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A Difcourfe on the Study of the Law of Nature and Nations, ind troductory to a Course of Lectures on that Science. By James Mackintosh, Efq. Barrifter. 2s. 6d. Tak do polts Johnfon.


An Outline of the History and Cure of Fever endemic and contaJugious, more exprefsly that of Jails, Ships, and Hofpitals, and the vulgarly called) Yellow Fever of the Weft-Indies. To which is added, an Explanation of the Principles of Military Difcipline and Economy,with a Scheme of Medical Arrangement for Armies. By Robert Jackfon, M. D. 8vo. js. bds. Longman and Rees. An Effay on the Nature of a Putrid Malignant Fever, which preevailed at Warwick in 1798. By George Lipfcomb). Surgeon, 2s. 6d. dotato da Rivingtons.

MISCELLANIES.5 doldw Beauties of the Anti-Jacobin, or Weekly Examiner; containing every Article of permanent Interest in that truly valuable Work; together with the Whole of the excellent Poetry. With Notes by the Editor, 12mo. 55. in Wodnevnhosgaishy modChapple. Supplement to the Remarks on the Signs of the Times, with many additional Remarks. By Edward King, Efq. 4to. gs. Nicol. The Political and Moral Ufes of an Evil Spirit. By George Hanmer Lycefter, M. A. 2s.


Letter to the Anti-Jacobin Reviewers. By Charles Lloyd, author of Edmund Oliver, 1s.




The Eighteen Manoeuvres, as practifed by the Infantry, with plates, &c. 12mo. 55. Iron Chapple. Military Figures, for the use of the Cavalry, particularly adapted for private Drills, 11. 1s. A complete Marine Packet Dictionary, of the Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and German Languages; with an English-french; and French-english Index. By Henry Norman, 7s. 6s. bds. Hurft.



Song of the Battle of the Nile, by the Rev. W. L. Bowles, 4to. 15. 6d. andinated Cadell and Davies, The Battle of the Nile, a Poem, by William Sotheby, Efq. 4to. 25. 6d. Hatchard.

A new Volume of Poems, including the Vision, or the Maid of Orleans, by Robert Southey, 6s. bds. Longman and Rees. Lines fuggefted by the Faft appointed Feb. 27, 1799, by Charles Lloyd, 15. br br bugholysets



The Tells of National Wealth and Finance in Great Britain, in
December, 1798, 1s. 6d. ad vffsre
Confiderations upon Frauds in the Revenue, addreffed to the good
Senfe of the People, 25.1
Dwood Hatchard.
Propofals for paying off the National Debt, and reducing the Taxes
immediately, by Henry Mertons Bird, Efq. 1s. 6d. Rivingtons.
An Examination into the Increase of the Revenue, Commerce, and
Manufactures of Great Britain, from 1792 to 1799, 25. Wright.



Elays on the Political Circumftances of Ireland, during the Administration of Earl Camden. By Alexander Knox, Efq. Svo. 55. bds. Chapple. Ireland Profiting by Example; or the Question, Whether Scotnland has Gained or Loft, by an Union with England, fairly andifcuffed. In a Letter from a Gentleman in Edinburgh to his Friend in Dublin, is. Chapple. Reasons for Adopting an Union between Ireland and Great Britain. By the Author of the Letter to Jos. Spencer, Efq. Is. 6d. Chapple. The Retrospect, A Collection of Tracts published at various periods of the War; including Reflections on Mr. Locke's Theory of Government, in producing that Combination of Anarchy, which has affumed the Name Jacobinifm, by John Bowles, Efq. 8vo. 6s. bds. Longman and Rees. The State of Politics, 1s.




A Sermon preached before the Lords, on Thursday, Nov. 29, 1798.
By John, Lord Bishop of Chichefter, "1s.
The unparalleled Favour of Providence towards Britain: A Ser-
mon on the late National Thankfgiving. By Robert Walker,


F. R. S. E. IS. The Nature and Danger of Infidel Philofophy, by the Rev. Timothy Dwight, D. D. is. 6d.


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Cadell and Davies.



A Sermon preached before the Lords, Feb. 27, 1799, by the Lord Bishop of Durham, 4to. 1s. 6d. A Sermon preached before the Houfe of Commons, Feb. 27, 1799, by Thomas Hay, D. D. 1s. Hora Biblicæ, being a Series of Mifcellaneous Notes on the original Text, early Verfions and printed Editions of the old and new Teftement, by Charles Butler, 5s. bds.


