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alive and well; not a hair was touched. It was his quick obedience, you see, that saved his life. He did not stop a minute. Even a moment's hesitation would have been too late.

A BRIEF MEMOIR OF REBECCA ROWE, OF GRAFFHAM, HUNTS. THE subject of this memoir, Rebecca Rowe, was born September 1st, 1849, and was the youngest daughter of the late Henry Rowe, Graffham, Hunts, who "died the death of the righteous," on the 12th day of December, 1867, aged 54 years. This good man was shepherd in the employ of Mr. Geo. Armstrong, whose considerate Christian kindness, together with the tender solicitude of his esteemed wife, are thankfully spoken of by the surviving members of the family, acknowledging their indebtedness for Christian employers to the "Fount of every blessing." From what I have heard Rebecca remark of the Christian character of her dear father, he appears to have been a very godly man, and deeply concerned for the immortal interests of his family, and his tender, fervent prayers on behalf of his wife and children have already received a gracious answer, one dear child going home to glory in a triumphant manner, while another is about to make a public profession of faith in a dear Redeemer.

At a very early age Rebecca left home for domestic service, but in consequence of irregular health she was obliged to return home at intervals to rest awhile, and thus seek to recruit her health and strength. At length, however, notwithstanding these occasional respites from toil, she began to manifest symptoms of consumption in its early

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stages, and through loss of strength she became unable properly to discharge the various duties of her situation. These things occasioned her parents much anxiety, and induced them to try some other means of livelihood for their daughter, whereby her health might be improved, her comforts increased, and her life spared to them. With this view they apprenticed Rebecca to a dressmaker at Buckden, a village near to Graffham; but the change was by no means conducive to improvement of health, for at the expiration of the twelvemonth's apprenticeship she returned home quite ill, the symptoms of disease being marked and alarming. Rest, change, quiet, and the soothing influences of parental affection, under the Divine blessing, however, again restored her to comparative health for a time. What an evervarying, uncertain, yet certain, disease it is! at one time raising our hopes almost to confidence, and anon blighting our prospects, filling our hearts with gnawing grief, and enshrouding the mind in gloom. And how much more are these feelings intensified to Christian friends, when they cannot perceive any real change of heart in the object of their affections. Believing parents, therefore, will easily imagine the exercises of mind and heart conflicts on the part of Rebecca's father, seeing that at this time he had no evidence of his daughter's safety for another world. For awhile, however, the hand of Death was stayed in his solemn work of taking down the "earthly house" tenanted by Rebecca's soul. He had now received a commission from the Lord of angels and men, who holds the "keys of hell and of death," to remove her father, where he stands before the King of saints, and evermore serves in His presence. However, as God's purposes never miscarry, and

all His counsel shall stand, so also the predestined means shall be attended with infallible success. The fervent breathings of his soul gave weight and power to her father's prayers in Rebecca's presence, deeply impressing her mind with the fact that her father was a good man, whose prayers God heard, and whose heart He had chosen for his own dwelling-place (Isa. lxvi. 2; lvii. 15). Unknown to him, the Holy Spirit was preparing, in answer to his prayers, and by means of his godly speech, the mind and heart of Rebecca to receive "the truth as it is in Jesus." Deeply impressed as she had been by parental influence, character, and example, yet she was without spiritual life, and hence she had not yet made fellowship with that dear man in the temple, who cried from his heart, God be merciful to me a sinner." With her father, however, the solemn moment of dissolution had arrived," the silver cord was loosed, the golden bowl broken," and the earthly temple forsaken by his soul for the palace of the Great King, there to join the great multitude who have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Beneath her gaze there lay the mortal remains of her dear father, unconscious of the heart-stricken grief that constrained her to pour forth her bitter lamentations in the following words: "Oh! what shall I do now that my dear father is dead, and I have no one to PRAY for me? Oh! that my father's God would be a Father to me,, e, forgive my sins, and save my precious soul!"


Rebecca was now an orphan, and deeply did she feel her new and solemn position. Oh, how she now pondered in her heart the sayings and prayers of her dear father, and deeply did she feel her dependence upon the sovereign will of Him who

hath said, "I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion" (Rom. ix. 15). From this time Rebecca became a praying soul, knocking at Mercy's door for the pardon of her sins, and for the Saviour's robe of righteousness to clothe and adorn her naked, guilty soul. On my first visit to her, I asked what first led her to cry for mercy, and how she felt in relation to a holy God? Her answer was, "The death of my DEAR father was the means, in the Spirit's hand, of leading me to pray from the heart; for, oh! I saw what a sinful wretch I was, deserving hell and everlasting banishment from God's presence, yet I could not but hopę He would show mercy to me, and save my never-dying soul. Oh! I am such a sinner, such a great sinner, but oh! He is such a GREAT SAVIOUR!" I then inquired what was the experience of her heart at that time. "Oh," said she, my heart seemed so wicked, yes, 'deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked.' My prayer to the Lord was, Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.""

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From these expressions, my readers will perceive what were the solemn exercises of Rebecca's mind at the time of her father's death. And are there not many lovers of the LITTLE GLEANER who can see their own spiritual portrait in these confessions of the heart, and in whose bosoms strange but well understood feelings are glowing, as they read these lines? O ye that love Jesus, that want to love Him, and who are seeking at times with tears to love Him, see here in the family Album (the Bible) the photographs of the hearts of God's dear saints, and then say whether you do not bear some resemblance to them. Be encouraged by these things, and press onwards.

After the decease of her father, it was thought best for Rebecca to remain at home with her widowed mother, which she did for a time; but, feeling a little stronger, she took another situation, but could not long hold it, as her health soon gave way again, obliging her once more to return home. Soon after her return, a kind lady, sister to the clergyman of the parish, took her to Worthing, hoping that a change of air would be beneficial; but all was in vain, for Rebecca still got weaker and was much wasted As a last resort, admission was obtained for her into the Brompton Hospital for Consumption, and there she seemed to improve for a time; but as soon as she came out she began to droop as she had done before, and thus she returned home to await the pleasure of Him who had numbered her days and fixed her bounds, which she could not pass. During last summer she managed to get down to St. Neot's in order to hear the word preached, and, through the kindness of a Christian friend, she was favoured to spend a few weeks there, greatly enjoying the spiritual privileges there.

Week after week passed away, the disease gradually but surely doing its fatal work, but the inward man was renewed day by day by the gracious energy of the Holy Ghost. Finding herself drawing very near her end, and having a grateful remembrance of soul profit and comfort under my ministry during the few weeks she spent in St. Neot's, Rebecca had a very earnest desire that I should visit her, but felt a difficulty in making known her request. However, this trouble was soon removed on its being made known to her generous friends, Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong, who at once sent their servant to drive me over. I shall not soon forget the lovely

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