Edward, Elizabeth, James, and Charles. And should the work of evangelizing India be thus slow and silently progressive, which, however, considering the age of the world, is not, perhaps, very likely, still the grand result will amply recompense us, and you, for all our toils. We are sure to take the fortress, if we can but persuade ourselves to sit down long enough before it: "We shall reap if we faint not." And then, very dear brethren, when it shall be said of the seat of our labours, various articles of food, &c. to meet the wants of our dear brother and sister there. Hoping to hear from you by every opportunity, we are, very dear brethren, Your affectionate brethren and fel low-labourers in the kingdom of Christ, W. CAREY, J. MARSHMAN, the infamous swinging post is no longer Extract of another Letter from Dr. Carey, erected; the widow burns no more on We shall be glad to render you, and our brethren in the Burman empire, every assistance in our power. We have always met the drafts of brother Judson, and have sent repeated supplies, dated December 6, 1816. I AM now recovering from a severe bilious fever, which brought me to the brink of the grave, and am still so weak as to be scarcely able to write. The Lord has had mercy on me, and I am enabled now again to engage in my beloved work, though close application is absolutely forbidden by the physi cians. Yours, my dear brother, is the land of wonders. The great things which God, by his Spirit, is doing in the United States, are truly astonishing, and call at once for the most grateful praises, and the most entire confidence in all his gracious promises. Among these things must be reckoned the missionary exertions now making; and the Peace Society lately established at New York, and other places; a society with whose object my heart most cordially coincides, and which must, through the Divine assistance, which will assuredly be granted, be finally successful in the accomplishment of its ultimate object. To me it is a matter of much joy, that the churches in Kentucky, and other parts, insist on a mission to the West. The American Indians are undoubtedly committed exclusively to the American churches; and I trust the work of publishing the gospel to them, setting up schools for their instruction, translating the Word of God into their languages, and other things necessary to their faith, civilization, and comfort, will be engaged in with eagerness, and persevered in with tenacity, till the great object be accomplished.-Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word. We live in a land where every thing around us tends to freeze the warmest affections of the mind; and yet very much good has been done: many have been converted under the Word. There are many churches in India, and every year brings a considerable increase of labourers in the cause of God. Yet all that has been done seems lost in the #ast population who fear not God; and though our brethren, and even churches, are scattered all over India, yet a person, unacquainted with their local situations, might travel over India, and hear very little of them. One favourable circumstance in this country is, the very general attention that has lately been felt by most classes of Europeans, to the establishing of schools for the education of the children of the natives. We have a good num. ber of these schools belonging to the mission, and many are established by others, which promise to be of great utility. Brother Marshman has just drawn up a plan for these schools, which I think an excellent one. Upon that plan they may be extended to every part of India, if funds can be obtained, and ensure instruction in reading, writing, grammar, geography, astronomy, general philosophy, and morals, for the trifling sum of three rupees a year for each lad thus instructed. This plan includes a vigorous superintendence of the schools, which, in every practicable instance, will be performed by pious men, who will thereby have innumerable opportunities afforded them of recom mending to the children, and the inhabitants of the villages and towns where the schools are situated, the gospel of the grace of God. "Extract of a Letter from Mr. W. H. Angas, at Brussels, to a Friend in London. really knew not whether I had been reading sacred or profane history; but in the fulness of time the light of the gospel will chase away this awful ignorance. May the Lord arise and shine, that the thick cloud of darkness, which now covers the minds of multitudes, may be dissipated. Let us pray for it; let us long for it; let us live for it: and, if called, let us die for it! Extract of a Letter from Mr. John Law- times in two or three hours. I mention all this to show you what a