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Sunday after Sunday he came to the chapel, and at length the Lord gave him peace, and he declared himself on the Lord's side by publicly uniting in fellowship with His people. Years have rolled

away, and the young man is now a venerable patriarch. He has long been laid aside from active duty, and is calmly awaiting the summons which shall call him to his home above. Surely,

"God moves in a mysterious way,

His wonders to perform,"

is the exclamation of the reader. Yes, a mysterious way!-mysterious to us, but not to Himself. His plans are laid with infinite wisdom, and are executed with consummate skill. He hangs mighty issues upon the most trifling incidents in our every-day life.-Revival.

THE LOST CHILD BROUGHT HOME. A GENTLEMAN was passing through one of the streets of Manchester, when his attention was arrested by a low moaning sound which came from the gateway of a large warehouse. Being a kind, Christian man, he stopped, and listened attentively to ascertain if it proceeded from a person in distress. The moan soon burst into a cry; he hurried to the spot, and saw a little girl, about six years old, crouching in the corner to screen herself from the piercing wind which was blowing fiercely around her. Her eyes were red and swollen; and, for some time, sobs prevented her replying to the inquiries of her compassionate friend. After much entreaty, she at length told him, as well as she could, that she had wandered from her home in the morning, and had lost her way; and that she had become so tired and hun

y in her endeavours to retrace her steps, that die sought rest and shelter in this gateway. The gentleman asked her if she could tell him where de itved, and what her name was; but all the information he could gain was, that her name was Sara Giles, and that her mother lived at a small news in a long narrow street. He got her some eu, iad uiler some time set out with her to try escore her to her parents. meagli street after street he conducted the Yasacrer, uni asked many persons if they y cue of the name of Giles living near. e catered a long narrow street, and ssume is inquiries, when the little ha's 't, sir," and conducted

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"I am sure it is very kind of you, sir, to take such trouble about a strange little girl," said the mother; “and may God bless you for it."

"I have done no more for her than has been done for me," replied he, as he directed his eye towards her, and longed to speak to her on spiritual things.

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Were you then, sir, once lost ?" said the woman, becoming interested in his talk; "and did any one bring you home?"

"Yes," replied he, "I was once lost, but not in the sense you mean. We all are lost and sinful creatures. We have wandered from God; we have disobeyed his commandments; are thus in danger of perishing: and if never brought to God through Christ, we shall die in our misery, and be punished with everlasting death. My good woman, you have pitied your child because she was lost, but have you ever pitied yourself, and have you wept over your sinful and perilous condition, as she wept over her forlorn state?"

The woman did not know what to answer. She had never seriously considered the danger in which her soul was placed through sin; and though she had often read the Bible, and attended public worship, she had never felt the question come home to her as she did now. After a few minutes' silence, she said, “Ah, sir, I feel that I am a sinner, and have neglected God; but I hope He will have mercy upon me;" and she burst into



"He has shown much longsuffering and mercy to you already," he replied, or you would not be here talking with me. I do not wonder you are not happy. No one can be really happy so long as he is lost. How wretched your child seemed when I saw her! her tears and cries were piteous;

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but see her now, how glad she is, how she clings to you and delights to see your face and hear your voice. So when a sinner becomes awakened to see his sin and danger, he must be unhappy; but when he is brought back by Christ, and sees and believes Him to be his Saviour, and enjoys His love and peace, he rejoices and is exceeding glad.' As I noticed your great joy when you once more clasped your lost child in your arms, that beautiful passage of Scripture, the fifteenth chapter of Luke, was suggested to my mind. There you will see, in the parables of the lost sheep and the lost piece of silver, as well as in that of the prodigal son, the goodness of God in seeking for the lost, and the rejoicing of Christ, the good Shepherd, and of the angels of God over their recovery. Rejoice with me,' says the shepherd in the parable, for I have found my sheep which was lost;' and likewise the woman whose money was found, says, 'Rejoice with me, for I have found the piece which was lost.' And the Divine and compassionate Saviour adds, 'Likewise I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.'

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The gentleman added no more; but after promising to call again, left the woman to think over what he had said. God greatly blessed that visit. Before the evening closed, she read the fifteenth chapter of Luke, which had been pointed out to her, and offered her first heartfelt prayer to Heaven; and, for the remainder of her life, she thanked God that her child had been lost, and was found by one who had preached to her Jesus Christ, who came "to seek and to save that which was lost."

Reader, have you ever considered whether you are lost? Have you been found by Christ? and

have you listened to His voice, and are you following Him? You must be saved by Him, or you are lost to all eternity. Man cannot save you; you cannot save yourself; Christ alone can save the lost soul. Oh, how soon will your soul be in hell, if it is never brought to the loving arms of the Saviour of lost sinners. Your sins, dear reader, will sink you into everlasting misery, if they are never repented of and washed away through faith in the blood of Jesus.


ONE who was paid his Master to betray,
Soon after which he cast himself away.

A priest of Aaron's race, a captive he had been;
From Babylon he went up to Jerusalem.
One who tried hard to hinder Nehemiah,
But who did not succeed, or get his heart's desire,
A son of Shimei, of Levi's tribe.

Happy are they who in the Lord confide.

One who did build a temple for the Lord,
And often sang His praise and loved His holy

The initials of these names a word will give,
That's loved by many people while on earth
they live.

The finals, too, a dreadful word will spell, Which all who do not shun will have a place in hell.

Now, GLEANERS, see what you can do,

And try to find the answer true.


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