1800-1801. RECEIPTS, FROM 1st JULY, 1800, TO 31st DECEMBER, 1801 s. d. Balance in favour of the Association, Ist July, 1800 48 15 10 Subscriptions and Donations 447 18 9 the Criminal Poor 720 Tracts sold 25 74 £829 3 11 1800-1801. EXPENDITURE, FROM 1st JULY, 1800, ΤΟ 31st DECEMBER, 1801. Printing 6500 Tracts, &c. published by the Association, and saleable at reduced prices, or distributed gratis Reducing the price of 56000 Tracts recommended by the Association, but not pub lished by them Do. of 2,200 large Octavo Bibles Do. of 10,206 Testaments and Prayer Books 200 00 127 11 6. 46 11 5 chetical Examinations, in the year 1801 Chaplain to the late Reform of the Criminal A Corporation Seal A Book-Case for the use of the Association A Year and an Half's Salary to Assistant Secretary Do. to Messenger To Assistant Secretary for collecting Sub 19 17 0 999 133 93 14 £829 3 114 Balance in favour of the Association, 31st De- Subscriptions and Donations Parliamentary Grant for 1802 93 1 4 310 17 4 20 10 6 67500 £1099 92 1802. EXPENDITURES, FROM 31st DECEMBER, 1801, ΤΟ 5th JANUARY, Printing 3760 Tracts, &c. published by the Association, and saleable at reduced Prices, or distributed gratis 49 5 5 Reducing the Price of 40,000 Tracts recom mended by the Association, but not pub 85 28 lished by them Ditto of 1100 large Octavo Bibles Expenses on importing 1175 English Octavo Bibles; a Donation from the Society in ledge |