such an efficient and resident Clergy6 as is unparalleled in the British Empire. With respect to the choice of a successor to fill the high station which these distinguished Prelates had adorned, there has been but one voice; and the appointment has been hailed with exultation by the Irish Clergy. They deeply felt the services which mild but firm dignity, active but unostentatious exertion had conferred upon the Church, and rejoiced that the sphere of their influence was now enlarged. Might I presume to address that exalted Individual, I would say-" Quid est, quod ego te horter, ut dignitati et gloriæ "servias? Proponam tibi claros viros, quod facere solent, qui "hortantur? Neminem habeo clariorem quam te ipsum. "Te imitere oportet, Tecum ipse certes." 7 (6) See return to Parliament of Diocess of Armagh, 1819, in which it appears that in the whole Diocess there are only three Rectors resident on other livings :- Absent with leave, Two, and without leave-None. (7) Ciceronis Epist. ad Atticum. Lib. xiv. APPENDIX, CONTAINING THE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF The Association, FROM ITS INSTITUTION, TO THE 5TH OF JANUARY, 1822; THE PRESENT REGULATIONS RESPECTING THE PRINCIPAL OBJECTS OF The Society, AND LISTS OF ITS MEMBERS, CONTRIBUTORS, AND SCHOOLS. WITH A CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, Which are Sold at Reduced Prices. PERSONS desirous of obtaining information concerning the general designs of the Association, or any of its particular objects, are requested to make enquiry at the Board-Room, No. 7, Capel-street; of the Secretaries, the Very Rev. the Dean of ARDAGH, and the Rev. GEORGE O'CONNOR; or, of the Assistant Secretary and Sub-Treasurer, the Rev. JAMES WILSON. Attendance is given at the Board-Room every Week-day, from Eleven to Five o'Clock. The stated Board Meetings of the Society, are held at One o'Clock on the first Thursday of every month, from October to July; and the General Committee or Council, meet on every Thursday, during the same months. Subscriptions and Donations from Members or other Persons, are received by the Sub-Treasurer: the Subscriptions for each Year being considered as due on the First of January. As a Report will be published Yearly in the Month of February, to which will be subjoined a list of the Members, with the amount of the Subscription of each to the Funds, and an Account of the Subscriptions and Benefactions received within the preceding Year : it is requested that any Errata in the Lists of the present Publication, may be pointed out to the Assistant Secretary, in order to their being corrected in the future Reports. And it is also requested, that Members resident in the Country, will before the beginning of February, 1823, acquaint the Assistant Secretary with their Addresses, in order to their being annexed to their Names in the next Report. Communications on this or any other subject connected with the objects of the Association, if made through the Post Office, are to be enclosed in an unsealed Cover, addressed to "Sir Edward S. Lees," "On the busi"ness of the Association," "7, Capel-street." Persons desirous of becoming Members of the Association, are to be proposed by Two Members at a Meeting of the Board or Council, the Subscription for the current Year having been first deposited with the SubTreasurer. The ballot to take place at the next succeeding General Meeting, and in case of non-admission, the Subscription to be returned. With the exceptions of the higher Dignitaries of the Church, and of persons who are proposed as Honorary Members, Candidates for admission engage to pay an Annual Subscription of not less than One Guinea, from the time of their becoming Members. Clergymen officiating in any Cure, and whose professional income does not exceed One Hundred Pounds per Annum, may become Members, and during the continuance of such circumstances, remain so, by the payment of a Half Guinea yearly Subscription; and any Member who at one time contributes, or who has previously to his admission, contributed Twenty Pounds to the Funds, may become a Member for life, without further Subscription. All Subscribing Members, who are not in arrear, have the privilege of purchasing books for distribution, from the list recommended by the Association, to the amonnt of three times their Subscription for the year in which the purchase is made; Members for life, being in this respect classed with Annual Subscribers to the amount of a Guinea. This privilege, however, or any other privilege of a Member, cannot be exercised by any person who is in arrear for Subscription. And all Subscribing Members who have not paid their annual Subscription on or before the 31st of December, in each year subsequent to the year of their admission, are considered in arrear by the Society. OF THE ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED FOR DISCOUNTENANCING VÍCE AND PROMOTING THE KNOWLEDGE AND PRACTICE OF THE Christian Religion. PRESIDENT, His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant. VICE-PRESIDENTS, His Grace the Lord Primate. The Rev. the Provost. Two Vacant. SECRETARIES, Rev. Dean R. Graves. Rev. George O'Connor. ASSISTANT SECRETARY AND SUB-TREASURER, The Rev James Wilson. TREASURERS, The Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland. LAW AGENT, John Litton, Esq. 20, Leeson-street. ACCOUNTANT AND COLLECTOR OF SUBSCRIPTIONS, Mr. Henry Harris. BOOK-SELLER, Mrs. Ann Watson, 7, Capel-street. |