OF THE ASSOCIATION. САТЕСНETICAL COMMITTEE. The Vice Presidents and Se- | The Rev. J. J. D. La Touche, cretaries, with the following Members, The Rev. the Archdeacon of The Rev. George Blacker, The Hon. and Rev. Henry Pakenham, The Rev. James Reid, The Rev. Doctor E. Stopford, The Rev. William Whitelaw. COMMITTEE OF ACCOUNTS. The Vice Presidents and Se- | Robert Lannigan, Esq. cretaries, with the following | Members, Colonel Blacker, Hon. James Hewitt, William D. La Touche, Esq. Doctor Orpen, P. Æ. Singer, Esq. Benjamin Woodward, Esq. THE GENERAL COMMITTEE OR COUNCIL IS COMPOSED OF THE FOUR COMMITTEES OF CATECHISM, TRACTS, SCHOOLS, AND ACCOUNTS, And it is to be remarked, that, by the laws of the Association, all Archbishops and Bishops who are pleased to attend Meetings of any Committee of the Society, possess at such Meetings, the powers of Members of the Committee. CONTENTS OF THE APPENDIX. Page. I. Receipts and Expenditures of the Society, from its institution to the 5th of January, 1822 i 11. Statement of the Total distribution of Books and Tracts by the Society, to the 5th January, 1822 Ivi III. General Plan for Catechetical Examinations throughout Ireland lvii institutions for Education, in Dublin and its Vicinity V. Account of Catechetical Premiums, voted during the year 1822 lxix VI. A detailed account of the Catechetical Premiums which have lxv been distributed in Fifteen successive Years Ixxiii VII. Regulations respecting Aids to Schools, with Queries, to be answered by Persons making Application lxxiv VIII. Account of the several Aids for Building School-houses, which have been paid by the Society lxxx IX. Number of Schools which have received Aids of Salary and Gratuity in Seventeen successive Years, with the Amount lxxxv X. List of Schools at present receiving Aid of Salary, with the Number of Scholars on the Roll of each School, as Certified _in the last Half-yearly Returns XI. List of Schools at present suspended or transferred lxxxvi xcvii Salary xeviii XIII. Plan for forming Diocesan Committees, with a List of the xcix Year 1821 XIV. List of Members with the years of their Admission Catalogue of the Books distributed by the Society cxlvii APPENDIX, No. İ. Receipts & Expenditures, OF THE ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED FOR DISCOUNTENANCING VICE, AND PROMOTING THE KNOWLEDGE AND PRACTICE OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION, FROM THE 9TH OF OCTOBER, 1792, (THE DAY OF ITS INSTITUTION) ΤΟ THE 5TH OF JANUARY, 1822. 1792-1794..... RECEIPTS, FROM 9th OCTOBER, 1792, TO 17th JUNE, 1794. Donation from a person unknown, by the hands of Robert French, Esq. L. s. d. 112 18 10 12 15 8 20 00 2000 161 10 6 Persons not Members 6 16 6 £334 1 6 1792-1794. EXPENDITURES, FROM 9th OCTOBER, 1792, ΤΟ 17th JUNE, 1794. For Printing at sundry times the following Tracts, &c. saleable to Annual Subscribers at half price, 6000 Serious Exhortation to the Public, Nov. 700 Prayers for Hospitals, May, 1793 48 63 2000 Adams's Pastoral Advice, ditto 1000 Finch on Oaths, July, 1793 500 Hints on Lducation, ditto 1000 Gibson's Advice to Sick Persons, ditto 2000 Queries to Persons absenting themselves from the Holy Sacrament, August, 1793 4000 Porteus, on Good-Friday, April, 1794 2000 Exhortation to the Duty of Catechising, May, 1794 For 350 Quarto Bibles, paid for to Mr. Grierson, at 4s. 2d. each (saleable to Annual sub scribers, at 2s. 8d. Advertisements, Printing, Stationary, &c. 72 18 4 Contribution to the Establishment for reform ing the Criminal Poor, Feb. 1794 Balance in the Treasurer's hands, 17th June, 1794 £334 16 |