weekly return of that day on which the Egyptians were drowned. 4. It is conjectured that the heathen SUN-day was the paradisiacal sabbath; and that the day was changed to prevent the Israelites from concurring with them in the worship of that luminary. 5. They say, that before the institution of the Jewish sabbath, their days were reckoned from morning to morning, Numb. xxxiii. 3; but that the beginning of the day was then shifted back to the foregoing evening, Exod. xii. 18. And from hence they argue, that by this means the seyenth day was changed into the sixth, and that the patriarchal sixth day became the Jewish sabbath. - 6. That the Jewish sabbath was limited to the duration of their state and polity, Exod. xxxi. 16. To the first and second arguments it may be replied, that an additional thing to be remembered might be added by divine appointment; and that the differ ence between the patriarchal and Jewish sabbaths might lie herein, and the day remain unchanged. To the third argument it may be replied, that the day on which a double quantity of manna fell, might not be the sixth from the fifteenth of the second month, but from the day on which the manna began to fall; or, that a greater liberty of travelling might Poetry. ODE FOR THE 5th of NOVEMBER, By Mr. Thomas Quin, (Author of " The City of Refuge," a Poem, which we shall review in a future Number.) "quintoque Novembris Nulla dies toto veniet celebratior anno." MILTON. WELCOME O welcome yet once more, To trace thy yearly flight; Without unchang'd delight! In childhood, rous'd from fairy dreams, I sprung to greet thy morning-beams, I shar'd, unconscious of the cause, And hist'ry taught to read, be allowed on the patriarchal sabbath than on the Jewish; or, that the journey from Elim might only commence on the patriarchal sabbath, and, therefore, on that day their march might not exceed a sabbath's-day journey. To the fourth argument it may be replied, that it is merely a conjecture. To the fifth argument it may be thus replied, Did not the natural day of twenty-four hours commence from the beginning at sun-set? It is said, Gen. i. 5, "The evening" (the evening is here placed before the morning,) and the morning" (that is, the hours of darkness and the hours of light,)" were the first day." To the sixth argument it may be replied, How does this affect the question concerning the day on which the Jewish sabbath was kept? Our correspondent thinks that this question concerns the Jews, and the seventh-day Christians. But how does it do so? The former keep the sabbath on the seventh day of the week, not be cause that day was the patriarchal seventh day, but because it was the day appointed for the sabbath at the institution of the passover: the latter, partly for that reason, and partly because they do not conceive that the coming of the Messiah furnishes a sufficient reason for the change of the day. How,while my trembling cheek grew pale, Amid the laughing gaze; Or, as I read of earlier times, What grief and horror chill'd my blood, For earth was yet involv'd in night ;- And hell sent forth to quench her ray, But now, her foes are fall'n or faint; She rose to shine and save; THE Baptist Magazine. DECEMBER, 1818. BENEVOLENT PROPOSALS IN BEHALF OF THE WIDOWS AND CHILDREN OF OUR MINISTERS. No. I. INCREASED RELIEF OF THEIR WIDOWS. I Do not recollect ever to have heard those striking portions of the sacred scriptures relative to poor widows and fatherless children, brought into very prominent view in public instruction. I would not, however, on light grounds become an accuser of any of my brethren. It becomes me to hope and believe, that they neglect no part of revealed truth, though I have not been so fortunate as to hear them dwell on this interesting topic. I do think it will not be unseasonable, and perhaps will especially tend to the accomplishment of an important project I have in view, if you will permit me to notice some of the principal passages which are presented to us on this affecting subject-a subject obviously exciting the tenderest recollections. There are many awful threatnings pronounced in the book of God against those who in any way injure the widow or the fa VOL. X. therless. The blessed God declares by the prophet Malachi, that he "will be a swift witness against those that oppress the widow," Mal. iii. 5. In Deuteronomy xxvii. 