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fenders, it has found a firm and temperate advocate in the author of this sermon.

animated sketch of the character of the late Rev. John Ryland; the second gives a short account of Thomas De Laune, whose Plea for the Nonconformists was lately reviewed.

As a reason of its publication, it is alleged in the preface: "Many of our young people are altogether uninstructed, and to them the sub- For general distribution, we recomject is perfectly new: many Dis-mend a four-page Tract, entitled "Prosenters are lukewarm and indiffer-testant Dissenter's Manual ;" and shall ent, and ought to be roused; many be happy to see Dr. Newman's Sermon

families are in a course of alienation from the dissenting interest, whose ancestors would have suffered the loss of all things rather than the loss of their religious principles."

We fear many are Dissenters without enquiring into the reasons of their separation from the national establishment. They go to the meeting-house for the same reason as their neighbours go to the church, because their parents did so before them. And, not unfrequently, dissenting parents place their children for education, where they receive an early bias in favour of the established forms of worship, by attending church, or chapel, where the forms of prayer are used; and there are instances, we are grieved to say, where dissenting deacons, and even dissenting ministers, bring up their sons for the church!! To the serious perusal of such persons, especially, we recommend this instructive, candid, and seasonable dis


The text is, Gal. v. 1, "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." The principles of nonconformity are discussed under five particulars. 1. The supremacy of Christ. 2. The spirituality of his kingdom. 3. The sufficiency of the scriptures. 4. The right of private judgment. 5. And the right of public profession and worship.

printed in a cheaper form.

Sermons on the Doctrines and Duties of the Christian Life, by the late Mr. Archibald M'Lean, one of the Pastors of the Baptist Church, Edinburgh; with a Memoir of his Life, Ministry, and Writings, by William Jones, Author of the History of the Waldenses, the Bibli cal Cyclopædia, &c. Sherwood, &c. London.

THE Memoir, which stands first in the volume, contains a welldigested account of the life, ministry, and writings of its worthy subject, for which the religious public is much indebted to the compiler; and which, when others had declined it, he, at the pressing request of the family, undertook and executed, in a manner that reflects much credit on his ability and faithfulness.

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Archibald M'Lean was born on the 1st of May, 1733, at East Kilbride, near Glasgow, where his father occupied a farm. When young he was put to school, and in a few years acquired the knowledge of reading and writing his mother tongue, arithmetic, and the Latin language; and, at a subsequent period of his life, without the aid of a living teacher, he became sufficiently conversant with the in the original. His parents were also Greek and Hebrew to read the scriptures commendably attentive to imbue his mind with religious principles, and when a boy, was taught the Assembly's Catechism, which he found of great advantage to him in every subsequent part of his life. He had an opportunity of hearing Mr. Whitfield, when young, who preached in the village where his father resided, and whose striking manner made a strong impression on his mind. At the age of 14 he was articled as an apprentice to a

From these positions three inferences are deduced: 1. If these be the principles of the New Testament, they are sanctioned by divine authority. 2. If sanctioned by divine authority, they must be benc-printer, in Glasgow, and in this business ficial in every aspect they wear. 3. If beneficial, they are worthy of universal support.

To the sermon are added two appendices; the first contains an

he continued, after the expiation of his apprenticeship, for some years.

"Under the preaching of Mr. M'Laurn, who was one of the ministe s at Glasgow during the early part of his apprenticeship it is supposed he was brought to the say

smooth the evening of his declining days, whose assiduous and tender attention to her honoured parent is mentioned with merited praise. On the 21st of December, 1812, in the 80th year of his age, he finished his earthly course, and entered into the

telligence of his decease was communicated, by a circular letter, to the different churches in the connection, most of whom testified their unfeigned respect to his memory by addresses of condolence to the Edinburgh church; copies of which are given in the Appendix to the memoir.

ing knowledge of the truth, entered into the communion of his church, and continued several years a zealous member of it; but, by reading Mr. John Glass's Testimony of the King of Martyrs,' he was led to call in question the propriety of all national establishments of Christianity; and, in 1762, withdrew from it, and united with a small society of the Glass-joy of his Lord. The affecting inites, who, at that time, were the only Independents at Glasgow; but, in the following year left them, on a case of discipline, in which he could not conscientiously agree with the church. At this time the subject of baptism presented itself to his consideration, and by examining the New Testament, without having read a line written upon it by any Baptist, he was convinced of that ordinance, and was baptized at Edinburgh by Mr. Carmichael. Mrs. McLean, on being informed of it, declared that she could not have been more sorry if he had become a Roman Catholic. It was not long, however, before she herself joined the Baptists, and continued a most exemplary and useful member till her death. After this, Mr. McLean being settled in business at Edinburgh, joined the small church there, began to preach, and was chosen to the pastoral office, as Mr. Carmichael's colleague, June, 1768.

