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delity is, in objecting to that humble ftate of life in which he appeared.

Let us next confider our bleffed Lord as a perfect Pattern of Righteousness : and here again we shall difcern the wife and excellent ends which were answered by his Humiliation.

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The great ones of this world move in a sphere fo exalted, that they are rather objects of wonder than of imitation. Our judgments of their actions are often imperfect and erroneous; for we cannot examine them accurately and if we could, they are of that nature which few of all the race of mankind can hope to emulate. The Condefcenfion of Dignity, the humane and moderate exercife of Power;-thefe are the virtues of a few. The opportunities of displaying them do not conftantly occur, and those of imitating them are ftill rarer. But Piety, Gentleness, Temperance, Charity, Meeknefs, Patience, and Forgiveness of injuries-thefe are virtues fuited to all ftations, to all perfons, and to all times,

To difplay thefe virtues in their genuine beauty, the lowly ftate which our


Lord affumed, afforded conftant opportunities and in all of them he "left us an Example, that we might follow his steps."

As thefe Virtues were difplayed by him in a state of Poverty, he has taught us that worldly distinctions are not effential to the performance of good actions: That "whofoever doeth the will of God (let his fituation be what it may) is accepted of him."In Chrift Jefus we find no rigid notions of feclufion from the world: but a confummate Pattern of that life which Nature, Reafon, and Religion all point out to us,a life of focial connexion, of active duty, of goodness and benevolence. Nor, in his Afflictions, do we find him boasting of any indifference to the Evils of human nature. His Patience and Refignation were, on the contrary, attended by the moft exquifite Tenderness and Senfibility. He was deeply impreffed with the Sorrows of thofe around him, and he felt the full weight of his own Sufferings.

So that the Humiliation of our bleffed Lord rendered his Example not only


the moft illuftrious, but of the moft general ufe to his followers of

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every Station, in their journey through life. -If they be high in rank, ennobled by birth, or distinguished for genius, let them learn Meeknefs and Condefcenfion of their Divine Master; who, though he was “in the form of God, and equal with God,' yet defcended from his everlasting Glory, "and took upon him the form of a Servant.If they be distressed and made to fuffer the hardships of Neceffity"he had not where to lay his head!"If they be reviled and perfecuted, and treated with unmerited cruelty-" behold and fee if there was any Sorrow like unto his Sorrow:" Yet, when he was reviled, he reviled not again,—when he fuffered he threatened not; but fubmitted himfelf to Him that judgeth righteously. He gave his back to the fmiters, and his cheek to them that plucked off the hair; he hid not his face from shame and fpitting." In all the revilings, perfecutions, and cruelties of his infatuated enemies, " he opened not his mouth,"-unless it was in Prayer to


God for their Pardon and Salvation! -How muft the Powers of Darkness have triumphed in all these circumftances of humiliation! How must they have exulted to behold Meffiah, the fublimely-predicted Prince, apparently mock the terms of magnificent Prophecy by his mean appearance! How must they have rejoiced to fee, under their dominion," the Anointed, who was to proclaim liberty to the Captives; the Glory of the Lord, and the Excellency of our God; the Mighty One who was to travel in the greatnefs of his Strength:" -how muft they have triumphed, I say, exulted and rejoiced, to see him appear in the lowlieft ftate of human Weakness! to fee him the infant of humble parentage, on his entrance into the world, depofited in a manger! to behold him


grow up as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ungenial ground! to fee him attended by a few unlettered villagers and fishermen, defpifed like their Master! to hear the great and reverend of his nation infult and deride him! to behold him at last expire on a crofs,

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cross, amidst the taunts and revilings of an unfeeling multitude!

But, gracious God! are there human beings who can rejoice at these things? -Are there human creatures, who refemble the Powers of Darknefs, and are thus enemies to that Crofs of Chrift on which he bled to fave them ?If we we were not convinced of this,-if their writings did not teftify that they are of fended at, and afhamed of the Saviour who thus lived in Poverty, and died in ignominious torture, we (knowing the Neceffity for these things) should not credit the fact.


But, my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your ways, faith the Lord." In the defpised and afflicted Jefus was the Power of the Godhead displayed. If he became "of no Reputation;" yet did he retain that ftrength which alone could command and controul all nature. If he was feized as a Malefactor, and nailed to the Crofs; yet there did he bruife the head of that Serpent which occafioned the fall of man.-If "he made his grave with the Wicked,"

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