19, a curse is denounced on those who do not do them justice: "Cursed be he that perverteth the judgment of the stranger, fatherless, and widow: and all the people shall say, Amen." And Jehovah solemnly affirms, that he will avenge their cause; "Ye shall not afflict any widow, or fatherless child. If thou afflict them in any wise, and they cry at all unto me, I will surely hear their cry; and my wrath shall wax hot, and I will kill you with the sword and your wives shall be widows, and your children fatherless." Exod. xxii. 22, 23, 24. It was expressly the Divine command, that peculiar kindness and indulgence should be shown to the stranger, the widow, and the fatherless. "Thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, saying, Execute true judgment, and oppress not the widow or the fatherless." Zech. vii. 9, 10. "Cease to do evil, learn to do well; relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow." Isaiah i, 16, 17. "At the end of three 3 L "A lieveth the fatherless and the "The Father of mercies" has condescended to make a particular and special engagement to bless the widow and the fatherless, in a promise which has afforded substantial consolation to multitudes of bereaved families. "Leave," says he, "thy fatherless children, I will preserve them alive; and let thy widows trust in me." Jer. xlix. 11. Mr. Brown, of Haddington, used to say, "It might be written on my coffin, 'Here lies one who was the care of Providence; who early lost both father and mother, and yet never missed them.' years, thou shalt bring forth all the tithe of thine increase the same year, and shalt lay it up within thy gates. And the Le-judge of the widows, is God in vite, (because he hath no part nor his holy habitation.” Psalm lxviii. inheritance with thee,) and the 5. stranger, and the fatherless, and the widow, which are within thy gates, shall come, and shall eat and be satisfied; that the Lord thy God may bless thee in all the work of thine hand which thou doest." Deut. xiv. 28, 29. "When thou cuttest down thine harvest in thy field, and hast forgot a sheaf in the field, thou shalt not go again to fetch it: it shall be for the stranger, for the fatherless, and for the widow: that the Lord thy God may bless thee in all the work of thine hands. When thou beatest thine olive tree, thou shalt not go over the boughs again: it shall be for the stranger, for the fatherless, and for the widow. When thou gatherest the grapes of thy vineyard, thou shalt not glean it afterwards: it shall be for the stranger, for the fatherless, and for the widow." Deut. xxiv. 19-21. Job reckons it among the features of a wicked man, that "he doeth not good to the widow, and that he taketh the widow's ox for a pledge." Job xxiv. 3, 21. And he declares, that in his prosperity he paid particular attention to the necessities of the widow and the fatherless. "I delivered," says he, "the poor that cried, and the fatherless, and him that had none to help him. The blessing of him that was ready to perish came upon me; and I caused the widow's heart to sing for joy." Job xxix. 12, 13. The Psalmist repeatedly asserts, that the widow and the fatherless are peculiar objects of the divine care. "The Lord," says he, "re The appointment of Deacons had, it is manifest, a peculiar reference to the welfare of widows. Acts vi. 1. of the It is evident, that great attention was paid in the primitive church to widows who conducted themselves with propriety; who, to use the expression apostle, "were widows indeed!" 1 Tim. v. 3. It appears also plain, that such as were poor, advanced in life, and eminent for their piety, were maintained by the churches for purposes of general utility, and especially to attend on the poor and the sick. 1 Tim. v. 9, 10. I cannot but regard the Baptist Magazine as having just and strong claims, independent of its real merit, to the patronage of our denomination, because its profits are devoted to the support of the widows of our deceased ministers-a class of widows assuredly who, for many obvious reasons, ought to be regarded as having a right to the kind sympathy, and | leave it, I am confident it would be successful. I have heard of a little Sundayschool girl, who was constantly accustomed to call on a poor widow, to read the scriptures to her, and who actually relieved her several times from the halfpence she obtained for spendingmoney. The widow spake of her " as the little angel who visited her." A gentleman, who superintended the school, asked the child, How she came first to visit the poor widow? "Because, Sir," said she, "it is said in the first chapter of James, which you gave me to learn as a task, 'Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To benevolent attention, of the members of our churches, and of our congregations in general. The relief afforded by this useful publication is, doubtless, of great utility; yet I cannot but regret that it is not more efficient, especially as I am convinced, that with very little exertion, it might be readily doubled, without being burdensome to any one. Six shillings annually might easily be saved from some superfluous article of dress, furniture, or food; and if the subject were properly introduced to many in our connexion, I have no doubt that they would not only readily, but thankfully, accede to any plan of affording more complete relief to the distressed widow, and her father-visit the fatherless and widows in less children. I am sure that there is among us a large class of young people, who would willingly spare the monthly sixpence for so benevolent an object. I would therefore propose, that some active pious female, the principal enjoyment of whose life is doing good, (and I bless God that there are many such in our churches,) should look round the congregation in which she statedly worships, notice those who might be likely to befriend the bereaved and afflicted widow in the way I suggest, and take an opportunity, previously to the commencement of the ensuing year, of recommending the Baptist Magazine to their attention.