A list of Mr. M'Lean's numerous publications, and the estimate of his character and talents by his biographer, our limits will not permit us to notice; but this much we readily avow, that though, on some subjects, we may entertain views somewhat different from Mr. M'Lean, yet we have been used to hold his character and talents in high estimation. We can easily admit "that he was one of the most candid men living in his judgment of other persons, in speaking concerning them, cautiously avoiding whatever had the appearance of being cynical and censorious ;" and we believe, that sooner than have represented Mr. Fuller as "quite competent to bestow a colouring on his opponent's sentiments, for the amusement of his friends,” he would have forfeited his right hand.

"The church at Edinburgh now increased considerably, and the Baptist profession began to extend to Glasgow, Dundee, Montrose, and other towns in Scotland. Though Mr. M'Lean was connected with the Glassites one year, and from thence, and other circumstances, it has been supposed, by some dissenters in England, that the difference between him and the Sandemonians consisted chiefly on the subject of baptism; but from this charge, a manuscript, in his own handThe sermons, seventeen in numwriting, which is published, is considered a satisfactory justification. His biogra-ber, are, we think, equal to Mr. pher, however, admits that there was M'Lean's other writings, published some similarity between them, respecting in his life-time, on the following both the doctrine of the gospel and the subjects: 1. Christ's providential order of a Christian church, though not government of the world. 2. The so great as commonly imagined." gospel report, and the grounds of its feast. 4. On the importance of the rejection illustrated. 3. The gospel fear of God. 5. The happiness which

For an account of the principles and church order of the Scotch Baptists, we must refer to the Me-attends true religion. 6. On the


The Baptist mission to India obtained Mr. M'Lean's hearty support, and by his sermons and addresses he stimulated all classes of his countrymen to co-operate in promoting its interest.

Most of Mr. M'Lean's children were removed in the earlier part of life, and only a daughter survived to

unity of Christ's disciples. 7. The stumbling block removed, and the believer strengthened. 8. On the duty of keeping the heart. 9. The Christian race. 10. The old and new man described. 11. On the world's hatred of Christ's disciples. 12. On the duty and privilege of prayer. 13. On the duty which Christians owe to magistrates. 14, God the

portion of his people. 15. The believer's triumphant challenge. 16. On the assurance of hope. 17. On disconformity to the world. This last is the substance of several sermons on Romans, xii. 2.

These sermons were found among the author's manuscripts, in a state which required but little correction; which, if favourably received, are intended to be followed with a second volume, equally valuable and interesting.



diminish the effect; and we shonid
rather see them interspersed spar-
ingly in works generally designed to
promote reflection, and instigate in-
quiry, than detailed in such close
connection, and with such frequent
recurrence. We admit, that instruc-
tion and amusement should be
blended in attempting the moral
improvement of the rising genera-
tion; but the latter should not be in-
troduced with too great a profusion,
otherwise it will become practically
the predominant, instead of being,
as in our opinion it ought, the subor-
all communications to youth, instruc-
dinate and collateral purpose. In
only the alluring means to promote
tion is the first object; amusement

Compendium of the Duties of Church
Members; for the Use of Dissenting
Congregations. 2s. 6d. per Hundred.
THIS little tract contains many
important hints on public worship—the end. The path may be strewed

the Christian temper-pecuniary
contributions-personal exertions—
the purity, happiness, and increase
We hope the
of the churches.
writer (whoever he may be,) will be
encouraged by the public to amplify
his four pages into eight; and then
some very important references to
the New Testament may be given at
length. A little scripture-manual
on this subject is much wanted. If
it be given away at the reception of
members, or on the baptismal day,
(for it is evidently written by a
Baptist,) it may be rendered exten-
sively useful.

