SERMON, PREACHED BEFORE HIS EXCELLENCY, RICHARD, MARQUESS WELLESLEY, LORD LIEUTENANT, PRESIDENT, AND THE MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION, INCORPORATED FOR DISCOUNTENANCING VICE AND PROMOTING the KNOWLEDGE IN SAINT PETER'S CHURCH, ON FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1822, BY CHARLES R. ELRINGTON, D. D. FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN, AND CHAPLAIN TO HIS EXCELLENCY, THE LORD LIEUTENANT. DUBLIN: PRINTED FOR ANN WATSON, CAPEL-STREET. 1822. Gough, Bublin Add Ireland At a General Meeting of the Association Incorporated for Discountenancing Vice, and Promoting the Knowledge and Practice of the Christian Religion, held in St. Peter's Vestry Room, on Friday, June 14, 1822; The LORD BISHOP of KILMORE, IN THE CHAIR, It was unanimously Resolved, on the motion of the Lord Bishop of Down, seconded by the Lord Bishop of RAPHOE, "That the Thanks of the Association be presented to "the REV. DOCTOR ELRINGTON, for his excellent "Sermon preached before them this day, and that he be "requested to permit its publication. ΤΟ HIS EXCELLENCY, RICHARD, MARQUESS WELLESLEY, K. G LORD LIEUTENANT. GENERAL, AND GENERAL GOVERNOR OF IRELAND, PRESIDENT OF THE ASSOCIATION Incorporated for DISCOUNTENANCING VICE, AND PROMOTINg the KNOWLEDGE AND PRACTICE OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION, THIS SERMON IS RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED, BY HIS EXCELLENCY'S MOST DEVOTED, AND MOST OBEDIENT HUMBLE SERVANT, C. R. ELRINGTON, SERMON, &c. ISAIAH, liv. 13. "All thy Children shall be taught of the Lord, and great "shall be the peace of thy Children.” THIS consolatory, this animating promise follows a magnificent description of the future glories of the Christian Church, a description clothed in all the splendid imagery and glowing colours, which distinguish the compositions of this inspired messenger of the Most High. Rapt into future times, the prophet penetrates the clouds, which envelope the mystical Jerusalem; undismayed by the tempest which beats upon the Church of God, he discerns the light of the people through the darkness, which the violence of enemies and the apostacy of rebellious sons had occasioned, |