dangerous country we live in, and how it becomes us to be always ready for death. Mr. Lawson adds, the cause is attri buted to the extreme wetness of the season. Extract of a Letter received from a Friend in Liverpool. THOUGH in a foreign land, we are not A FFW weeks since, at Mr. Fisher's altogether without the gospel. It is conversation meeting, when I entered preached here every Sabbath, alternately the room, there were present four sailors. in French and German, by a pious I listened with attention to one of them, clergyman of the Lutheran church, and who was giving an account of the miswhose ministry on his French sabbaths 1sionaries at Calcutta. He had breakattend regularly, and also Mr. Tracy, who preaches to about sixty English hearers in the Dutch church every sab bath. The state of religion, in other respects, is truly deplorable. There are about sixteen churches and chapels of the Roman Catholic persuasion; and there is but one church here in which any thing like the gospel is preached. There are but few of even the middling classes of society, especially among the females, who are able to read: this clearly accounts for the difficulty experienced by many persons to get the sacred scriptures into circulation. On one occasion I lately read the parable of the ten virgins to the servant of the house where I lodge, out of the French Testament, and although she had attended mass for nearly thirty years, shef fasted with Dr. Carey and others, and had the pleasure of conversing with those valuable men, of whom we have so often heard. He was highly gratified in witnessing the wonderful works of God in a foreign land. When the other three sailors left Calcutta, they were the servants of sin and Satan; but through the pious conversation of this man, they were brought to see the evil of their way, and induced to forsake and abhor it. They likewise gave an account of their being enlightened to behold the loveliness of true religion. There is auother young man, who is now ill, that was brought to embrace the truth at the same time, which makes four persons in one ship, that appear to have been turned to God by the instrumentality of this, one sailor. Domestic Religious Intelligence. BAPTIST ITINERANT AND BRITISH MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Ditto...ditto, (annual) THIS Society employs an itinerant, Mr. Jeffery, in the Islands of Scilly. Mr. Upton has published a small tract, entitled, "Authentic and interesting Intelligence from the Islands of Scilly, respecting the Establishment of Sunday Schools, and the Preaching of the Gospel on those Islands." From this tract we find, that these islands are the same as the "Capiterides' spoken of by Strabo, and other ancient historians, and were a source of wealth to the Greeks and Phoenicians long before Britain "was reckoned among the nations." The inhabitants have always been noted as a "healthy hardy race of men;" but till within the last three years, they have been almost entirely destitute of the means of civil, moral, or religious instruction. It appears that, through the Divine blessing on the indefatigable labours of Mr. Jeffery, Sunday schools have been formed in each of the five Off Islands, viz. St. Agnes, St. Martin's, Bryer, Sampson, and Tresco; which are all in a flourish. ing state; and he has reason to believe, that the word preached by him has proved the power of God to the salvation of many souls. This mission has hitherto been chiefly supported by a fund raised for that purpose, which accounts for the separate publication of this correspondence, of which some future numbers may be expected. Affixed to this number, is an account of a society, lately formed in Mr. Upton's congregation, in aid of the society, in the prosperity of which we greatly rejoice. Auxiliaries have been formed for this institution in the congregations of Messrs. Chin, of Walworth; Hutchings, of Unicorn-yard; and Edwards, of Wild-street. The Walworth Auxiliary has remitted to the Treasurer of the Parent Institution since Midsummer last, nearly £100! The following sums have also been received from Bath, per Opie Smith, Esq. (who has also kindly pledged himself to exert his influence in collecting and promoting the formation of auxiliaries to this society.) £ s. d. £ s. d. Mr. Weare, 'of Ashton 10 10 0 Opie Smith, Esq. (annual) John Deacon, Esq. (Birmings ham,) Donation 1 10 -18 19 0 10 0 0 30 2000 A warm friend to this cause (of another denomination) has offered a do nation of 105l. on condition that auxiliary societies be formed in a majority of the Baptist churches in the metropolis, during the current year, which ends in June!! May we not hope, that such examples will provoke very many to similar exertion in