The Son of GodSword of the Lord Publishers, 2000 - 416 pages |
Expressions et termes fréquents
angels baptism baptized Behold believe believeth Bible blessed blind born bread called Capernaum ceremonial Christian cometh command cross crucified crucifixion dead death deity disciples earth eternal everlasting F. B. Meyer faith Father feast Galilee Gethsemane give glorified glory God's Gospel Gospel of John hate hath healed heard heart Heaven Holy Ghost Holy Spirit Isaiah Israel Jerusalem Jesus answered Jesus Christ Jews John John the Baptist Joseph of Arimathaea Judas Judas Iscariot King Lazarus Lord Jesus Luke Martha Mary Matt Matthew miracles Moses never Nicodemus passover Paul Pentecost Pharisees Pilate pray prayer preach prophet Psalm resurrection righteousness Sabbath salvation Samaria Sanhedrin saved Saviour say unto Scriptures Sea of Galilee sent servant sheep Simon Peter sinner sins spake tell Temple Testament thee things thou hast told trust Christ truth verily VERSES whosoever wicked witness woman word