Juvenile Anecdotes; or, authentic and

interesting Facts of Children and Youth; designed for the Moral and Religious Instruction of the rising Generation. Compiled and arranged, with useful Observations. by John Bruce. Second Edition, considerably enlarged.

THE tendency of this little volume is decidedly good. That such memorials of early piety should be preserved, we have no doubt: and do not question their adaptation to engage the youthful mind, and to furnish it with some beneficial occupation. At the same time, to compilations even of this pious class, there may be some objection, as being calculated to satiate and cloy the appetite, rather than to afford nutriment and health to the mind. A succession of anecdotes, individually and apart, valuable or striking, may be very likely, by their abundance, to


indeed with flowers, but it ought not to be so luxuriantly overspread as to prevent the youthful traveller pressing forward through the too great fascination, the too abundant variety and allurement, with which his steps are obstructed.

advertisement, that "in a work of We agree with the author in his this nature, authenticity is of high importance." But however respectable the individual, or however genuine the sources of information, we cannot admit that his ipse dixit is sufficient. Every anecdote should have been accompanied by an indication of the source whence it has been obtained; otherwise, interesting facts will often be questioned, and sometimes denied. To our juvenile readers we can recommend the occasional perusal of this publication, which, we have no doubt, they will agree with the author and with us in admitting, contains "useful observations" as well as "authentic and interesting facts."

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Missionary Retrospect and Foreign Intelligence,


Extract of a Letter from Mr. Chamberlain to Dr. Ryland, dated Monghyr, March 26, 1817.

I have lately been out on a journey as far as Mirzapore, and was absent almost two months; in which, to the praise of my merciful Master be it spoken, I was much employed both among Europeans and natives. To the former I preached at Dijah, Dinapore, Buxar, and Ghazeepore; in all thirteen times: and among the latter 1 was variously engaged. Sabbaths were field days. One I spent at Ghazeepore, and one at Benares, and two in the villages, with great delight. Every tract and gospel I took with me was given away. At Ghazeepore, Mirzapore, and Benares, great was the attention of the people; whole days I was in full employ among them. Both Mussulmans and Hindoos heard with much apparent approbation, but especially the latter. Upwards of 200 gospels and 2000 tracts were left among the people, to

bear testi

mony of salvation to them for time to
come. It is wonderful to observe, how

evidently an invisible hand is at work
amongst the people, and preparing them
for the Lord.
Some evident change
is effecting in the spirit of the people,
and in their prospects, which augurs well.
It can but be the most encouraging to
a missionary. At Monghyr, however,
this change is not so conspicuous; hither
to the people appear hardened, and but
little excited to attend to these things. The
enemy has been busy in his endeavours
to frighten them; and to rouse up their
prejudices; and, for the present, is but
too successful. Ingham Misser, a per-
son who has for months afforded hope by
his steady attachment to the gospel, re-
mains firm, and is, I believe, sincere.

He is not yet baptized. He is employed
as a reader of the word, in which his
usefulness will, I doubt not, be appa-
rent. He is a man of respectability,
has very respectable connections, but
is low in poverty, and has a family.
Many people are daily calling upon
him, to hear what he has to say for him-
self. He is gone out to day with Brin-

dabund, to Seeta Koond, a hot well, to which there is a great resort at this season. He is very humble, and very deter mined. Blessed be the Spirit of all grace for this eminent instance of his power and benignity!

As it respects myself, I have not been altogether so well in body as in former years. At this time I have a nervous complaint, which unfits me for almost every thing during the morning. It assumes an alarming position in my constitution in my fortieth year, and ought to be regarded by me as a serious monitor. I find that I can bear active, much better than sedentary, business. My wife, blessed be the Father of mercies, is in tolerable health. My little daughter also is well.

At Dijah, the brethren are in full employ. They preach at Dinapore to a large congregation of the King's 24th, and others belonging to the Company's forces; and things appear to be in a very reviving condition. Brother Rowe writes me that they have about 20 candidates for baptism. When I was there several natives appeared very hopeful, and those baptized last year remain steadfast, and two of them are apparently useful in communicating the word to others. I was greatly encouraged, from observing the progress of the word of God on the minds of the enquirers. It is spirit, and it is life.

