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from Lafco in Stanemore, a farther defcription of this wild and folitary part of the world.

28. The 13th of June 1725, I took my leave of my friend, John Price, and his admirable wife, promifing to visit them again as foon as it was in my power, and proceeded on my journey in My departure queft of Mr. Turner. I would not let Price go with me, on fecond thoughts, as many fad accidents might happen in this rough and defolate part of the world, and no relief in fuch cafe to be found. If I fell, there was no one belonging to me to fhed a tear for me: but if a mifchief fhould befal Jack Price, his wife would be miferable indeed, and I the maker of a breach in the sweetest system of felicity that love and good fenfe had ever formed. This made me refufe his repeated offers to accompany me. All I would have was a boy and horse of his, to carry fome provifions wet and dry, as there was no public-houfe to be found in afcending thofe tremendous hills, or in the deep vales thro' which I must go; nor any house that he knew of beyond his own.

With the rifing fun then I fet out, and was charmed for feveral hours with the air and views. The mountains, the rocky precipices, the woods and the waters, appeared

in various striking fituations every mile I travelled on, and formed the most astonishing points of view. Sometimes I was above the clouds, and then crept to inchanting vallies below. Here glins were seen that looked as if the mountains had been rent afunder to form the amazing scenes; and there, forefts and falling ftreams covered the fides of the hills. Rivers in many places, in the most beautiful cafcades, were tumbling along; and cataracts from the tops of mountains came roaring down. The whole was grand, wonderful, and fine. On the top of one of the mountains I paffed over at noon, the air was piercing cold, on account of its great height, and fo fubtle, that we breathed with difficulty, and were a little fick. From hence I faw feveral black fubjacent clouds big with thunder, and the lightening within them rolled backwards and forwards, like fhining bodies of the brightest luftre. One of them went off in the grandeft horrors thro' the vale below, and had no more to do with the pike I was on, than if it had been a fummit in another planet. The fcene was prodigious fine. Sub pedibus ventos & rauca tonitrua calcat.

Till the evening, I rid and walked it, and in numberlefs windings round unpaffable

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hills, and by the fides of rivers it was impoffible to cross, journeyed a great many miles: but no human creature, or any kind of house, did I meet with in all the long. way; and as I arrived at laft at a beautiful lake, whose banks the hand of nature had adorned with vaft old trees, I fat down by this water in the fhade to dine, on a neat's tongue I had got from good Mrs. Price; and was fo delighted with the ftriking beauties and ftillness of the place, that I determined to pafs the night in this fweet retreat. Nor was it one night only, if I had my will, that I would have refted there. Often did I wish for a convenient little lodge by this fweet water fide, and that with the numerous fwans, and other fowl that lived there, I might have spent my time in peace below, till I was removed to the established feat of happiness above.

A reflection.

29. Had this been poffible, I fhould have avoided many an affliction, and had known but few of thofe expectations and difappointments which render life a scene of emptinefs, and bitternefs itself. My years would have rolled on in peace and wisdom, in this fequeftered, delightful fcene, and my filent meditations had been productive of that good temper


and good action, which the refurrection of the dead, the diffolution of the world, the judgment day, and the eternal state of men, require us to have. Free from the various perplexities and troubles I have experienced by land and fea, in different parts of the world, I fhould have lived, in this paradife of a place, in the enjoyment of that fine happiness, which eafy country business and a ftudious life afford; and might have made a better preparation for that hour which is to difunite me, and let my invifible spirit depart to the fhades of eternity. Happy they, who in fome fuch rural retirement can employ fome useful hours every day in the management of a little comfortable farm, and devote the greater portion of their time to facred knowledge, heavenly piety, and angelic goodness, which cannot be dif folved when the thinker goes, nor be confined to the box of obfcurity, under the clods. of the earth; but will exift in our fouls for ever, and enable us to depart in peaceto the happy regions. This has ever made. me prefer a retired country life, when it was in my power to enjoy it. But be it town or country, the main bufinefs, my good readers, fhould be to fecure an inheritance in that eternal world, where the fanctified live with God and his Christ. Getting, keeping, multiplying money; drefs, I 5 pleasure,

pleasure, entry; are not only little things for fuch beings as we are: they are indeed fad principal work for creatures that are passing away to an everlasting state; there to lament their loft day, and talents mifapplied, in dreadful agonies, in the habitations of darkness ;--or to remain for ever in the habitations of light, peace, and joy, if you have laboured to obtain, and improve in the graces and virtuous qualities which the gospel recommends. These are the treasure and poffeffion worth a Christian's acquiring. Thefe only are portable into the eternal world; when the body that was cloathed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day, is laid in a cold and narrow cave. Take my advice then, reader. Be ready. Let us fo think and act in this first state, that in the next we may meet in the regions of purity and righteoufnefs, ferenity and joy.

An account of

an extraordinary effufion of water from a mountain.

30. The lake I have mentioned was the largest I had feen in this wild part, being above a mile in length, and more than half a mile broad; and the water that filled it burft with the greatest impetuofity from the infide of a rocky mountain, that is very wonderful to behold. It is a vast craggy precipice,

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