: 1 OF ALL THE RELIGIONS, AND VARIOUS SECTS IN RELIGION, That have prevailed in the World, IN ALL NATIONS, AND IN ALL AGES, SHEWING SOME OF THEIR GROSS ABSURDITIES, SHOCKING IMPIETIES, AND RIDICULOUS INCONSISTENCES; EXTRACTED From ANCIENT and MODERN HISTORY, And fome of the most Illustrious Philosophers: A History so replete with an almost incredible diversity of Sentiments BY WILLIAM HECKFORD, Esq. And if it seem Evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom JOSHUA, ch. xxiv. ver. 15. LONDON: PRINTED FOR WILLIAM LANE, AT THE Minerva Press, LEADENHALL STREET. M DCC XC1. PREFACE. 1 HISTORY is generally allowed by all diftinguished writers, to be the most instructing and useful branch of literature, and as no work of this kind (divested of all extraneous matter) has ever appeared in this shape, it cannot fail to render the ensuing pages entertaining to a curious and inquifitive mind, and needs little further apology to the reader. The many glaring absurdities, and shocking impieties to be met with in the course |