1794-1795. RECEIPTS, FROM 17th JUNE, 1794, TO 31st MARCH, 1795. Balance in Treasurer's hands 17th June, 1794 Subscriptions from Members - Ditto from Countess Fitzwilliam Ditto from Lord Arden Ditto from Persons not Members 148 8 10 100.00 1794-1795. EXPENDITURES, FROM 17th JUNE, 1794, ΤΟ 31st MARCH, 1795. s. d. 16 14 2 For Printing at sundry times the following Tracts, &c. saleable to Subscribers at half price, 1000 Report of Committee on Catechetical Examinations, July, 1794 5000 Queries to Persons absenting themselves from the Holy Sacrament, Sept. 1794 2000 Exhortation to the Duty of Family Prayer, with different Forms annexed, Oct. 1794 2000 Exhortation to the Duty of Catechising, January, 1795 For 300 Quarto Bibles, paid for to Mr. Grier son, at 4s. 2d. each, saleable to Subscribers, at 2s. 8d. For Advertising, Printing and Stationary Catechetical Examinations Contribution towards the Support of a School for the Children of Poor Soldiers Contribution towards distributing Five Thou L. 62 10 0 26 11 4 36 28 14 1 4 150 00 sand large Octavo Bibles For Printing Rev. R. Graves's Sermon, distributed among the Members, &c. For incidental and petty charges Balance in Treasurer's hands, 31st March, 1795 12 7 3 8 127 92 18 10 £419 18 3 1795-1796. RECEIPTS, FROM 31st MARCH, 1795, TO 25th JULY, 1796. Balance in Treasurer's hands, 31st March, 1795 Donation from his Excellency Earl Camden, Ditto from his Grace the Lord Primate M 94 7 6 £636 38 1795-1796. EXPENDITURES, FROM 31st MARCH, 1795, ΤΟ 25th JULY, 1796. Printing the following Tracts, &c. saleable to edition 2000 Serious Exhortation to the Public, 2d edition 2000 Gibson's Advice to the Sick, 2d edition 2000 Exhortation to Family Prayer, with different Forms annexed, 2d edition 1000 Hincks's Answer to Paine's Age of 250 Watson's Apology for the Bible 1000 Sermon Preached before the Association, by the Rev. Doctor Burrowes, 5th March, Printing 55,000 Moral and Entertaining Tracts Contribution for distributing, at reduced prices, 4000 Testaments Premiums and other expenses incurred by Ca techetical Examinations in 1795 and 1796 Contribution towards the support of the Re form of the Criminal Poor Contribution towards the Support of a School 100 40 106 10 0 5000 105 76 61 76 for Soldiers' Children 2948 Assistant Secretary and Messengers Balance in Treasurer's hands, 25th July, 1796 |