* This scheme would not require, like our Bible and Missionary Societies, perpetual attention and exertion, but only a single effort; and in the kind hands to which I propose to *It has afforded no small pleasure to the Proprietors of the Baptist Magazine, that during the year, ending in June, 1318, the widows of our ministers received from it one hundred and ninety pounds.-EDITOR. their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."" Was not this a divine spirit, kindled immediately by the breath of Heaven? Should this proposal be the means of placing a little additional fuel on the winter's fire of the poor widow, or of furnishing her wardrobe with a warmer garment, or of putting a single comfort of life within the reach of her hand, when the blasts of the inclement season, which is approaching, howl around her habitation, it will afford me matter for grateful recollection, and furnish me with a fresh subject for new praise to HIM, whose "tender mercies are over all his works ;" whose goodness is permanent as his everlasting throne, and extensive as his boundless dominion. No. II. EDUCATION OF THEIR SONS. ATTACHED as I am, with ardent and unabated zeal, to the great foreign objects which oc- | exertions indeed will exterminate all that is evil among our youth; yet I am sure, with the Divine blessing, suitable instruction will accomplish much that is valuable. We well know who has said, Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." The man who is insensible to the ex cupy the attention of the Christian world in general, yet I am not without my fears lest some important and indispensable public duties should be neglected at home. This assuredly has been the case, particularly till within these few years, in reference to Ireland. And I would now mention to your readers another ob-cellent effects arising from the ject, which has long affected my own mind, and which, in my opinion, imperiously demands the immediate interference of our denomination; I mean, the Education of the Children of our Ministers. cultivation of the human intellect, "must," to use an expression of a distinguished senator, in reference to the friends of the slave trade, "have an inaccessible understanding, or an impenetrable heart." A good education has been heart to virtue, of the mind to cheerfulness, of the understanding to wisdom. It is the teaching a child to open his eyes to the circumstances by which he is surrounded; to distinguish virtue from vice, truth from falsehood, beauty from deformity, and happiness from misery; to qualify him to attribute neither more nor less than its proper importance to every acquisition, and every pursuit; and instead of being borne along by the follies and prejudices of mankind, to rise above them to that degree of mental eminence, and moral excellence, which will enable him to I have frequently heard it mentioned in company, that the chil-defined, "The formation of the dren of ministers are, in a large proportion of instances, very different, as to character and conduct, from what might be wished, and indeed reasonably expected; and I do think that there is some ground for the painful reflection. But what is the cause of so great and painful a calamity? Surely it cannot be that ministers are more indifferent to the spiritual and eternal welfare of their families, than their brethren in general; this would argue a want of piety, and indeed of natural affection. So far as my own observation extends, I have but little difficulty in assigning a reason. I am acquainted with some of my bre-judge distinctly of the value of thren who, from their frequent engagements in their Master's vineyard, and consequent unavoidable absence from their homes, are necessarily obliged to neglect their own families, whilst the slenderness of their income will not allow them to avail themselves of foreign aid. I do not hesitate to ascribe the evil I have named, and which is often and deservedly lamented, to the want of a suitable education. No all earthly enjoyments, and, by the Divine blessing, to select those, and those only, which will contribute to his temporal and eternal good." "* I would propose that a good Boarding-School be established for the sons of ministers pertaining to our denomination, in which * Pantologia: a work of very consi derable merit, by Dr. Gregory, and Mr. Newton Bosworth, of Cambridge. |