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" Tho' all, that knew him, know his face no more, His faithful dog shall tell his joy to each, With that mute eloquence which passes speech.— And see, the master but returns to die! Yet who shall bid the watchful servant fly ? The blasts of heaven, the... "
The Book of Pleasures - Page 74
1841 - 187 pages
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The Pleasures of Memory, with Other Poems

Samuel Rogers - 1801 - 208 pages
...more, His faithful dog shall tell his joy to each, With that mute eloquence which passes speech. And see, the master but returns to die! Yet who shall bid the watchful servant fly? The blasts of heav'n, the drenching dews of earth, The wanton insults of unfeeling mirth. These, when to guard Misfortune's...
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The Pleasures of Memory

Samuel Rogers - 1801 - 222 pages
...more, His faithful dog shall tell his joy to each, With that mute eloquence which passes speech. And see, the master but returns to die ! Yet who shall bid the watchful servant fly? The blasts of heav'n, the drenching dews of earth, The wanton insults of unfeeling mirth, These, when to guard Misfortune's...
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The Pleasures of Memory: With Other Poems

Samuel Rogers - 1802 - 310 pages
...more, His faithful dog shall tell his joy to each, With that mute eloquence which passes speech. And see, the master but returns to die ! Yet who shall bid the watchful servant fly? The blasts of heav'n, the drenching dews of earth, The wanton insults of unfeeling mirth, These, when to guard Misfortune's...
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The Pleasures of Hope: With Other Poems

Thomas Campbell - 1804 - 182 pages
...more, His faithful dog shall tell his joy to each, With that mute eloquence which passes speech. And see, the master but returns to die ! Yet who shall...The wreaths of conquest, or the vows of love ? Say, thro' the clouds what compass point* her flight? Monarchs have gaz'd, and nations bless'd the sight....
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Odes of Anacreon, Volume 1

Anacreon - 1804 - 194 pages
...elegant author of " The Pleasures of Memory" a fine and interesting exemplification of his subject. Led by what chart, transports the timid dove The wreaths of conquest, or the vows of love ? I See Tell me whither, whence you rove, Tell me all, my sweetest dove. Curious stranger ! I belong...
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The Pleasures of Memory: With Other Poems

Samuel Rogers - 1806 - 208 pages
...see, the master but returns to die! Yet who shall bid the watchful servant fly ? The blasts of heav'n, the drenching dews of earth, The wanton insults of...Fidelity exult to brave. Led by what chart, transports die timid dove The wreaths of conquest, or the vows of love? Say, thro' the clouds what compass points...
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Samuel Rogers - 1816 - 260 pages
...His faithful dog shall tell his joy to each, With that mute eloquence which passes speech. — And see, the master but returns to die ! Yet who shall...The wreaths of conquest, or the vows of love ? Say, thro' the clouds what compass points her flight? Monarchs have gazed, and nations blessed the sight....
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Samuel Rogers - 1816 - 276 pages
...His faithful dog shall tell his joy to each, With that mute eloquence which passes speech. — And see, the master but returns to die ! Yet who shall...drenching dews of earth, The wanton insults of unfeeling m:rth, These, when to guard Misfortune's sacred grave, Will firm Fidelity exult to brave. Led by what...
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The Pleasures of Memory, and Other Poems

Samuel Rogers - 1820 - 160 pages
...more, His faithful dog shall tell his joy to each, With that mute eloquence which passes speech. And see, the master but returns to die ! Yet who brave. Led by what chart, transports the timid dovo, The wreath of conquest, or the vows of love ? 22 THE PLEASURES OF MEMORY. Say, through the clouds...
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Samuel Rogers - 1820 - 272 pages
...more, His faithful dog shall tell his joy to each, With that mute eloquence which passes speech.— And see, the master but returns to die ! Yet who shall...Misfortune's sacred grave, Will firm Fidelity exult to brave. Say, thro' the clouds what compass points her flight ? Monarchs have gazed, and nations blessed the...
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