this work of the Lord! that the re-action of missionary zeal for foreign undertakings will be felt in all the borders of our native land-that those who are perishing for lack of knowledge in England, and its adjacent islands, may not have reason to exclaim amidst the bitter pains of eternal death," had we lived in Africa or India, both the gospel and the preachers of it had been sent to us ere now." LOUGHBOROUGH AUXILIARY BAPTIST ITINERANT SOCIETY, A BAPTIST Itinerant Society, for the counties of Derby, Nottingham, and Lincoln, has been formed at Loughbo rough, October 15, 1817. The following Rules are adopted for its government: to afford assistance to poor and declining I. That the objects of this Society are churches, and to introduce the preaching of the gospel into places where there is a want of evangelical instruction. II. That every anuual subscriber of half-a-guinea, be considered a member of the Society, and entitled to vote at its meetings. III. That a quarterly meeting of the Society shall be held at such place as the preceding meeting shall judge most convenient. At this meeting it was resolved, 1. That Mr. Edward Bardsley, of Not tingham, be appointed Treasurer for the ensuing year; and that Messrs. Nichols, of Collingham; Birt, of Derby; and Jarman, of Nottingham, be appointed Secretaries of the Society. 2. That the next meeting of the Society be held at Derby, on Wednesday the 7th of January, 1818. ASSOCIATION. BEDFORDSHIRE, man delivered the charge from 2 Tim. iv. 27; Mr. Noyes, of Folkstone, concluded this part of the service with prayer.Dr. Newman introduced the evening service by reading 1 Cor. xii. and praying; Mr. Crump, of St. Peter's, delivered very salutary address to the church from Phil. ii. 14.; Mr. Marsh, of Hythe, concluded the solemnities of the day with prayer; and, we believe, there were but few throughout the day, who could not say with the disciples on the summit of Tabor, "Lord, it is good for us to be bere." THE second annual association of the Baptist churches in Bedfordshire, was held on Wednesday the 20th of April, 1817, at Ridgmount, Bedfordshire. Met at half after 10, A. M. Mr. Brown, of Keysoe, read appropriate scriptures, and prayed; Mr. Knight, of Little Staughton, preached, from Zechariah, xiv. 6,7; and Mr. Upton, from London, preached from Isaiah, li. 3; Mr. Wake, of Leighton, concluded in prayer. Met at three o'clock, P. M. Mr. Such, of Steventon, began in prayer; appointed Mr. Keely, of Ridgmonnt, Moderator; read the letters from the different churches; trans-kins' confession of faith. acted the business of the Association Fund; read the Circular Letter prepared by Mr. Wake, approved, and ordered to be printed. Appointed the next Association to be held at Steventon, on the second Wednesday in May, 1818. To preach, Messrs. Wake and Keely. The subject for the next Circular Letter, "The influence of regular scriptural discipline upon the internal prosperity of the churches." Mr. Knight is requested to draw it up. Met at six o'clock in the evening. Mr. Harris, of Cranfield, prayed; Mr. Peacock, of Rushden, preached, from Matt. xvi. 26, last clause; Mr. Such concluded the services of the day in prayer. The meeting was well attended, and we hope it was a time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord. NEWARK UPON TRENT. ON Thursday, November 6, 1817, the Bradford, was set apart to the pastoral Rev. William Perkins, late a student at office, over the church of Christ, at Newark upon Trent, Nottinghamshire. Mr. Coles began the service by reading the scriptures and prayer. The Rev. Mr. Davis, of Lincoln, explained the nature of a gospel church, asked the usual questions, and received Mr. PerWilliam Nichols, of Collingham, prayed The Rev. the ordination prayer, with the laying of Bradford, gave the charge, from the on of hands. The Rev. Dr. Steadman, of Nottingham, addressed the church, 1 Tim. vi. 11. The Rev. Mr. Jarman, from 1 Thess. v. 12, 13. and concluded with prayer. The service was peculi. arly solemn and interesting, and the impressions made, we trust, will not soon be forgotten. Collected at the doors, for the Baptist Mission in the East, 8l. 18s. ORDINATIONS. FOLKSTONE. HUNMANBY. ON March 24, 1818, Mr. Hithersay was ordained over the church at Hun manby. Mr. Normanton, of Driffield, prayed. Mr. Beard, of Scarborough, deread suitable portions of scripture, and asked the usual questions. Mr. Hayne, livered the introductory discourse, and of Scarborough, prayed the ordination prayer. Mr. Harness, of Bridlington, gave the charge, from 1 Tim. iv. 16. Mr. Capps, the independent minister of Muston, concluded with prayer. In the afternoon, Mr. Wood, the independent ON Thursday, Nov. 27, 1817, Mr. John