Since we announced the intention of Mr. COBBETT, of Philadelphia, to publifh a Complete Edition of the Works of PETER PORCUPINE, we have received the Profpectus, from which we extract the Conditions of the Subfcription, and heartily recommend the Writings of this ftaunch Friend of Social Order to the Protection of the British Public.

I. It is impoffible to lay exactly how many volumes will be neceffary; but there fhall not be less than thirteen volumes, and it is probable there will be fixteen. The Paper is fine, the Type beautiful, and the Binding fhall be neat, if not elegant. allegor

II. The work fhall be ready for delivery in the month of Auguft next, in America, and about the month of December, in Great Britain.

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Lettres Originales de Rouffeau fur la Mufique, 12mo. 3s. 6d.
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Memoirs Hiftoriques de Stephanie Louife de Bourbon Conty ecrits,
par Elle-meme, 2 vols. 8vo. 105.

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GUTTER's Faithful Soldier, a fer-

AGUTTER's the late z

victories reviewed, 397.

Analytical Review expofed, 75-praifes

of Dr. Drennan. See Drennan-
New, ftrictures on, 327.
Anti-Jacobin Review defends Chriftian
religion against Anthony Robinson, 6

animadverfions of, on Mr. Fox's
doctrine concerning refiftance, 7-
account of Athanafius's creed, 19-
exposes the felf-importance of schif-
matics, ib.-praifes the British con-
ftitution as adapted to the genius,
manners, and character of the peo-
ple, but denies that, therefore, it is
the best for every people, ib.-fhews
public and private virtue to be
branches of the fame root, 46-pro-
nounces Laud a weak narrow-minded
intolerant bigot, ib.-confiders union
as neceffary to the falvation of Ire-
land, 112-Cheetham's Letter to, 326
Thomas's ditto, 327.
Anti-Jacobin, or Weekly Examiner,
review of, reviewed, 309-excellent
tendency of, ib.-Jacobin falfehoods
expofed by Detector's Letters, 311-
deferved praife of Mr. William Gif-
ford, ib-general character of, 315.

[ocr errors][merged small]

Belfham's Hiftory of Great Britain re-
viewed, 32-patch-work, 33-pla
giarism, ib.contradictory and un-
juft character of Clarendon, ib.-
Heterodox, 34-praises the fentence
on Charles I. ib.hopes Ireland
will revolt, ib.-falfely affirms the
doctrine of the Trinity to be a popish
invention, ib.-corrupts hiftorical
truth, 85-morality and politics
formed on the fyftem of the modern
French school, 36-analyzes Locke
on Government, 128-fhews that he
proceeds on a falfe hypothefis, 180-
Memoirs of the House of Brunswick
reviewed, 257-chief fources of his

[ocr errors]

hiftorical information derived from
Pope's Dunciad, 258-many of his
materials quotations from poetry, ib.

of Lord Lansdowne and Mr. Fox,
260, 261-general character of his
work, 262,

Bird's Propofals for paying off the Na-
tional Debt, reviewed, 400.
Boucher's View of the Caufes and Con-
fequences of the American Revolu-
tion, reviewed, 83-object of the
work, 84-information and ability
of, 85-Traces American principles
to their fource, 86-extracts from,
88, 89-overturns Price's doctrines
on Civil Liberty, ib.-urges exertion
and confederacy, 132.1
Bowles's Retrospect, reviewed, 10-ac-
curate knowledge of the Origin and
Progrefs of the French Revolution,
ib.-analyfis of the work, 11-con-
curs with Mr. Burke on the avowed
object of the war, 12-extracts from
14, 15.

Bowles's (Rev. W.) affociation fermon,


Bowles, William, fong of the battle of


the Nile, reviewed, 426.
British Public Characters, reviewed, 57

vague and unappropriate character
of Mr. Dundas, 58-feeble portrait of
Thurlow, ib.-characters of Dr.
Horley and Dr. Porteus well drawn,
ib.-Dean Tucker's, feebly, ib.-
trifling account of Peter Pindar, 59-
high praise of Gilbert Wakefield,
David Williams, Meff. Grattan and
Fox, 60-eaggerated and falfe ac-
count of Mr. Henry Erfkine, 61.
Bullock's Confecration Sermon, 410.
Buonaparte, Intercepted Letters from
reviewed, 380-interefting and in-
ftructive, tranflation, and
notes, 381-juft exhibition of the
ftate of Egypt, 383.

