Adolescent CatechesisUSCCB Publishing, 2003 - 66 pages This collection of scholarly and thought-provoking articles, drawn from the interdisciplinary journal The Living Light, focuses on current topics in adolescent catechesis. |
Table des matières
The Spiritual Significance of the Nicodemus Narrative to Youth Ministry | 16 |
Revisiting Adolescent Catechesis | 25 |
A Catechumenal Model for Confirmation | 33 |
Youth and Sports | 44 |
Tools of Assessment | 52 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
ACRE activities adolescent catechesis adults Andrew Greeley asked athletics attend Bible studies born catechetical efforts catechetical leaders catechetical program catechism catechists Catholic coaches Catholic Conference Catholic faith Catholic schooling Catholic Youth Ministry chesis Christian comprehensive youth ministry confirmation context culture diocesan Diocese of Belleville Directory for Catechesis disciples discipleship discussion DREs effective emphasized Eucharist evangelization experience faith community faith tradition focus Framework for Catholic Gaudium et Spes GDC and RTV GDC's goals Gospel Greeley Holy Spirit initiation instructional practice learning Living Light Michael Warren minister ministry with youth mission Nicodemus Narrative parents participate pastoral leaders percent pericope person prayer question reflect religious education Renewing the Vision responsibility retreat rience sacramental Scripture six tasks spiritual renewal sports programs student-learning summative evaluation tasks of catechesis theological tion understanding United States Catholic USCCB Win the Prize World Youth Day young youth catechesis youth ministry program