It is certain now, that religion is on the advance among our own countrymen all over this country. It is now becoming common to hear of such and such an one's having "taken a turn." Verily Jehovah Jesus is on his way, and his work is before him. A few of the civil servants, and many of the military, are looking to Jesus.

In the Translations, the Psalms and Genesis have been completed, and the works of Solomon and the Exodus, with

part of Leviticus, and part of Isaiah have been gone through. The gospels of Matthew and Mark, in a refined dialect of the Henduwee, are almost ready for the press, and Luke is in hand. Hitherto the Lord hath helped me.

Extract of a Letter from Mrs. Phillips to some Relations in England, dated March 29, 1817.

which we live. It it in a house prin cipally constructed of bamboo, in pleasant green lane, about three miles from the town. It is about 44

We are now at Ryswick, near Bata-feet long, and 35 feet wide, with a vivia, at the house of Mr. Robinson. It is situated about three miles from Batavia, which renders it more healthy, as Batavia is a very dangerous place, especially for Europeans, who have been acsustomed to a more temperate climate, and a pure air. Its ensalubrity is considered to be owing to the lowness of its situation, and the canals of stagnant water, into which many obnoxious animals are cast after death. For my own part, I must acknowledge, I have not felt the heat more oppressive than on a hot summer's day in England; and, at some parts of the day, it is even cooler than that. This is owing to the west, or wet monsoon, which generally commences about the end of November, and continues till March or April. During this season, the inhabitants are exposed to sharp winds, and violent torrents of rain. Thunder storms, accompanied with vivid lightning, are very frequent, especially towards the close of the monsoon; very few days have passed without them since we have been on the island.

There is one circumstance that ren

ders Batavia pleasant. It is a very fertile country; the whole year is one perpetual spring, and I understand the interior of the island is quite the garden of the east. Fruit is very abundant; but there are not many equal in flavour to those which England produces.

Our house is surrounded with cocoanut trees and plantains, two of the standing fruits of the country, and which are of great importance to the natives; as, with the addition of rice and salt, they furnish them with almost all that they deem the necessaries of life. The former of these grows in almost every field around us, and the table of an European does not seem complete without a dish of boiled rice and currie, both for breakfast and dinner. We lately purchased a milch goat, with a kid, for two rupees and a half; and eight fowls may be had for a rupee. Pork is not difficult to be obtained, but other meat is scarce, and not equal to what you have in England. The cows are very poor looking animals, and yield very little milk. Goats are the substitute both for sheep and cows. Butter is extravagantly dear, and good cheese is a scarce article. Wines are moderate; the Cape wine may be had for nine rupees per dozen. So much for eating and drinking; now for the situation in


randa before and behind. The centre is a large hall, with folding doors op. posite each other, which admit a free current of air. On each side is a sleeping room and study. The walls are bamboo, the posts are of teak, the floor is paved with square brick, and the roof thatched with the leaves of a species of palm. You will think it strange to hear of a house without an up-stairs room, with neither a pane of glass, nor a single chimney. Yet this is exactly the case, and it wears a pretty appearance. contrast of the white walls with the green trees that surround it gives, as may be easily conceived, a cheerful aspect to the whole the centinel tree, which presides over our gate of bamboo, is a majestic tamarind, now loaded with fruit; the front viranda looks into a garden, the back into a poultry yard. My little Canary bird, which was my companion for 15,000 miles, hangs in the front viranda, and has never ceased to warble, from the crowing of the cock to the setting of the sun. The value of this one little bird is equal to that of three horses in this country.

I am very thankful that both Mr. P. and myself enjoy as good a state of health in the general way as before we left England! In this foreign land, though deprived of the society of our friends, though destitute of that religious intercourse which has often been the delight of our souls, still mercy surrounds us; the same heavenly bounty supplies our returning wants, and listens to our prayers; and, if God see fit to bless the endeavours of my husband in sowing a right seed in the minds of the inhabitants of this dark land, and teaching those who are now led astray by the delusions of Mahomet to serve the living and true God, this will make onr hearts rejoice indeed.

Extract of a Letter from Mr. Bruckner to Dr. Ryland, dated Sumarung, June 22, 1817.

Being advanced so far in the Malay language as to understand it tolerably well, I have began more particularly to apply to the Javanese language, as it seemed to me to be of far greater importance for the spread of the gospel among the genuine inhabitants of this island, because it is the general lan

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