[blocks in formation]


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themfelves fo, who and what, 362- Dundas, (Mr.) fpeech,
accufe the clergy of the church of
England of not preaching the Gof-
pel, ib. the head of that fet, Wil-
fiam Romaine, looked on, by his
cuftomers, as an apoftle, 363-had

five hundred minifters in his mufter-
roll, ib.-fraternity of Gospel-preach-
ers engross a majority of chapels
lectureships, 364-particularly po
pular among the weavers, ib.
charge of the faints against the clergy
of the church refuted, 368-doc-
trinal points difcuffed, 369.
Canning, fpeech of, on continental
alliances, reviewed, 54-confutes
Tierney's pofitions, ex-
tracts from, 55-general character
of, 56.

Chorus of Loyalty, 453.

Clarke's Thanksgiving Sermon,
n. 301.
Clement's fermons, reviewed, 17-pi-
ous, ib.-orthodox, 18-importance
of the doctrine of the Trinity, ib.-
work counteracts the poifon of So-
cinianifm, ib.-explanation of the
Holy Ghoft, ib.-arrogance of fchif-
matics, ib.-proves the neceffity of
retaining St. Athanafius's creed, 22.
Committee, Secret, Report of, re-
viewed, 403.

[ocr errors]

Conspiracy, grand, againft focial order,
review of, reviewed. See Analytical
and Critical.

Cornwallis (Marquis) letter, to, re-
viewed, 404.

Country, ftate of, in autumn 1798,
reviewed, 26-character of, 28.
Critical Review, defcription of, 77-
fpecimens of, 203.
Curate, Country, Thanksgiving Ser-

mon, 301.


Day at Rome, a farce, reviewed, 32.
Diffenters, juftification of, 217.
Drennan's Letter to Mr. Pitt, review
of, reviewed, 316-violent and fedi-
tious abufe of Britain, 320-turgid
language of, 321-idolizes Fox as a
god, ib. propofes to eat cabbage
with him, 322-forgets fome features
of his idol's history and character,
ib.fays nothing of the gaming.
houfe, ib. of the morality of his
domeftic relations, ib.nor of the
honourable fources of his fubfiftence,
ib. elegant fimile, from the human
body, refpecting the fituation of
Ireland, 323-high praises of his ge-
nius and tafte by Analytical and
Critical Reviewers, passin

[merged small][ocr errors]

Eloquence of the Whig Club, 453.
Englishman's Advice to his Country-
men, reviewed, 395-difplays the
beauties of the British conftitution,
396-depicts the confequences of
French principles, ib.


[ocr errors]

Farra's Vifitation Sermon, reviewed,
157-plain and practical,
Fellows, (Mr.) Addrefs to the People,
on the prefent relative fituations of
England and France, reviewed, 42—
well intended and useful, jb.-erro.
neous opinion of the old government
of France, ib.
government of
Louis XVI. moderate and mild, ib.
falfe opinion on the origin of govern-
ment, 43-proclaims himself the
opponent of democracy, ibfome
of his pofitions favourable to it, ib.-
extracts from, 44-advice to recon-
fider fome points, 49.
Fitz-Albini, reviewed, 79-juft obfer-
vation and ftrong fatire, 81-abufed
Fox (Mr.) Letter to, reviewed, 402.
by the democratical Reviews, 82.
France, coalition againft, recommend-
ed, reviewed, 403,

French prifoners, report of, treatment
of, 22-complaints of unfounded,
ib. allowance to, equal to that of
British foldiers, 23- -French Govern◄
ment characterized, 30.


Gafkin's (Dr.) fermon on Chriftian Pa
triotifm, reviewed, 297.
Gifford's Second Letter to Erskine, re
view of, continued, (from Vol. E)
209-proves Erfkine's want of can-
dour and impartiality, 211.
Glaffe's fermon to the Brentford Affo
ciation, reviewed, 63-orthodox,
animated, and elegant, 64.


Harper, Goodlee, account of the prin

cipal proceedings of the Congress,
29ftate of affairs between France
and America, ib.-artifices of the
French, 30...

Hiftory. Depofition of the Kings of

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