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THERE is a fashion in every thing. Its influence extends even to the form and size of books. Time was when thick quartos and bulky folios proceeded from the studies of our puritanical divines. But the times are altered; and instead of them, periodical monthly numbers, just complete, in the course of a revolving year, a moderate sized octavo: such is the volume which is now finished.

But do not the circumstances of the great bulk of Chris tians of the present age, render this plan the more excellent way? Many of these have but little spare time, and less spare money; and therefore the monthly numbers of a Magazine are well adapted to supply such persons with various and edifying matter for reading and contemplation.

From the extensive circulation of their humble labours, the Editors conclude, that they are not unacceptable to the persons for whom the Baptist Magazine is principally intended. They hope their future numbers, through the continued assistance of their brethren, will be rendered still more interesting; and that an increased sale will enable them to provide an enlarged supply for the Widows of their deceased brethren.

Soliciting an interest in the prayers of their friends, and depending upon "the God of all grace" for his continued blessing, the Editors see abundant cause still to "thank God and take courage."

December 1, 1818.



Baptist Magazine.

JANUARY, 1818.





MR. ROWE was born at Strat- and a variety of other things ocford, near the city of New Sarum, curred, which induced serious August 10, 1777. From child-reflection. On a mind of unusual hood he was distinguished by a modesty and sensibility, many mind much disposed to reading causes concurred to produce and to thoughtfulness, which in- most distressing sensations, and duced his friends to indulge him religion was regarded as only with the very best education they able to afford effectual consolahad ability to afford; and their tion. About this time, he bekindness was rewarded by his came acquainted with Mason on rapid advancement in useful Self Knowledge, which God was learning. About the age of four- pleased to use as the instrument teen he was apprenticed to Mr. of greatly promoting his converFreemantle, a linen draper, in sion to himself: now he was Salisbury. Maternal solicitude, more constant in his attendance it seems, had expressed itself in at the Established Church, and earnest endeavours to train up its paid greater attention to the object in the habits of virtue; moral lectures he heard there; but, when he left school, in order but it will excite no surprise that to acquire a knowledge of trade, the darkness of his mind still his mind was destitute of reli- continued. In the month of gious principle, and becoming April, or May, 1795, he was acquainted with young persons reading in his favourite book on of vicious courses, he was allured Self Knowledge, when he was into the pursuit of forbidden asked if he had ever perused pleasures; which, however, he Hervey's Meditations, and, on could never enjoy with the same his intimating he had not, the satisfaction as seemed to be ex- book was offered to be lent to pressed in the countenances of him, which he very soon received his companions. Thus he con- and read with great profit, findtinued to live till the latter end of ing in it those doctrines and prothe year 1793, when family trials, mises which work salvation,



wonderful that these apparently little events were traced up to the gracious will of God, who, having predestinated his children to eternal life, employs various and suitable means to bring them to himself.

In August,

1795, he com

menced a diary, from which we are able to learn the pious exercises of Mr. Rowe's mind on ordinary, and on very important occasions. At the very beginning of it, he records the continuance of that distressing timi

when applied by the divine | Spirit. For a considerable time, it was his constant practice to retire into solitary places to read this pious and highly interesting author, and there to meditate, to weep, and to pray. The representations of a sinner on a death bed, of the encouragement given in the gospel to rely on the truth, and power, and mercy of God, and of the fulness of pardon, very powerfully impressed his mind. To a person exercised in the manner that has been described, it was natural to de-dity which, for several years, sire, most ardently, the possession of a friend into whose pious and affectionate heart he could introduce his thoughts and his emotions, and prayer having been made to God for such a favour, it was enjoyed in a new acquaintance to whom he was now introduced. At the time it was not known to him that his new associate was the subject of deep convictions of the importance of religion, but Mr. Rowe was determined to communicate his own, and for that purpose, expecting an interview with him, introduced the subject by reading some passages in Hervey's works which had powerfully affected his own heart, when, to his utter astonishment he was informed, that for a considerable time his companion had been the subject of mental exercises similar to those with which he had been so much occupied. This day, which was the Sabbath, was spent in reading and disclosing to each other the secrets of their hearts. When the change wrought in his mind by the works of the pious rector of Weston Favel, and the seasonable advice, consolations, and reproofs given by his congenial acquaintance are considered, it is not

had embittered his life, and to
which he was always, in greater
or less degrees, subject; and, at
the same time, mentions the good
effect of a sermon he had heard
from a Mr. Jackson, probably of
Warminster, from "Lord thou
knowest all things." It seems to
have greatly soothed his afflicted
mind, for he expresses his thank-
fulness for this means of grace,
because it had more impressively
convinced him of the omniscience
of his Saviour, and induced him
to say, "I am persuaded that all
my distresses are known to Jesus,
and that he will cause them to
work for my good. I am re-
solved to resign myself to him,
and wait his appointed time.'
In another part, he mentions the
gracious influence of the truth of
God while hearing his pastor on
the Lord's-day: "I am
nearer to eternity, am I growing
in grace? This has been a pre-
cious sabbath-God is frequently
pleased to show himself to his
children by these means—
s-I trust
he has discovered himself to me


my dear pastor has enlarged sweetly on this subject: all scripture is given by inspiration, and surely he has preached for my correction; for I think unbelief is my besetting sin-it debars mė

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