minister of Bridlington, prayed; Mr. Clark, late of Stepney Academy, was Normanton, of Driffield, gave the charge ordained over the Baptist church, Mill to the people, from Deut. iii. 28. Mr. Bay, Folkstone, Kent. Mr. Marlett, of Harness concluded with prayer. Deal, commenced by reading 1 Tim. iii. Sykes, of Scarborough, read the hymns, and praying. Mr. Giles, of Eythorne, and preached in the evening, from Ps. described the nature of the service, selecting xcix. 3. The place was crowded every as a motto, Eph. v. 27, and put time; and, it is hoped, that the effect the usual questions to the church and to produced will prove what many have the minister. Mr. Broady, of Ashford, since said,that Hanmanby never witnessprayed the ordination prayer. Dr. New-ed such an interesting opportunity. Mr. IMPOSTORS. THE alarming increase of religious impostors should operate as a reason why persons should exercise great caution in assisting CASES for building and repairing meeting-houses, unless the characters of the ministers collecting be properly attested, as well as the goodness of the Case. We are desired to enter the following CAUTION, which will, perhaps, lead some of our readers to wonder, that the church at Merthyr Tydfill should not exercise more circumspection in selecting persons to collect for their debt. deacons of the church to which they be. BAPTIST LOAN FUND. THE Committee of this Institution are anxious, from time to time, to submit an account of their progress, that the expediency and practicability of the plan may be seen, and that the further cooperation of the friends of the denomi nation may be obtained. The applications from needy churches increase, wherein the parties state their ability and willingness to comply with the terms of the loan, and express their gratitude to God, for having put it into "The particular Baptist church at Merthyr Tydfill hereby give Notice, that Mr. W. Jones, (a person of about twenty-four years of age, black hair, dark eyes, thick lips, a little marked with the small-pox, stout built, and ra. ther bow-legged,) is no longer authorized to receive the contributions of the public the hearts of their friends to devise à in their behalf; and that should any regularly ordained, and well-known minis-plan whereby they can help themselves, without the trouble and expense of ter in the connection, meet with him, he journeying. has authority from the above church to demand the case and the money from him, and transmit them to the Rev. David Sanders, Merthyr Tydfill, Glamorganshire." (Signed) J. EVANS, Deacon. There is another person travelling in the north, who has possession of two cases belonging to the churches of Thornhill and Meltham. A respectable correspondent says, "If he should stroll up to London, and cali on you, or Mr. Edwards, (who knows him,) stop him, and assure him, that if he does not give you the cases, the parties concerned will advertise him as a swindler." Another correspondent speaks of a woman of middling stature, about 50 or 60 years of age, calling herself Mary Richardson, and who is very familiar with the names of Mr. Blundell, of Northampton, and Mr. Barker, of Towcester; and says, she has been 25 years a member of a Baptist church. Her story has been ascertained to be false, and the minister adds: The committee, therefore, earnestly invite the ministers and deacons of the respective churches, to explain the plan to their friends, and request a congrega tional collection, which, however small, will be thankfully acknowledged. If this could be conveniently done before the middle of June next, it would be pe culiarly desirable; but, if this be too much to ask, if ministers would kindly inform the secretary, before that period, when, at a future time, such co-operation would be allowed, it will materially forward the object, and contribute to the interest of their report, which must be given at the approaching annual meeting. It could be wished, that the singular advantage of this plan, in perpetuating the use of every guinea subscribed to its funds, even to the end of time, and that the rapid increase of its capital, even when but 500l. are raised, should be duly considered. As 10 per cent. of the sum borrowed, at an interest of S. per cent. are to be paid, it will be found, that, supposing this society to commence its operations with the capital of only 500l. and that after such sum is raised, no additional subscriptions, dona this tious, or collections were received; sum will nearly double itself in 5 years, will be increased to nearly 3 times the ori ginal sum in 9 years, 4 times in 12 years, times in 16 years, 6 times in 18 years, times in 20 years, and 10 times in 24 years. But allowing for subscriptions |