmurs o'er the troubled deep, 'Twas his to mourn Misfortune's rudest shock, Scourg'd by the winds, and cradled on the rock, To wake each joyless morn, and search again The famisli'd haunts of solitary men; Whose race, unyielding as their native storm, Knows not a trace of...
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The Pleasures of Hope, with Other Poems

Thomas Campbell - 1817 - 166 pages
...murmurs o'er the troubled deep, 'Twas his to mourn Misfortune's rudest shock, Scourged by the winds, and cradled on the rock, To wake each joyless morn, ; Whose race, unyielding as their native storm, Know not a trace of Nature but the form ; Yet, at thy call, the hardy tar pursued, Pale, but intrepid,...
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