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months and five days. Vespasian was declared emperor and invited to Rome.

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Resuming the Jewish history, we are, at length, arrived at the great and terrible year of the dissolution of the Jewish economy, A.D. 70. The sound of the Gospel having been conveyed by the apostles and others in less than forty years to the most distant parts of the earth, and numbers of the Gentiles having received the joyful tidings with gladness of heart, God now thought fit to make a dreadful example of the most perverse opposers of it, the Jews; who, for their infidelity, are exhibited as a spectacle to all ages. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God: who can stand when He cometh to judgment ?" The Jews had frequently experienced the divine displeasure; but, though in anger for a small moment He appeared to forsake them, yet in mercy He gathered them again. But they had now filled up the measure of the iniquities, and the Lord would not turn again, nor have compassion no them, until the destined time for their restoration, when Jesus shall come again, and be welcomed by them with "Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord” (Matt. xxiii. 39). But the sad history of the fearful siege and scattering of Jerusalem must be left to another chapter.



AT Cowes, a teacher was one afternoon addressing both teachers and scholars-urging teachers to persevere, scholars to imitate. His remarks were made in allusion to one who had formerly been a scholar among them. The

speaker said business had called him, on a certain day, some distance into the interior of the island (the Isle of Wight), and being on horseback, he gave his horse to a respectable looking lad to hold, whilst he went into a house to transact some matter of business. On coming out he offered the lad a few pence for his services, which were respectfully refused; and in reply he said, "My lad, I must request your acceptance of the trifle, for I never expect people to serve me for nothing. (But hear this, my fellow-teachers, ye who are sometimes fearing you are labouring to no purpose, here was a rich reward on earth for this teacher; and he could scarcely restrain his feelings when he recited it in the Sabbath-school in my hearing.) The lad firmly replied, "I cannot take your money, sir, for I owe you a much larger sum than I shall ever be able to repay. I have not forgotten you, if you have forgotten me: it is to your kindness, united with that of my other friends, that I owe my present comfortable and happy situation. You took me into your school when an outcast; you clothed me when naked; you were fathers and mothers to me when my parents were dead; and can I now take money from you for such a trifling service as this? No, sir; you must excuse me; and may God bless you for your kindness to me!"

The teacher said he had forgotten the boy's features, he was so much improved. He was, he said, a helpless boy, whom himself and a few more friends, who felt for his forlorn situation, had taken by the hand, clothed and educated for some time in their Sabbath-school, until an opportunity offered of placing him in a situation to procure his own living by his industry, and here | he witnessed the fruits of their care.

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(Page 344.)

E STHER-Esther ii. 17.
Vashti-Esther i. 12.
E noch-Gen. v. 22.
R immon-Judges xx. 47.
S heshai-Joshua xv. 14.
Philip-Acts vi. 5.
E non-John iii. 23.
A tad-Gen. 1. 10.

K unah-Joshua xvi. 18.
Tertullus-Acts xxiv. 2.
H ophni-1 Sam. iv. 17.
E li-1 Sam. iv. 18.
Tertius-Rom. xvi. 22.
Rahab-Joshua ii. 12, 13.
U r-Gen. xi. 31.

T erzah-1 Kings xvi. 23.
Hosanna- -Mark xi. 9.

Ever speak truth, for God is true,
And hears the words of me and you;
Himself has said in righteous ire,

The liar's lot is endless fire.

ETERNITY. It is said, that when a celebrated poet was asked by a friend why he took such great pains in writing one of his poems, he replied, "I am writing for eternity." Dear young readers! what thought more important can there be to induce you attentively to listen to the instuctions of your parents and teachers and to the word preached than this-I AM HEARING FOR ETERNITY? Take heed, therefore, how ye hear!"

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ONE bitterly cold winter, a poor woman who had long been struggling against illness and poverty, was left without a shilling in the world. With many tears she was obliged to tell her little boy, who was her only son, that she could give him no breakfast that morning, for she had not a loaf of bread in the Louse. She was therefore very much surprised, when after having been out of the room he presently returned, and began (which he always did) to lay the little white cloth on the table, got out the plates and cups, and put everything in readiness for breakfast,


Why, Frank!" said his mother, "what are you doing that for? did not you hear me say that we have not a bit of bread in the house ?"


Yes, mother, but I have been asking God to send us some, and I know He will hear me, because you know, mother, He says He will," answered the little boy, with a cheerful smile.

His answer cheered the poor widow's heart, and she remembered that God has promised to provide. Men may break their promise, but God never does.

Presently they heard the sound of horse's feet coming up the road. Frank perceived a gentleman leading a horse slowly along. He stopped at the little gate, and said, Look here, my boy, my


horse has lost two shoes and I have still twelve miles to go, take him to the blacksmith's shop over the way, and when you have brought him safely back I will reward you for your trouble. Will you allow me to rest in your cottage in the mean-time ?" he added to the poor widow, who now appeared in the doorway.

"Surely, sir," she answered with a curtsey, " and welcome too;" and hastened to set a chair

for the gentleman. They soon got into conversation. "I am afraid I am keeping you from your breakfast, my good woman," he said, seeing that there was nothing on the table but plates and cups, "pray do just as if you were alone;" and he pressed her so much that the poor woman was at length obliged to tell him the real state of the case. When little Frank came back with the horse the gentleman mounted quickly and rode off, having first dropped a five-shilling piece into the boy's hand. You shall hear from me again," he said, as he galloped away.


Oh, how eagerly Frank ran indoors to show his mother what God had sent him. What was his surprise when, with tears of joy, the poor widow held up a bank-note, exclaiming, “Oh, my child, how could I doubt the Lord for one moment? You were right, you were right, my boy:" and the happy mother and still happier son knelt down and returned most hearty thanks to their Heavenly Father for His goodness to them. "I knew He would send us something," said little Frank. “I knew He would because He

says so.'

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Oh, precious faith in God's promises, that we may find the truth of David's words: "The Lord is a present help in trouble.”


A GIRL thirteen years old was dying. Lifting her eyes towards the ceiling, she said softly, "Lift me higher-lift me higher.' Her parents raised her up with pillows, but she faintly said, "No, not that, but there," again looking earnestly towards heaven, where her happy soul flew a few moments later.

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